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  • Duo Session, “Pretty Flamingo” 2.0

    Posted by Howard on 24/04/2020 at 11:32

    Everything about your latest Duo Session release, “Pretty Flamingo”, is just perfection for me. From the choice of song, the choice of instruments and lead vocalist, the beautiful Flamingo themed backdrop, complete with pretty pink flamingos on the wall, the miniature guitars on the shelf, Mona’s pink finger nail polish and matching ear rings and her lovely top covered with pink flamingos, and of course that beautiful dress and matching scarf of Lisa’s and her awesome, but unobtrusive contribution to this masterpiece.

    I know I may be sounding a little over the top, but this special treat for the MLT Club is just what I needed in these bleak times. You have no idea of what a huge smile appears on this crusty old geriatric face, every time he views this performance. Rod Stewart’s cover doesn’t come close. Nor does Gene Pitney’s or the Everly Brothers. Manfred Mann’s original has always been the definitive version for me, never to be surpassed. Now however, it has become a toss up between which is my go to version, and at the moment, it’s yours. I truly believe this version deserves the full band treatment, complete with flute and organ, and only the Wagner family has what is necessary to pull it off!

    I’m reminded of your first concert videos, where you are just 13, and the amazing photography of your grandfather who had the knack of bringing out the best in you. Well I think when it comes to photography, the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree and we are so fortunate to have Rudolf involved in so much of what you do. From the perfect recordings to the perfect photography, managing to capture the essentials of your performance.

    Yes, there is a question here, or two. For Rudolf. I know a similar question has been asked before. How many cameras did you use and do you operate all of them yourself?
    Secondly, is it possible to include at some point, a compilation of outtakes, or bloopers if you like, of this and other Duo Sessions for the MLT Club?

    Paul Steinmayer replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    24/04/2020 at 11:33

    Hi Howard!

    The duo sessions are actually pretty straightforward to film. Two cameras, one on a tripod and another one on a tripod with a fluid head or on a gimbal that is moving. We shoot a few takes of the girls playing and later decide on the best take. We sometimes use the video footage from a few run-throughs combined.

    What is a bit more difficult is the sound recording. It saves time when I get the microphone choice and placement right so it sounds good without having to tweak a lot when mixing.

    The other challenge is getting the outfit, scenery and lighting right and this is something where Michaela and the girls do most of the heavy lifting.

    There hasn’t been too much interesting “blooper footage” as far as I can remember but we will keep it in mind!

    Thanks for the question!

  • Paul Steinmayer

    08/05/2020 at 22:56

    Hi Rudi,

    I can’t speak for everyone… but I sure appreciate all you do!!!

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