MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?


  • How did you experience your MLT joy today, Jung?

    Posted by Howard on 28/05/2020 at 03:14

    You have asked us Jung, now time for us to ask you. I imagine that currently being unemployed, you have plenty of time to enjoy the MLT experience, or are you already looking for a new job? If so, do you intend to stick with the same industry/occupation, or are you going to take the opportunity to diversify?

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 30 Replies
  • 30 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    28/05/2020 at 03:43

    Lol…Howard, actually, that applies to all of us equally!  not just Jung…lol… I have been enjoying MLTBuzzing on a more frequent basis at the moment….

    As for myself, because I work with elderly, my hours have been cut back somewhat, as I work in the client’s  actual homes/apts, and because I also rely on taking public transit. I wear a mask/gloves whenever I’m out n about doing errands and for work that is, when I’m  working. Some clients are hesitant on having outside help , right now, which is understandable, etc but at same time, I’m not quite keen on going to a whole lot of client’s  homes either, as they may be virus positive  and I really don’t  wish to expose myself either, vice versa but I do give my hats off to all front line medical/health workers who are working  right smack in heart of it all, risking on a daily basis, in hospitals, LTC homes…. hoping my hours will pick up once things sort of regain normalcy somewhat.   I love working with elderly but I don’t want compromise my health and theirs for time being. I just wish others  would follow protocol  and wear masks, gloves, respect physical distancing  .

  • Jung Roe

    28/05/2020 at 06:12

    I don’t know Howard, I may never return to work if I had my way!  smiley tongue I’ve been enjoying myself so much lately with the MLT Club, re-learning the piano, and I never knew I could draw beyond the level of stick men.  This new found creativity is addicting.  In the mornings I’ve been kind of meditating with music, and have been hearing nuances I never could before.  I just got back from a run and I feel alive!  I feel like a baby goose starting to swim!

    With the lock down, just starting to ease a little where I am, they weren’t really actively interviewing in my job (telecom sales engineering) market for the last couple of months anyway.   Just started updating my Linked In profile.

    Sounds like things in Australia, and New Zealand especially are really going great, with hardly any new infection cases.  Things well with you?

  • Jung Roe

    30/05/2020 at 07:13

    Jacki, I think this pandemic, if anything good can come out of it, it brightly shined a spotlight on all the disparity and issues in society dramatically.  Hopefully society can take it in the direction of fixing the issues and making this a better world when the new normal returns.

  • Bill Isenberg

    30/05/2020 at 15:51

    Hello! A huge fan from Pittsburgh PA USA. Finally got to be a member for the Mona Lisa Club and very happy to be here! A bit of a late bloomer, I Found these ladies On U Tube about 2 years ago and have been hooked ever since. This first video I saw was Revolution and could not believe what i was hearing then i viewed the Last Time and that did it for me, this is what i love to listen to and Mona and Lisa make these songs their own. Then got into the original music and again awesome! Wide Wide Land is one of my favorites and Count on Me from the Orange Album is so fantastic!!! So again glad to be here and meet everyone and like a kid at Christmas with what i can find in this Club!!!!

    Thank you

    Bill Isenberg

  • Howard

    30/05/2020 at 16:17

    Welcome to the Club Bill. “You’re Going To Lose That Girl”, “Bus Stop” and “The Last Time” did it for me (being a huge Stones fan). If you introduce yourself in the “Introduce Yourself” forum, the Twins will see it and reply.

  • Jung Roe

    30/05/2020 at 20:26

    A big welcome Bill to the MLT Club, so glad you joined.  Loved reading what you wrote.  We all share in your love for MLT.  The Wide Wide Land is my all time favorite, and it was their incredible cover of  San Francisco and their beautiful angelic harmonies that captivated me.  And then when I discovered their other music, their remarkable diversity in both their covers and originals breathed new life into all the rock/pop songs I long abandoned and brought me back to music.

  • Jacki Hopper

    31/05/2020 at 02:34

    Hiya Bill I. , Welcome to MLT Club where you’re  going to be guaranteed  to get your lifetime helping of MLTBuzzLuvGroovy, nice to meet you…Do enjoy the sights and sounds here…

  • Howard

    31/05/2020 at 12:02

    I guess Jung, if you’re in the fortunate situation where you can get by without having to work for a living, and you’re enjoying your time doing the things you prefer to do, there’s no real incentive to look for a job.

    We are fortunate in Australia in that the infection rate is now down to zero in all but one State and restrictions are starting to ease. I have been able to eat out again in the last few days and my favourite sport restarted again last week. I was fortunate that my team won their first game back. Also, I am now top in my old work footy tipping competition after round three. The first two rounds were in March, before Lockdown.

    I must say, you’re portraits have been improving in leaps and bounds. You are obviously very passionate and determined once you put your mind to a particular task. However, your constant diversification will make it very difficult for you to become a true master in any one discipline. Professional coaches would probably advise you to pick your favourite couple of disciplines and concentrate your energies on them.

    I know Mona and Lisa seem to be able to excel in multiple disciplines, but they are more than just mere mortals like the rest of us.

    I am considering getting my cat, Luca, a Tiger vest!


  • Jacki Hopper

    31/05/2020 at 18:09

    Lol  Howard, would love to see that photo, Luca wearing Tiger Vest….??

  • Jung Roe

    31/05/2020 at 23:44

    Howard, my Milo says hi to Luca!  As he lives with my sister, I haven’t seen him since the lockdown began, so she occasionally sends me pictures of him.  He has a kind of natural tiger vest on.

    I’ve slowly started reaching out to colleagues and looking on line for job prospects now that the lock down is slowly easing in places.  Will see how it goes, but I’m glad this time has given me an opportunity for a long needed reset, got me more creative and back into piano, thanks to MLT creative inspiration, which I always wanted to do.  Just having fun with the drawing for now, and I have a couple of new sketch ideas to come.

    Dining out at a restaurant feels like ages ago for me, miss it.  Hopefully in a few more weeks here.  I’m starting to look like a hippie though!  🙂




  • Bill Isenberg

    01/06/2020 at 01:56

    Hello. So far I am loving this club!! So much to navigate thru and learn. These 2 ladies have it all together. You can feel it thru their songs. From covers to original they have hit it out of the park every time, no matter if it is the Stones, Beatles, Doors, Buffalo Sprinfield……the Mona Lisa Twins fall into a group of musicians that cover songs and do it well, one I Have in mind is Elvis, he can cover many songs and make them his own, and Mona and Lisa can do that as well! I am in awe of the talents they both have from their voices, to the guitar’s to the drums, strings, harp….wow I am just amazed and so happy that I found them, they get me thru my day. Like everyone else in the USA and the world, we are faced with stress and drama and this virus, and you can get so down, but when I listen to them? It takes me back to wonderful times in my life and know that 2 young ladies can bring back this music and makes us all know that we are in good hands. So god bless them and pray they keep it coming with the love and spirit of their music!!


  • Jung Roe

    01/06/2020 at 05:39

    Agree Bill, well said, the MLT Club is the best place on the internet.  MLT being the amazing musicians that they are, have the ability to see what a song is missing or how it can be transformed into something much more.  That’s why their covers, Time of the Season for example, are so brilliant, and that same brilliance goes into their originals as well, like in “Sweet Lorraine”.

    I never thought a Ukelele could sound so wonderful as when Lisa does her magic on it like in the Duo Session of “Tonight You Belong To Me”.  Or there is Mona with her brilliant Blues Harp playing all the while singing, playing the guitar and keeping rhythm with her foot on the Wazinator in songs like “It Ain’t Me Babe”.

    Their vocals and harmonies are second to none.  I’ve never heard anyone do proper justice to “Imagine” like John Lennon himself could, until I heard Lisa sing it, or how about Mona rocking out on the Kinks “You Really Got Me”, super rock star!

  • Howard

    01/06/2020 at 07:53

    That’s one good looking ginger ‘tiger’ cat there Jung. I think I’ve already stated that I was a dog person and not a cat person until I started pet minding late last year. I am now a definite cat person also. Lord Luca is just adorable. He has the run of the place and treats me like a door mat sometimes, but he is also very affectionate and caring when he’s in the mood.

    He does worry me when he does his balcony railing walk thing. I was going to try and stop him, but he is very adventurous and likes exploring so much I’d rather not constrain his wild side too much. We share the balcony most of the day and much of the evening.


  • David Herrick

    01/06/2020 at 19:30

    I know YouTube doesn’t need my help promoting cat videos, but I found some really cute ones posted by a user named Kittisaurus in which she covers her hallway with various substances (aluminum foil, bubble wrap, Dixie cups, etc.) and films her seven cats one-by-one as they try to find a way to get to the food at the other end without compromising their dignity.


  • Jacki Hopper

    01/06/2020 at 19:34

    Ok, here’s my input, of the cat variety…the cat from hell we had while I was growing up, demented she was too, no one liked her, only time you could  safely approach, and she showed any respect, live, was when on catnip…. this was before I discovered my cat alkerbiesclater on with my uncle’s  cats, and any cats I came across of thereafter… I’m a Dog Gal first and foremost…so, introducing Fluffy, and I do not miss her one iota, whereas all the dogs, I do…


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