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  • Lockdown – creativity

    Posted by Jung Roe on 07/05/2020 at 23:39

    Just for fun here is one of my creative efforts during these last few weeks of the lockdown, as well as interesting creative efforts by others I found on the internet.  If I come up with another creative output, I will post it here.  Feel free to post if you have any.

    I know I posted this earlier on another post, but in case anyone missed it here it is.  I don’t do people sketches very often because they tend to not turn out right and I have offended people in the past.  I hope, knock on wood, this one does not do that!  I’m somewhat proud of it.  🙂

    Mona Lisa Twins Dream sketch

    I need to work on the eyes.


    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 84 Replies
  • 84 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    07/05/2020 at 23:45

    I found this video fun and inspiring about getting into a creative routine these days.

    Remember the 60 coffee beans, as that is important!

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/05/2020 at 04:56

    Jung, you did a great go of it, like you, I too, cannot draw faces well, I do my best….. But I love drawing in general, between writing poetry and doodling/sketching/drawing,  and whatever creative Juices I get flowing, It helps me to keep focused, helps me cope, etc.

  • Jung Roe

    08/05/2020 at 08:48

    Thanks again Jacki.  I have a new idea for a sketch I will start on, stay tuned.

  • David Herrick

    09/05/2020 at 20:15

    This isn’t much, but it’s all I could shake out of my brain today.  It was inspired by the long-term implications for the elderly of barber shops being closed.


    To the tune of “Ol’ Man River”:


    Old man ear hair.  That old man ear hair.

    It must mean somethin’, but don’t do nothin’.

    It just keeps growin’.  It keeps on growin’ out long.



  • Jacki Hopper

    09/05/2020 at 20:34

    Lol David, good one…lol…I ‘m going to have to go listen /Google original tune to refresh my memory  on how tune goes, but keep your words in mind, while doing so….

  • Jung Roe

    09/05/2020 at 21:44

    LOL David!  Wait another month and I’m sure we’ll see some activity with his nose hairs!

  • Howard

    10/05/2020 at 06:14

    LOL alright David. An old fart like me should feel offended by those lyrics. I trim my own nose hair but generally leave the ear hair and eyebrows to the barber.

    In October 1960, Robeson embarked on a two-month concert tour of Australia and New Zealand with Essie (his wife), primarily to generate money, at the behest of Australian politician Bill Morrow. While in Sydney, he became the first major artist to perform at the construction site of the future Sydney Opera House.

    Try this video from the great Paul Robeson Jacki, from 1936.

    Ol’ man river
    Dat ol’ man river
    He mus’ know sumpin’
    But don’t say nuthin’
    He jes’ keeps rollin’
    He keeps on rollin’ along

    He don’ plant taters
    He don’t plant cotton
    An’ dem dat plants ’em
    Is soon forgotten
    But ol’ man river
    He jes keeps rollin’ along

    You an’ me, we sweat an’ strain
    Body all achin’ an’ racked wid pain
    Tote dat barge!
    Lif’ dat bale!
    Git a little drunk
    An’ you lands in jail

    Ah gits weary
    An’ sick of tryin’
    Ah’m tired of livin’
    An’ scared of dyin’
    But ol’ man river
    He jes’ keeps rolling’ along

  • Jung Roe

    10/05/2020 at 07:45

    Here are some more creative sketching efforts tonight.

    Mona and Lisa sketch I Wanna Kiss You

    click the image to see in full size

  • Jung Roe

    10/05/2020 at 07:47

    From I Wanna Kiss You

    Mona and Lisa I Wanna Kiss You

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/05/2020 at 14:26

    Howard, Thankyou for video reference to ” Old Man River “…now David’s variation of it , sounds better, now that I’ve heard tune…lol…?


    And Jung…awesome efforts, gotta luv Schroeder  and Snoopy…Impressive in my eyes, Thankyou for sharing….?

  • Jung Roe

    10/05/2020 at 23:32

    Thanks Jacki!  I feel a little like Linus these days.

  • Jung Roe

    11/05/2020 at 05:17

    I came across this interesting perspective from a crew on a cruise ship these days during lock down.  Just up until a few months ago, cruises were a little passion of mine, but I was so glad I did not go on one in early March as I was sort of planning to.  This little video give a little glimmer of light in everyone’s current situation, which of course varies much right now.

    Bottom line, stay groovy, creative, and make the best of these times!

  • Jung Roe

    12/05/2020 at 08:48

    From the Cavern, Mona on lead vocal singing “You Can’t Do That”

    Mona singing You Can't Do That

    Click to enlarge

  • Jung Roe

    12/05/2020 at 08:51

    From the Cavern, guitar cam view of Lisa on lead guitar doing “You Can’t Do That”

    Lisa You Can't Do That guitar cam

    Click to enlarge

  • Jung Roe

    12/05/2020 at 10:44

    On a creative roll tonight

    Lisa Imagine

    Click to enlarge

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