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  • If I Could, I Would…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 29/06/2020 at 23:00

    If I had just a tad more music knowhow smarts than what I currently have, had a  bit more self confidence , I’d be attempting to sing an MLT song in public at an open mic jam, whenever and if it resumes and I’m able to go, ( I’d need to have lyrics in front of me to do so…lol), I’m wanting to tackle a song, I did get brave awhile ago and did the Beatles’  — I Saw Standing Her Standing There– because I got inspired, by MLT’s version, it gave me the inspiration and courage to conquer and do….I would also love to  one  day have an MLT poem I  write , set to music ,that would be cool….one can dream, hope to fulfill eventually………I tried in my mid -late teens, early 20s in attempting to write a song….I still have that song , stored away in  a  pietry journal from away back when…lol…Team MLT, they know how to ignite creativity sparks in people….Thankyou ?

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Darryl Boyd

    30/06/2020 at 00:19

    Hi Jacki.

    I reckon people at open mic nights are pretty accommodating of beginners, and appreciate anyone who gives it a go. I doubt you’d need to be worried.

    Of course a couple of stiff drinks to calm the nerves might help, but not an option for you 🙂

    As for setting your poem to music, maybe place an ad in the local papers (or the modern equivalents!). There are plenty of musos sitting around doing nothing at the moment and someone might jump at the challenge.


  • Jung Roe

    30/06/2020 at 05:08

    Jacki, I think if you feel inspired to do something, it would be a virtue to go do it, share that magic/passion with the world.  A wise artist once said, your art does not belong to you but to the world, it’s meant to be shared.  There is no good or bad art, art can touch and move people, just like one person’s junk is another’s treasure.

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