• Both Sides Now

    Posted by Stephen Krogh on 28/06/2020 at 07:20

    This song has always been special to me. I first heard it as a wide-eyed 17 year old when it was released in 1968 as a single by Judy Collins. I remember it had the effect of causing me to slow down just a little, to realize that as one’s life experiences change, so could one’s impression of those experiences. A few years later in 1974 when the song’s composer Joni Mitchell released her block buster “Court And Spark” album I became a big fan. I bought both “Court” and Mitchell’s earlier album “Clouds” which had been released in 1969 with “Both Sides Now” as one of the tracks performed by herself. Although I still loved Collin’s version, I grew to prefer Mitchell’s own version. It was so intimate, introspective, and soulful.

    Over the years many famous and not-so-famous performers did their own versions of the song. However, in my opinion, no one came close to Joni. Then, in the year 2020, along came a duet by Mona and Lisa Wagner. I can’t believe I am saying this but, I feel that Mona and Lisa have captured not only all of the essence of Joni’s original version but have gone beyond. It is more intimate, stirring and impassioned. They have expressed this song’s deep bittersweet sentiments in the most personal, compelling and beautiful way imaginable. The musical arrangement and performance itself is unbelievable for a simple duet. With this recording, Mona and Lisa have connected to their listeners in a closer, more trusting way than ever before. I for one am humbled, amazed and very, very grateful.

    Thomas Randall replied 4 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    28/06/2020 at 10:09

    Couldn’t agree with you more Stephen.  The MLT version takes this song to another level, just brilliant.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    29/06/2020 at 14:45

    I agree, Jung, a whole new level.  I am not really familiar with this song.  I know it more as background music.  This new version moves it to the top of my playlist.  The girls‘ super clear singing sets the mood for this song, and breathes a new life Into it.  I got a little misty with the first spin.  It is perfect.  I love the way the guitars just wrap around your ears and carry the lyrics.  Oh wait, that’s true with every Duo Session.  I can’t pick a favorite.  Yes, I can.

    The quality of theses recordings is superb, to say the least.  The mix and the overall sound is better than CD’s I purchased from big label’s .   I have purchased CD’s from “big label” artists before, only to find the sound quality to be flawed with over the top bass, or some other out-of-proportion sound anomaly. These discs currently reside in the black hole of my house where most other forever lost items go.

    So a nice round of applause for the recording team.  Bravo!

    This new CD already has a reserved place in the rack for it.  I feel like I am waiting for the Stork to bring this new CD home.  Well now, the rack is for the case.  The disc will obviously find a long-standing residence in my CD player.

    Thanks so much to MLT for streaming this in the Jukebox.  This site has a lot to offer.  The IT team would be commended.  They do a fine job keeping everything together.

    I love knowing there is more new stuff around the corner, and look forward to its rollout.  MLT has such clever marketing practices.  I like the element of surprise on Fridays.

    All is groovy here, now let me go see if those earbuds are done charging…One More Time


  • Jung Roe

    29/06/2020 at 18:27

    JP agreed, that’s what is so brilliant about the Duo Sessions.  With just Mona and Lisa’s wonderful vocals and two guitars, it’s stripped down version of songs really highlight their incredibly beautiful and colorful harmonies and individual vocals which are equally brilliant, and with just two guitars you can really feel all the intricate sounds while the camera draws your attention to the passion their cute faces radiate.  That’s why the Duo Sessions became an instant hit at the Club, and now this album captures all that beautiful magnificence.  And again, Both Sides Now is awesome, and each track is superb brimming with MLT magic!

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/06/2020 at 22:43

    I’ve always been a fan of Joni’s music, not only because she is Canadian, but a gifted songwriter….I love the part on Cass Elliot’s  TV Special 1969, ( I have the DVD), where Joni, Cass, Mary from  Peter, Paul , Mary fame, discs trio of a song on the tv special, all 3 voices harmonized so beautifully…..

    Here’s the clip of the song I’m referring to:


    Yes, MLT can take a cover and either equal to original calibre, or just bypass it to another level…..

  • Thomas Randall

    01/07/2020 at 00:11

    Yes indeed the ladies do this song proud! What a GREAT version! The falsettos are PERFECTION! Maybe my favorite on the album (which by the way I just got in the mail today! Thanks girls!). Another fave is “Tonight you belong to me”. I love their version of it! The whole CD is SO good!

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