MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion What is in your smart device music library?

  • What is in your smart device music library?

    Posted by Jung Roe on 10/06/2020 at 23:02

    What are you listening to these day?  What do you have loaded in your smart device music library, if you are not too embarrassed to share.  What is your music guilty pleasure?

    Well in my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy A8) music library I have the following albums/artists:

    MLT – All 8 albums (California Dreaming, 2007 Concert, MLT play Beatles and more vol 1, 2, and 3, Christmas, When We’re Together, and Orange)

    Spirit of the 60s – Album 1 and 2

    Beatles – One, Rubber Soul, Revolver

    Beach Boys – Sounds of Summer

    The Bee Gees – Best of Bee Gees

    Elton John – Greatest Hits

    Enya – Shepard Moon, A Day without Rain

    U2 – Joshua Tree

    Sheryl Crow – Very Best Of

    Shania Twain – Come On Over

    Madonna – Immaculate Collection, GHV2

    Dido – Garden State

    Carpenters – Singles 74-78, Singles 69-73

    Oliver Schroeder – Celtic Dream

    George Winston – Forest

    Christopher Peacock – Pianoforte Opus 1, 3, and 5

    Enigma – 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 albums

    Evanescence – Greatest Hits

    Heart – Greatest Hits 1985-1995

    Bach – Bach for Book Lovers

    Mozart – Piano Sonatas set, 6 Piano Concertos, Mozart Effect for focus and clarity

    Beethoven – 32 Piano Sonatas set, 9 Symphonies set, 5 Piano Concertos set

    Various 40s to 50s pop –  Million Hit Party

    Zamfir – Best of

    Mythos – Angels Weep






    David Herrick replied 4 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • David Herrick

    11/06/2020 at 07:30

    I’d love to respond to this, Jung, but I don’t even HAVE a smart device!  But as far as groups that I like to listen to as much as possible, the big ones for me are (alphabetically) ABBA, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, the Carpenters, Dave Dee et al., the Four Seasons, Harmony Grass, the Mamas & Papas, MLT, the Monkees, the Osmonds, Peter Paul & Mary, the Seekers, the Turtles, and Weird Al Yankovic.


  • Jacki Hopper

    11/06/2020 at 18:06

    Currently, on my android tablet, phone,  it’s MLT, Glass Tiger, Mamas and Papas,  Amy Winehouse, and off device wise, I have a huge CD and some album, cassette  tape collection of a variety of music genres in country, rock, gospel, party dance mix, compilations of sorts, etc, and I also enjoy local music from my music friends I know locally, like April Verch, etc.

    I have an eclectic taste in music…lol…if I like/love the music of the song, with lyrics/instrumentation/how it sounds, from the get go, I’m going to enjoy, otherwise, not really, I want to enjoy from ghetto….

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2020 at 20:52

    David, you have a nice variety of groups there I would love to indulge in.  Just the first 4 you mentioned, one could spend hours/days enjoying.   Dave Dee, Harmony Grass, Seekers, and Osmonds I’m not very familiar with their music, but I will check them out.  I remember Al Yankovic, he had some big funny parody hits in the 70’s and 80’s.  “Eat It” comes to mind, but I remember he had many.

    Jacki, I think I am similar to you about “if I like/love the music of the song, with lyrics/instrumentation/how it sounds, from the get go, I’m going to enjoy”.  Regardless of the genre, if it has a catchy melody, I am usually in.  Of the ones you mentioned, I’m not very familiar with Amy Winehouse, although I know the name.  I am sure she has some songs I know, will check out some Winehouse.


  • David Herrick

    11/06/2020 at 21:20

    Jung, if you like music that makes you laugh, you definitely need to explore Weird Al.  He’s been doing great parodies of popular songs non-stop for over 40 years, including this one which may be of interest to MLT fans as of a couple of days ago:

  • Jung Roe

    11/06/2020 at 22:44

    LOL, that is just brilliant David!  Indeed very fitting since Tuesday, and Al is a genius with parody.

    It’s funny this last couple of weeks I’ve gotten into Star Wars.  Finished watching the original trilogy, followed by the prequel series trilogy, and more recently the sequel trilogy series (some 9 Star Wars movies).  As popular and commercialized as Star Wars is, watching the series of movies again there is some great themes about humanity that goes into it from the whole good vs evil conflict theme both internally and externally, and the heart touching relationship between parents and children.  It’s pretty rich with meaning and symbolism and touch upon issues humanity faces compared to modern sci-fi movies that is just action and violence.  There is plenty of action and violence in Star Wars too, but it tries to impart some wisdom and engages the intellect.  Maybe that’s why it is so famous and great.

  • David Herrick

    12/06/2020 at 01:45

    Given that Al wrote this song in 1980, it was very prescient of him to include the line about the “long-term contract”.

    I completely agree about the multiple facets of Star Wars, Jung, especially with regard to the original trilogy.  Seeing them as an adult was a completely different experience from seeing them as a kid, with different lessons learned.  They are truly movies for all ages.

    I haven’t actually watched them in a long time, but since the lockdown began I’ve started watching YouTube videos in which adults who have never seen Star Wars (and other famous movies) record their reactions to seeing them for the first time, and edit them down to about 20 minutes of highlights.  The other day I found a YouTube user named Natalie Gold who has really entertaining reactions to her first viewings of the first six films, all just in the last couple of weeks.  It’s fun to watch her watch them because she clearly becomes very emotionally invested in the characters and the story.


  • Howard

    12/06/2020 at 05:23

    Yes, LOL David. He got in ahead of our wonderful MLT. I can’t wait for their YouTube video release Friday (it’s already Friday Down-under)! I wonder if they got dressed up specially for the video. I hope so! Being the great actors they are, I have no doubt they could both do wonderful Lola impersonations.  I’d rather see their Lola than their “Yoda”!

  • David Herrick

    12/06/2020 at 05:35

    The video is on YouTube now, Howard!  I just checked.


  • Howard

    12/06/2020 at 06:44

    Thank you David. And it is awesome as expected. Ray Davies would be impressed!

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/06/2020 at 07:05

    I’m a Star Wars fan of the original trilogy with Carrie, Harrison, Mark and then last recent trilogy with same cast . I’m not a fan of the prequels at all….just not the same as having the triple 3…nor did I find the story lines of any interest, it was the storylines and casting of the prequels, just did not work for me, not the same oomph as with Carrie, Harrison, Mark. Though I never Star Wars when it originally came out in movie theaters when it did away back when, I at least saw Return of Jedi, at least 15 to 20x at  the movie theater , own the VHS original trilogy and on DVD and have 2 of the last 3 trilogy of same original cast, still need to get the final one ….lol


    Lola video….KickAss Awesome is what it is !!!!

  • David Herrick

    12/06/2020 at 07:25

    I agree with you on the prequels, Jacki.  I think they got progressively better, but they never came close to being as compelling as the original trilogy.

    I remember when the first Star Wars movie came out on home video.  It cost 120 USD, which was about five times the average movie price at the time.  It was highway robbery, but we just had to have it!  Fortunately I was still young enough that my parents bought it for us.  It was essentially a one-present Christmas that year.


  • Jung Roe

    12/06/2020 at 07:56

    Lola video is awesome indeed Howard.  Ray Davies should be super proud!

    Jacki, I think the original trilogy will always be the best.  It was fun though seeing Yoda in his prime showing off his Jedi Knight fighting skills with his sword in the prequal.  In the sequals it was nice seeing Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford appear as their original selves, much older though.

    David, our household payed full asking price for those early Star Wars trilogy VHS tapes too.  My little sister was actually the huge Star Wars fan in the family, and she bought the DVDs when they became available.  A little later when the Star Trek movies started coming out I was a bigger fan of Star Trek, and me and my sister always got into a little debate on which was better, Star Wars or Star Trek.  I love them both actually.

  • David Herrick

    12/06/2020 at 08:15

    Jung, I think Star Trek is more of an adventure of the mind, and Star Wars is more of an adventure of the spirit.  And both are an important part of a well-balanced breakfast.


  • John Behle

    13/06/2020 at 01:18

    Jung,  I mostly listen to songs off my computer, iPhone and hard drive in the car.  On the computer – about 15,000 from the 50’s to present.  Many hundreds in the car, but of course mostly MLT on the playlists.

    A couple hundred on the phone.  Beatles, Beach Boys, Grand Funk, Alison Krauss, BeeGees, Chicago, The Association, Steppenwolf, Guess Who, BTO, Alabama, Herman’s Hermits, John Michael Montgomery, Josh Groban, John Barrowman, Creedence, Bread, Blessed Union of Souls, Rare Earth, Olivia Newton John, Sam Smith, Jamie Grace, The Animals, Hayley Westenra, George Strait, George Harrison, Dan Fogelberg, Ray Parker Jr., Alyona, B.J. Thomas, Sly and the Family Stone, Andrew Lloyd Weber, Starlight Express, Chad and Jeremy, Joan Jett, Janis Joplin, Lauren Daigle, Bon Jovi, Led Zepplin, Enya, The Traveling Wilburys, Tori Amos and a bunch of others that I only have one song or are my son’s music like Imagine Dragons, Avicci, One Republic, etc.

    Far more information than you might have wanted.

    About the funny videos mentioned by David and others.  I love watching HISHE with my sons.  It’s an animated show of “How It Should Have Ended” for popular movies.  Points out hilarious plot points, endings, characters etc.

  • Jung Roe

    13/06/2020 at 02:45

    Thanks John for sharing.  That is an extensive and impressive collection of various gruops you have on your phone, not to mention the total 15K of songs since the 50s in your overall collection.  I use to have a lot more music in my phone but had to make room for photos and videos for my last vacation trip in the fall, and Im slowly starting to add more music back.  I will check out that show you mentioned.

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