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  • JP says Hello from the Catskills

    Posted by Johnnypee Parker on 01/06/2020 at 14:56

    Hi everybody.  How can anyone not be a fan of MLT?  It has been so nice to find younger people who understand older music.  That sound okay?  Could almost be self deprecating, “old”?  It has been so nice to find younger people that understand good music.  That is better.

    A question for our awesome aged fans:

    When someone says,”Back in the eighties…” doesn’t it seem like that was just a couple of years ago?   OMG,  it was forty years ago.

    After ripping open my latest CD’s, it was not until a couple hours later I found aN MLT guitar pick had spilled out onto the floor of my car.  It was like a new found treasure!  Thank you so much!9E8D9A53-357B-4266-8D09-3D86223A8720

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • Robert Fendt

    01/06/2020 at 15:16

    Hi JP,

    Welcome to this awesome MLT club, agree with what you say and to think some of the songs MonaLisa Twins sing are over 35 years older than they are what a fantastic tribute and they are so good also bringing them totally up to date. Miles better than todays stuff.


  • Howard

    01/06/2020 at 15:20

    Welcome to the club JP. Yes, how can anyone not be a fan of the MLT indeed. I’d be checking to see if they had a pulse. You will enjoy being a member and exploring all there is on offer in this best of clubs ever.

  • Michael Thompson

    01/06/2020 at 16:09

    Welcome to the club JP! I’m with you on 80s music! It seems so weird when it’s called “oldies” music! And don’t worry about offending us old people! We know what we are! It’s so refreshing to see and hear Mona and Lisa with their 60s vibe! There’s hope for music yet!

  • David Herrick

    01/06/2020 at 17:00

    Hello, JP!  Glad you made it to the party.

    I know exactly what you mean about the cringeworthiness of “back in the 80’s”.  I’ve only recently become comfortable using that expression, and even then only in situations where it’s helpful to make them seem like a long time ago.

    As a kid in the 70’s I found the concept of the 80’s to be unimaginably futuristic:  I’ll graduate from high school in 1983… like that year will ever happen.  I was finally brought down to earth by a comic strip that appeared on the first day of the new decade:


  • Johnnypee Parker

    01/06/2020 at 17:24

    David Herrick, we grew up at the same time.  I graduated 1983, also.  Record and CD stores were everywhere back then.   Our generation has seen CD’s, Beta, VHS, DVD’s, not to mention video rental stores, come and go.  Remember when Home PC’s became affordable, and the internet!!!  Well I hope Lisa and Mona are here to stay!

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/06/2020 at 19:14

    Heyya JP,  Welcome and glad  you’ve been now certified as being Lifetime MLTBuzzLuvGroovified…this gal here is  51, the 80s were my teen years…lol…Looking forward to your postings…I became Lifetime MLTBuzzLuvGroovified 13 yrs ago, it was the best unexpected surprise, discovery on YouTube and gave life in music, a refreshing direction…☮?


  • David Herrick

    01/06/2020 at 19:15

    Don’t forget LaserDiscs, JP!  We also witnessed the going, if not the coming, of 8-track tapes and audio cassettes.

    It does seem that the lifetimes of new media formats are much shorter now than they used to be.  I can’t think of any innovations from our parents’ generation other than television, and anything from our grandparents’ generation other than radio, and they’re both still around.


  • Jung Roe

    03/06/2020 at 01:51

    Hello JP!  A big warm welcome to the club, so glad you joined!  Yes the 80’s don’t seem like a long time ago, I graduated in 81, and I remember when it turned 1980 thinking the future is here!  The decade of the CDs, and Betamax was cool, not VHS though!  I lusted after those latest and greatest Betamax Video cameras.  Beta was so compact!  I remember a guy who got himself one of the first mobile phones.  The base the phone set tethered to looked like a car battery, but at least you could walk around with it!

  • Jacki Hopper

    04/06/2020 at 02:47

    Lol, the laser discs, forgot about those, how about cassette tape singles,  12 inch remixes of songs on albums, the Sony Walkman, Walkmans in general, the Boom Box with tape cassette player/stereo,  VHS  recorder ( we never had the BetaMax at home, just VHS recorder), and other things from my teen yrs in the 80s, that I can barely recall or still vividly can…lol

  • Johnnypee Parker

    04/06/2020 at 03:30

    [postquote quote=94200][/postquote]
    This is funny.  A little while ago , like minutes, I was totally thinking about the last time I saw a phone booth.  I log onto the forum and there is another post about remember when.

    My sons were with my wife and me at an older restaurant when we happened upon one of those phone booth benches.  Remember the half bench by the wall?  The pay phone was mounted on the wall with a faux desk and everything under it.  The desk top was to write things down on paper.  Omg weren’t we around before post-it’s?

    The phone was gone, but the outline of it was still emblazoned into the wall.

    The boys asked what that seat was.  I told them it was a pay phone and they just smiled and shook their heads.  It seemed as if they were gritting there teeth foreseeing a trip down memory lane with Dad.

    I think the whole public phone system concept puzzles them.

    Did I ever tell you about…

    Memory Lane can be A slippery slope


  • David Herrick

    04/06/2020 at 03:45

    And it doesn’t seem so long ago that we were laughing at this as a sign of the modern world:


  • Jacki Hopper

    04/06/2020 at 06:59

    Yes, JP, to add to your time warp of vintage phone talk…lol…there are still ancient phone booths scattered around Ottawa,  mind you the phones are touch tone buttoned, not rotary dial…as for the phone with tables you mentioned, just awhile back a son of a family friend passed, the celebration of life was held at his fave drinking hole, an old school Italian restaurant/pub/hotel that’s   both legendary and an historical landmark in the Little Italy area of Ottawa , and low and behold, I noticed one that you mention of…lol…I’ve only been in this establishment a handful of times in my lifetime,  never noticed the phonestalls really, until I happen to walk through  the through way connecting the main bar/restaurant/pub area to the smaller bar , private room area…I took a photo of it and on another day awhile back of a phone booth  in the same area of town ….

    I’m enjoying your stroll down vintage time warp lane, as I enjoy history, vintage, etc….

  • Rudolf Wagner

    04/06/2020 at 14:33

    Hello, hello!

    Lisa and and I also want to welcome you here and say a big thank you 🙂

    Old, young … it doesn’t matter, we’re here for the music and that’s what we love about this community ♥ We hope you’ll enjoy your time here and send groovy greetings across the Atlantic!

    Mona & Lisa

  • Michael Thompson

    04/06/2020 at 15:22

    More on the vintage phone talk. I remember when if you got a long distance phone call (anyone remember them?) late at night it meant someone in the family died! Also if you were making a long distance call you would wait till after 7pm (because the rates were lower then) and write down what you wanted to say so you wouldn’t go over 3 minutes! Ah the good old days(?)

  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2020 at 00:54

    Michael, the thing that stand out the most about the old long distance service is, when I was a kid I remember when my parents would make a once per year call overseas to relatives, they would start yelling into the phone when they got connected, like their voice actually had to travel through a tunnel to the other end of the earth!

    Good video David.  I remember well that Superman scene with the new phone booths.

    I like this one too.  I guess after the demise of the phone booth, our intelligence agencies had to find another way to disguise the secret government offices.  The 60’s didn’t only bring us the best music ever, but some of the best TV shows too!

    I’m still waiting for the adoption of the shoe phone to replace the smart phones.

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