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  • Hello From Toms River, New Jersey, USA

    Posted by Ronald Wentworth on 05/05/2020 at 02:27

    I discovered a video of you two on Facebook and was instantly hook.  That was just a few weeks ago and I have 4 of your albums. And now a member of the Club. As you see from my profile pic, I’m a man of the 60’s. Your music brings back memory’s of songs that got us through some tough times. I joined the Army at 17yrs old back in Sept of ’68. Went to Vietnam at 18yrs old in Nov of ’69 and came home in June ’71 at 20yrs old. Ironically I couldn’t even legally buy a beer in home state, lol. Just a footnote, we all didn’t go to a war torn country to fight (unless we had to in defense only). I was one of over 100 thousand engineer soldiers that help build the infrastructure in country of which is used even today. Something I’m proud of but not many people even know about. Well, the songs you sing actually bring back the good times in between the hard times and I sincerely thank you for that. I hope, maybe, someday, you may consider doing “Hey Jude”. Got me through boot camp in Sept of ’68. I would love to hear your take on the song. Just a thought from an old chap. Thanks again and Stay Groovy!


    Ronald Wentworth replied 4 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    05/05/2020 at 02:57

    Hi Tom, nice to meet you… Welcome to the MLT Club, wow, quite the intro…. Look forward to your postings and enjoy being MLTBuzzed… Groovy indeed✌️

  • Howard

    05/05/2020 at 03:33

    Hi Ronald. It’s also nice to have you as a fellow member of this illustrious club. I too was instantly hooked when I discovered the MLT on YouTube. It sounds like you had a very eventful and interesting youth. You are fortunate you were able to make such a positive contribution to Vietnam without having to kill anybody. I was in the second last intake of National Service in my country but fortunately, by the time I finished my boot camp, my country was no longer sending National Servicemen to Vietnam. Music helped get me through those dark times too. My eldest nephew is named Jude, after the song title, and it would be awesome to hear a cover from Mona and Lisa.

    The beautiful music of the MLT unites us all.

  • Jung Roe

    05/05/2020 at 04:32

    Welcome to the Club Ronald, so glad you joined, and hope you enjoy everything here!  Thanks for sharing about your experiences in the late 60s.  The infrastructure build you were involved in there sounds like made life so much better for so many in that country.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    08/05/2020 at 22:00

    Hi Ronald,

    Welcome to the Club and thank you for the introduction and telling us about your life. It is always fascinating to learn a bit of everyone’s history here and the role (our) music plays in their lives. We are sure those years abroad left a big impression on you, and we are glad to have learned about something that is not so widely known.

    Who knows, we might get around to recording  “Hey Jude” at some point. Our list of requests and potential cover songs is getting longer by the day but we always appreciate suggestions and as you know, we love to do Beatles covers 🙂

    A big HELLO and THANKS for being here and supporting our journey,
    Mona & Lisa

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/05/2020 at 07:07

    Whoops… My apologies Ron, I had typed Tom, instead of Ron, forgive me, my eyesight not great.

  • Ronald Wentworth

    12/05/2020 at 06:26

    Hi Lisa, thank you for your comments about my intro post. I just wanted to pass this little note on to you that I just watch your Trip To Finland video and, ironically, the jam at the end was..Hey Jude. Just had to pass that on. I fully understand that you ladies are constantly being inundated with request so… Just Keep On Keeping On and enjoy the show! Stay Groovy!


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