MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Aging folkie, recent MLT fan


  • Aging folkie, recent MLT fan

    Posted by Robert Ahearne on 03/04/2020 at 11:07

    Howdy everyone –  On Feb 21 2020 (a blessed day) a Facebook friend posted a video from our beloved duo (Till There Was You). This was my first exposure to the twins (I live in a cave, apparently), and the rest is history. They are a balm for the soul. I’m a fan for life.

    My name is Robert; I’m an American (right up front, I apologize for our current government – although I voted for Hillary); I live in Boston; my wife is a Palestinian living in Syria with our infant son; I’ve an 18-year-old and a 20-year-old from my first marriage (beautiful kids);  I’m a software engineer (so, thankfully, I still have a job); my hobbies include board & card games (I’m an evangelist, really) and singing fairly well while playing the guitar rather badly.

    One thing I’ll share:  a friend pointed me to a vocals-only track of the Beatles singing Help!.  Such tracks by other bands might be woefully disappointing, but not the Fab four:

    I’d love to hear such tracks from the magnificent Mona & Lisa 🙂

    Peace to all

    Robert Ahearne replied 4 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    03/04/2020 at 14:24

    Hi Robert from Boston, I’m Jacki from Ottawa Canada, nice to meet you. Thankyou for your animated intro…So glad you have now come out from under the rock, and  congrats to now being a full fledged MLTBuzzerGroovier, aren’t they just the best?!… I became a Lifelong myself 13 yrs ago by happy discovery looking for a decent “California Dreamin” cover, thinking I’d never would come an effort even remotely close, then, as fate intervened, MLT came up and it was then and there decided upon, To become a Lifelong fan… Oh, I enjoy writing poetry, drawing/doodling/sketching, being creative, in general, and can sing, though not great but tolerable to most ears, play tambourine… Enjoy the MLT Club experience ?✌️

  • Jung Roe

    03/04/2020 at 22:10

    Hi Robert, welcome to the

    MLT Club script 2

    Really glad you joined, and hope you enjoy all the wonderful things at the club.

    Thanks for sharing that video, it is delightful to hear the Beatles vocals only harmony.  Mona and Lisa do a very impressive acoustic version of “Help” with wonderful harmonies on one of the Billy Butler Radio shows at the Radio interview section of the club I recommend having a listen if you haven’t heard it yet.  I’m also blown away by their vocals only harmony on “Little Drummer Boy”.

  • Howard

    05/04/2020 at 15:59

    Hi Robert. Nice to see you joining this fabulous Club and offering such a detailed introduction. I too was blown away that memorable night I discovered the MonaLisa Twins and could not understand how they could have been around for so long without me knowing. Seems a total travesty that they are not known throughout the world like the Beatles themselves were.

  • Robert Ahearne

    06/04/2020 at 01:35

    Howdy Jacki, Jung, Howard (and all) – thanks for the welcome.  Glad to be here.

    Music is more of a solace than ever before (for me at least), and Mona and Lisa are among those who ease my soul the most.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    08/04/2020 at 12:47

    Hello and Howdy Robert,

    Thank you for saying hi and welcome aboard!

    So you discovered our music and only a few days later the world starts to go mad and you can’t leave your house anymore … we promise, it wasn’t our fault! 😉

    Seriously though, thank you for your support in these trying times and we appreciate you sharing a bit more about yourself with us. We hope you and your loved ones around the world are doing well and send all the best and much peace & love from across the pond!

    Mona & Lisa

  • Robert Ahearne

    08/04/2020 at 13:30


    Thank you for your welcome and your kind words.  No worries!  You and Lisa and your family musical enterprise are nothing but a help in these hard times (a blessing, really). I love not only your sound, but your spirit. Thanks for all you do (all y’all do).


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