MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Greatest guitar intro riffs of all time

  • Greatest guitar intro riffs of all time

    Posted by Jung Roe on 27/03/2020 at 21:09

    I think many of the greatest songs of all time, have signature guitar intro riffs that really stand out that make them great.  On When We’re Together and Orange, there are plenty of great guitar intros. Mona and Lisa are no strangers to awesome guitar riffs in their originals and covers!

    All About Falling In Love



    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 31 Replies
  • 31 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2020 at 21:10

    Hotel California


  • Jung Roe

    27/03/2020 at 21:11

    Here is a great video capturing some of the greatest guitar intros of all time.
    What are some of your favorite guitar intros?
    Top 20 guitar intros of all time

  • David Herrick

    27/03/2020 at 21:45

    Well, we talked a while back about some Beatle intros like “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “Ticket to Ride”.  A couple more that come immediately to my mind are the Beach Boys’ “Fun Fun Fun” and the Monkees’ unheralded “While I Cry”.


  • Jacki Hopper

    28/03/2020 at 00:20

    Lol… Good topic, yes, all MLT guitar riffs, Jeff Healey, Al Connelly (from Glass Tiger), Andy Taylor (formerly from Duran Duran), Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Randy Bachman, etc…. If I like the Guitar Riffing from the Get-go, it’s definitely That Awesome??

  • Thomas Randall

    28/03/2020 at 00:25

    One obvious choice would be “And your bird can sing”! Others off the top of my head include “Sunshine of your love”, “Down on the corner”, “Satisfaction” just to name a couple.

  • Jung Roe

    28/03/2020 at 23:44

    David, Jacki, Thomas, some great ones mentioned.

    Couple that stand out for me are Deep Purple Smoke on the Water, and The Guess Who with American Woman.  But of course there are so many others.

    With MLT their 2007 “Alone” has a remarkably nice guitar intro.  “Nothing Is In Vain” always evokes out of this world feelings, and  one day would love to see Lisa light up her Duo Jet on “Club 27”.  Smoke on the Water and American Woman Territory.

  • Howard

    29/03/2020 at 06:46

    Yes, we’ve been down this path in the forum several times. How about the following:

  • Jung Roe

    29/03/2020 at 08:36

    Some great guitar riffs in that video Howard.

    I didn’t distinguish between acoustic vs electric guitar intros, but here is a second video by Rick Beato called top 20 electric guitar intros of all time.  He switches between a number of different electric guitars here.  I suppose he feels some electric guitar riff intros sound better with certain guitars.



  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2020 at 20:11

    As Rick Beato in this last video indicates, an effective guitar riff intro does not have to be long at all.  Fast forward the video to his #1 Electric Guitar Greatest Intro, and you will see what I mean.   This is true with MLTs guitar lead in on In It For Love, and Close To You which are some of the best.

    The guitar riff intro in Nothing Is In Vain is very unique and sets a very effective tone and mood for the entire songs right from the beginning.



  • Jung Roe

    10/04/2020 at 20:29

    While I posted on another thread the best Beatles Intros, a couple of my favorite Beatles guitar Intro riffs would be Norwegian Wood, and While My Guitar Gently Weeps which MLT did a stellar cover of.


  • Jim Yahr

    11/04/2020 at 05:35

    As far as Beatles go, I like the simplicity of the intro to Eight Days a Week.  It’s short, sweet, and instantly recognizable.


  • Jung Roe

    11/04/2020 at 20:23

    Agree Jim, the lead into Eight Days a Week is iconic.  There are so many great Beatles intros.  And I Love Her, Ticket To Ride, Day Tripper…list just goes on.

  • Jung Roe

    19/04/2020 at 00:43

    MLT early duo session 8 Days a Week!  In one word, AWESOME.

    Check out that raw acoustic iconic intro riff!

  • Jung Roe

    30/04/2020 at 07:12

    I love this intro too.  Funny this melody just popped in my head today.  A fitting song for these days: “Stuck inside these four walls, sent inside forever, never seeing no one….If I ever get out of here…”

  • David Herrick

    30/04/2020 at 16:55

    You’re right, Jung.  Very distinctive intro to one of my favorite Wings songs, with its three separate “movements”.  Pretty much every time I tried to turn onto a busy road (back when there were busy roads), the line “if I ever get out of here” would materialize in my brain and launch me into the song.

    The photo shown here is the cover of Paul’s 1987 greatest hits album, which was my first post-Beatles McCartney album purchase.  Fortunately the record store was selling the Parlophone version and not the Capitol version, or else I would have missed out on gems like “Maybe I’m Amazed”, “Mull of Kintyre”, and “Pipes of Peace”.


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