• Cover Song

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 04/06/2020 at 14:30

    Hello!! So glad to be here!! One question and I may have asked this before but have you both considered covering the Dave Clark Five song Because I love  you….1964?

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    04/06/2020 at 14:31

    Hi Bill!

    If we had to choose a Dave Clark Five song to cover “Because” would definitely be up there so we might consider it one day! There’s too little time and too many good songs to record … and then there’s all those that still want to be written! Thanks for the suggestion though, now I’ll have the tune bounce around my head for the rest of the evening 🙂

    Stay groovy!

  • Howard

    04/06/2020 at 15:52

    Hi Bill. This question has ben asked by others. Previously, Mona’s response was,

    “Mmmmh, we’ve never done something by The DaveClark Five’s before … tempting … There is another “Because” with lots of harmonies that we’d like to give a go one day too ?”

    I agree with Mona here and believe the other “Bccause” would be the Beatles “Because” from Abbey Road. Wonderful harmonies.

    “According to Lennon, the song’s close musical resemblance to the first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata was no coincidence: “Yoko was playing Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ on the piano … I said, ‘Can you play those chords backwards?’, and wrote ‘Because’ around them. The lyrics speak for themselves … No imagery, no obscure references.”

  • Bill Isenberg

    04/06/2020 at 23:35


    Thank you so much, I Completely forgot about this song of Because! I agree with you and Mona that song has such beautiful Harmonies that you and I know that only Mona and Lisa can tackle! This would be a perfect fit for the ladies to cover. This is so cool, talking music with you Howard and it was so amazing that Mona responded , this really made my day and I am listening to the Beatles version of Because and just thinking how Mona and Lisa would handle this version, heck look how they did Imagine. We have heard so many covers over the years, but their version is a keeper and just like Christmas song by John and Yoko, on their Christmas album. Also how about their version on that album of Walking in the Air? I have heard that song years ago but they covered it and I fell in love with that version, the acoustics, harmonies, strings man what a masterpiece. These ladies are something special and love what their vision is , again thank you for bringing up the Beatles version of Because!

  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2020 at 00:18

    Bill, you hit the nail on the head about “Walking In The Air”.  I’ve always loved that song, and when I heard Mona and Lisa’s version last Christmas, I almost drove off the road!  🙂

    Howard, interesting info about the Beatles “Because” and the link to Beethoven’s “Moonlight” Sonata.  Will have to go listen to Because again.  Now that you mention it, the clavichord kind of lead in does have that triple note resemblance to the Moonlight Sonata.  When I took my piano lessons many years ago, the Moonlight Sonata (a simplified version of the 1st movement) was the only song I ever memorized and played for an audience, so that song has always been special to me.

  • David Herrick

    05/06/2020 at 01:30
  • Howard

    05/06/2020 at 02:40

    You’re welcome Bill. I’ve been a member of this fantastic club since the beginning and so am well aware of much of what has transpired.

    And Jung, that was an inspired moment with Johm and Yoko there. Most people don’t seem to be aware of just how much Yoko contributed to John’s music as his muse. “Imagine” is the perfect example. Are you back to your old level of playing “The Moonlight Sonata” yet? Yoko did very well to play it backwards.

  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2020 at 07:00

    David, Moonlight sonata played backwards still sounds very familiar interestingly.  Can feel the similar melodic structure and pattern, and doesn’t sound too bad.   Quite clever for John Lennon to think about adopting chords from it played backwards for Because.

    Howard, I am sure Yoko would have had a profound impact on John both musically and emotionally/spiritually given how much she seemed to be involved with everything John was doing from showing up at the practices and all the peace movement activities they engaged in.  I’ve got a long way to go to get back to the level of piano I got to.  I think if I had learned piano as a child, I would have retained a lot of it, but taking up the piano in my early 30s, it is feeling like much more work right now to get it back.  I would like to be able to play Moonlight Sonata again.  Or maybe I can learn the piano version of the Beatles “Because” instead.  There is some video footage when I practiced back then, so at least I have a benchmark to work towards.

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