MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Nimbin Roots Festival 2020


  • Howard

    10/06/2020 at 13:59
  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2020 at 21:04

    Howard, seems this will be one of the very few and rare live music events being put on this year for the lucky few in the region who can attend.  I guess in Australia and New Zealand things are getting back to normal ahead of anywhere else in the world.  Sounds like an eclectic 60s style folk country love and peace sustainability and environment friendly theme.  Have you been to the festival before?

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/06/2020 at 22:24

    Yes, I’m  too, surprised at the go ahead of this festival whereas elsewheres in the world, it’s the opposite happening, cancellations and postponements of festivals, but this festival sounds interesting, and I could see MLT being a part of it, one never knows, maybe they will consider for future consideration potential…

  • Howard

    12/06/2020 at 13:14

    Jung, we treated the virus seriously and went in hard initially. Our states are coming out of restrictions independently. Some states have already opened their borders and I expect that mine will early next month. Our major sports have returned, initially with cardboard cutouts in the stands that fans can pay $22 to have their photo image on. Now a certain number of fans are allowed to attend the venues. This is mainly done by way of a ballot.

    We expect by the time of the annual Nimbin festival that the numbers attending social events will be back to normal. I haven’t been to this particular festival before, but one of my Moto Guzzi club mates has a couple of times and recommends it. I plan on attending with him this year. I wasn’t serious about the MLT attending. I just think that it fits in nicely with their musical vision. However, it would be awesome if one year they were able to make it, maybe in disguise!

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