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  • Little Known Origins of a Beloved McCartney Song

    Posted by Joe Skoczylas on 21/05/2020 at 13:39

    The Little Known Origins of A Famous McCartney Song: It was 1970 at Paul’s rustic Scots farm. It was a beautiful night with a full moon floating over the lovely landscape. His dear wife and children were sleeping peacefully. Bearded old Peat Boggs, Paul’s trusted gameskeeper/caretaker was last to turn in after making sure all was right in their little paradise. Now it was just Paul on the porch swing, with Martha lying contentedly at his feet. As the soft wind gently wafted the sweet spring scents over the heather Paul stroked Martha and gazed at the huge low-hanging moon….and felt his Muse coming upon him….He was peering into the future at a lovely long-haired sweetly singing songbird whose guitar warbled sweet harmonies and counter melodies alongside her. Suddenly, the words just flowed from his heart and took voice “La la la, la la. la lovely Lisa, with the lovely flowers in her hair… la la, la la la Lovely Lisa, with the lovely flowers in her hair” So simple but somehow sweetly satisfying. He couldn’t shake the feeling his muse was somehow a reality of the future. He couldn’t wait for morning so he could share his song with his soul-mate. He sat beside her and gently woke her, but not wanting her to misunderstand he sang Lovely Linda, Lovely Linda. She loved her song. As the busy decades flew he lost his Lovely Linda. ,And once or twice. over the years, Paul would fleetingly recall the vision of his muse, still with the premonition she was real and they would meet.
    Flash forward to 2015. Paul was in Liverpool. He wore shades and theatrical mustache. He felt drawn strongly to the reconstructed Cavern Club but he wanted to go unrecognized so as not to disturb the performers. As he got closer he heard
    the sweet harmonies of “God Only Knows” which inspired him to write “Here, There and Everywhere”. It was as good as the
    Beach Boys! He hurried down the long stairs just as they launched into a great version of one of his songs! Then they knocked the No. 1 he wrote for Peter and Gordon out of the park! The stage came into view, he looked up…and there she was, his muse! The number ended and she introduced her equally talented…twin(!), Mona, and she said I’m…Lisa! Right before he went up to introduce himself he called George Martin’s son and told him to get the Abbey Road studios he used with the Beatles ready for him and the MonaLisa Twins. And that is the untold story of McCartney’s Lovely (Lisa) Linda song.

    Joe Skoczylas replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Howard

    21/05/2020 at 17:14

    Hi Joe. Very nicely written. However, not being completely au fait with Paul McCartney’s solo career, I thought you may have had a stutter and were aluding to la la, la la la Lovely Rita meter maid.

    I had to do some research and discovered that at only 42 seconds, Lisa and Mona, with Rudolf’s help, could ably assist Paul to finally complete this song.

    Actually, I heard the story a little differently. When the number ended, Paul approached Mona and introduced himself and Mona said “I’m not Lisa, my name is Mona, Lisa left you years ago”!

    • Joe Skoczylas

      22/05/2020 at 05:41

      Hi Howard, Thanks.  I agree M,L, and R could work fruitfully with Paul on “Lovely Linda/Lisa”.   I  also think an album/project between MLT and Paul would be  an inspiration to both parties and to all of us.  Re Rudy,  I would love to hear what he could do, with MLTs highly attuned ears and assistance, in remastering the Beatle’s catalog.  The MLT team’s production approach communicates the warmth of music more successfully than any I have heard.

  • Jung Roe

    21/05/2020 at 17:52

    Wow Joe, what a lovely imaginative story!  I always thought “Lovely Rita” should have been “Lovely Lisa” instead!

  • Joe Skoczylas

    22/05/2020 at 05:45

    Hi Jung. Thanks.  It would be cool to se a video of “Lovely Rita” with MLT and Paul.

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