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  • I Don’t Know Birds That Well

    Posted by Jung Roe on 25/05/2020 at 07:05

    Whenever I hear this song I feel like being close to nature, free, walking along beautiful meadows on a gorgeous sunny day.  We could all do with some more of that these days!  What a beautiful song to lift the spirits.


    John Behle replied 4 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    25/05/2020 at 07:14

    Went for a walk in my area this evening and came across this beautiful family of Canadian Geese.  Nothing like a little nature solace.  Despite all the craziness around us these days, there is still beauty around us and spending some time in nature, if it is allowed and safe to do so where you are, can do wonders for the soul.  That’s not snow, it’s spring pollen seeds everywhere.




  • David Herrick

    25/05/2020 at 16:50

    You’re spot-on about the “Birds” song, Jung.  That video is what led me to explore MLT’s original music, beyond just their Beatles covers.  The moment where they walk through the grass singing “Here I go; I’m on my way” touched me deeply the first time I saw it.  It was an instantly iconic tableau of joy, peace, innocence, beauty, etc.  Then those lines were immediately followed with “I am searching for a song that makes me smile,” and I thought, “Yeah, I remember when I was in that phase of my life… five seconds ago.”

    That’s a very lovely looking area where you live!  I had my own memorable goose moment while walking through my neighborhood the other day.  I was about a block from a pond where geese frequently congregate, and I spotted a goose perched on the roof of a house, looking kind of like one of those rooster weather vanes.  It struck me that I had never seen a goose standing on anything other than the ground, but just as I was starting to process the uniqueness of this occurrence, I saw another goose atop the next house.  So I imagined that as the flock was flying in toward the pond there was a conversation of “Hey, I’ll bet you can’t land on a house.”  “Oh yeah?  Well, I’ll bet YOU can’t.”  Then I happened to walk by during the “Okay, now what?” phase.


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/05/2020 at 21:44

    Yes, something within that particular song envokes, a definite spark of a nature connection,  it resonates, and when you listen to it with headphones on your phone, tablet, or whatever or wherever you are outside, the song just comes further alive, a comforting, calming effect,  and I can envision us all, out in a meadow, getting our MLTBuzzGroovy going on,  their voices wafting in the distance, yet echoing coherently, in the vast openness, beautiful sky, ahhhhhh…..Tranquility  at its finest…?☮?

  • Jung Roe

    25/05/2020 at 22:10

    David.  Your mention of lyrics “..Here we go, I’m on my way..” reminds me of a Beach Boys song that is also beautiful. You are right, you never see goose sitting perched somewhere do you.  Joy, peace, innocence, beauty indeed is what “I Don’t Know Birds That Well” evokes for me too.

  • Jung Roe

    25/05/2020 at 22:13

     I can envision us all, out in a meadow, getting our MLTBuzzGroovy going on,  their voices wafting in the distance, yet echoing coherently, in the vast openness, beautiful sky, ahhhhhh…..Tranquility  at its finest…

    Jacki, yes I echo what you say exactly.  I also envision this beautiful drawing Lisa did in 2011.

    Cozy by Lisa 2011

    Cozy by Lisa 2011

  • David Herrick

    25/05/2020 at 23:45

    Wow, Lisa’s drawing is very reminiscent of the pose they later struck in the “Birds” video!  They must have had it in mind.

    That’s a very nice Beach Boys song you linked to, Jung.  I might have heard it once before, but I’m not sure.  The video now has me researching the Big Sur Folk Festival, which I was not familiar with.  A lot of big names were there, as evidenced by that photo of CSN, Joni Mitchell, and John Sebastian all on the stage together.

    A few months ago I found a cover of “Birds” on YouTube, performed by a family group from Minnesota called The Flemming Fold.  The vocals were sung by the two daughters, aged approximately 13 and 11 at the time.  Not a bad effort.


  • Jung Roe

    26/05/2020 at 02:14

    That thought crossed my mind too David when I saw Lisa’s “Cozy” drawing.  I wonder if it is a coincidence or whether they envisioned Lisa’s drawing from a year earlier when they did that scene in the video.

    It’s amazing how music can trigger memories.  I haven’t heard that Beach Boys song (from one of my 70’s Beach Boys vinyls) in decades, but when you singled out that lyric phrase, “I’m on my way”,  just by itself, that song just popped into my head.  Liked seeing John Sebastian in that video.. What a festival it must have been to have those 4 on stage together like that.

    That is an interesting cover of MLTs “I Don’t Know Birds That Well” by The Flemming Fold in 2015.  I wonder if MLT have heard it.

  • David Herrick

    26/05/2020 at 03:00

    I know what you mean about music and memories, Jung.  Every time I hear someone say “that’s the way it should be”, I immediately start silently singing a Coca Cola jingle from 40 years ago that used that line.

    I wonder about that Flemming recording too.  I checked out their YouTube channel, and pretty much every other song they’ve done is traditional and probably in the public domain.  I don’t know how the legalities work, but given that they’re selling downloads of the song on their web site, I imagine they at least had to get MLT’s permission.  They do credit MLT and Woolgoose Records on the site.


  • Jung Roe

    26/05/2020 at 05:28

    Yes I hope they got MLT permission.  It’s a good sign they show credit to MLT and Woolgoose label on the site.  The cover sounds like a cute children’s version.

  • Jung Roe

    28/05/2020 at 05:40

    I went back to the lake, and the family of geese are doing well.  The babies are swimming.

  • Jung Roe

    28/05/2020 at 05:51

    I like their live version too.  Nice stage vibe.


  • Howard

    08/06/2020 at 04:28

    I just listened to The Flemming Fold’s Cover of “I Don’t Know Birds That Well”. That’s the two young girls on vocals. I imagine that YouTube rules would apply re copyright just as they do for the MLT where most of the advertising revenue goes to the song writers.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    13/08/2020 at 02:50

    Listening to this song made me think of The Byrds.  I know MLT covered “Mr Tambourine Man”, but that was written by Bob Dylan, so I checked other Byrd songs I could remember to see which ones were written by the Byrds, but all the ones I remembered  were covers.  None of the songs they actually wrote were familiar to me.  So, apparently ( wait for it ), ……………… I don’t know Byrds that well.

  • John Behle

    13/08/2020 at 02:59

    “I Don’t Know Birds That Well” is the first original of MLT I fell in love with.  The Lyrics and video are amazing and they make it so bright and beautiful.  Just wish my uncle was still around.  He was an “Ornithologist”.

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