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  • Positivity Healing Vibes of MLT Music… Indeed

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 07/04/2020 at 18:58

    It saddens me to have discovered on FB from family and  then separately, a family friend, that there were 3 people in total I know and love that have recently passed, whether ConVid-19 related or not… It made me cry… And To calm my sorrow, The soothing lulls of MLT Music is helping me cope…. Hoping once all the virus stuff has safely been diminished upon and public gatherings are allowed once more, I can physically hug the ones I love that were affected… ?☮️?

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • David Herrick

    07/04/2020 at 23:10

    I’m so sorry to hear about that, Jacki.  My sincerest sympathies.

    I imagine we’re all extra concerned right now about the health and safety of friends and family.  I keep thinking about my 105-year-old grandfather, who lived through the flu pandemic of 1918.

    But yes, I agree that immersion in MLT’s music is an uplifting experience that helps us to keep going.  And when this is all done, we’ll appreciate them much more deeply than ever before.


  • Howard

    08/04/2020 at 02:03

    Yes Jacki, my condolences too. I know that right now all I need to do to put a smile on my face is to play Mona and Lisa’s “Pretty Flamingo” duo session.

    David, that grandfather of yours has a very strong constitution to have lived through the 1918 flu pandemic, two World Wars, the Great Depression and the Cold War. With a little luck, you will have inherited his genes.

  • Joshua Sunshine

    08/04/2020 at 02:33

    May their memory serve as a blessing for you..  Im sorry for your  loss.. I hope the  sound of the wind through the trees and the  shimer off a lake  and  the  patter of  light  rain  provides you solice   as well.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/04/2020 at 03:42

    Thankyou all, for your comforting words… It helps  more than you know, appreciated much….

    I checked in by phone to a great-aunt (my  late Grandma Rea’s baby sister, youngest of all of them& outlived them too), ripe at 105 yrs young too, and she ‘s fine, informed me to her knowledge, no cases at her retirement place (at least, not yet, hopefully remain to Not Have)

  • Jung Roe

    09/04/2020 at 00:32

    Sorry to hear Jacki.  My condolences.  The worst thing about this pandemic is how helpless one can feel.  My 92 years old father whom I haven’t been able to visit for over a month now is in a long term care facility, and the whole family is on edge as every day we hear of another care facility in the city that reports a resident or care-aid getting infected.  All the facilities are on lock down and fortunately everything is still OK where he is.  As everyone here echoes, I find much solace in the beautiful music, videos, slide shows and good spirits here at the MLT Club.

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