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  • Pretty Flamingo – Duo Session

    Posted by Howard on 07/05/2020 at 00:27

    Hi Mona and Lisa. Thank you for your latest duo session ”Pretty Flamingo”. That was an awesome cover of one of my favourite songs from the sixties.

    Mona, you showed very impressive skills with your percussion and harmonica playing. However, this song also lends itself well to the flute. Did you give it some thought when considering your instrument options?

    I’ve been very pleased with your choice of duo selections so far and am already excited about what’s coming next. In the meantime, this beauty will keep me going!


    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    07/05/2020 at 00:27

    Hi Howard!

    We actually did think about getting out the flute for that song but the blues harp won in the end as we thought it would fit the song much better. Maybe one day the flute will make its debut in a duo session but it would have to make sense musically. 🙂

    I’m glad you are enjoying the covers. We’ve been loving the freedom it gives us to explore different songs and styles without making a full 2-week production out of it. There will definitely be more coming soon!

    I hope you’re well!

  • Howard

    07/05/2020 at 02:14

    I think you made the right decision Mona, as I have stated elsewhere, even the MonaLisa Twins would have found it difficult to manage the lead vocals, boom box (?) and shaker at the same time as playing the flute. Your blues harp playing is coming along well. Paul Jones himself would have been impressed with your efforts.

    I am well and hope you and the whole family are all well too.

  • Jung Roe

    07/05/2020 at 06:41

    I don’t know how you do it Mona in “It Aint Me Babe” for example, singing, harmonica, guitar, and keeping rhythm on the wazinator, all so brilliantly.  A famous Van Cliburn has to give it his all just to play his one instrument, the piano, perfectly with the orchestra, but you with 2 instruments, rhythm section, and singing:  what you do isn’t humanly possible!  You must be a super human, and on top of it all to stay so perfectly tight with your sisters’ playing, Lisa the other super human  🙂  is beyond remarkable!   I echo Howards’ sentiment, “Pretty Flamingo” was absolutely out of this world beautiful and spirit lifting!

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