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  • I want to ask you not to change who you are …

    Posted by Brian St. August on 23/03/2020 at 15:21

    Mona and Lisa … since this is “Ask the MonaLisa Twins”, I want to sincerely ASK you to never change who you are as quality human beings who just happen to be incredibly talented musicians and performers. Given all of the angst there is globally, I can honestly say that the two of you bring so much good energy into our lives just by being the amazing people that you are. I know that you will change as artists… grow and evolve… and you will change styles occasionally, but I honestly ask you to never lose your optimism, your zest for life, your love for your music and for each other. I think it may be hard for you to realize what a gift you give with your talent and your sense of humor to those of us that enjoy your music and your personalities. There is nothing so beautiful to experience than someone doing exactly what they are and enjoying every moment of it. That is what I experience with every song you sing and video you make. Much love and big hugs to both of you. You are both so very special.

    Stephen Krogh replied 4 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/03/2020 at 15:21

    Thanks a lot, we’re grateful you feel that way and that you get so much positive out of our music and what we do.

    In some ways, we still hope to “change” a lot, to grow and to improve but we get your sentiment, take it as a compliment and say thanks 🙂

    Hope you’re happy, safe and healthy,


  • Brian St. August

    23/03/2020 at 18:09

    Thank you, Mona, for your thoughtful response as always. Stay well and joyous …

  • Howard

    24/03/2020 at 02:55

    Well stated Brian. I think we all feel the same way about them and I’m sure that they are going to continue to change without losing their love and enthusiasm for music and the joy it can bring to all of us. Thanks to their father, we have been able to witness these changes through their many videos and recordings. Throughout their career, their healthy and positive values have shone through!

    We are very fortunate to be able to join them on their extraordinary, magical music journey.

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/03/2020 at 03:12

    And I echo both of what Brian/Howard have stated here, and Mona’s reply was exquisitely spoken of☮️

  • Jung Roe

    24/03/2020 at 04:13

    Couldn’t agree with you more Brian!

  • Paul Steinmayer

    24/03/2020 at 11:10

    You hit the nail squarely on the head Brian!!!  Well said…

  • John Behle

    27/03/2020 at 03:57

    Agreed Brian.  These two wonderful artists and the entire family are incredibly inspiring and amazing people.  Everyday their influence makes this a better world.  I echo the desire to see them never lose any of that, but from what I’ve seen, this is just the core of who they are.  I sometimes ponder a little why I love them so much, then I see others who they influence on a daily basis.  People who have greater love of life, joy, help in fighting pain or inspiration.

    At first it was a little startling.  I would read about people being inspired to paint or write poetry.  I ran across Jerry’s video tribute.  I would read the comments from others.  I’ve rarely seen anything like it.  Every day would just amaze me more.  I hope they can take joy in the great influence they have in the world.  I think they realize that it’s who they are that drives the extra beauty or magic in their music.   I doubt that could or would ever change, but for me I treasure each day that they are who they are and do what they do.

  • Brian St. August

    27/03/2020 at 13:35

    Perfectly stated John Behle… I loved every word you said.

  • Stephen Krogh

    28/03/2020 at 00:57

    Thanks Brian, John and everybody for expressing these heartfelt sentiments that convey how so so many of us feel about Mona and Lisa and the whole family. They are such an uncommon but truly authentic source of joy and inspiration.

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