MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The Rundle Mall pigs turn 21

  • The Rundle Mall pigs turn 21

    Posted by Darryl Boyd on 05/07/2020 at 10:52

    Mona and Lisa might be interested to know that the Rundle Mall pigs in Adelaide have just turned 21!

    There is a picture somewhere of MLT posing with the pigs however I was unable to find it.

    These pigs probably witnessed Mona and Lisa busking while they were in Adelaide too!

    Hopefully you’ll get to visit them again one day.

    Rundle Mall pigs



    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Howard

    05/07/2020 at 14:29

    I remember the photo well Darryl. Hopefully these two rascals had so much fun they’ll return for a follow up photo opportunity one day. And hopefully they might try busking again, just for old time’s sake. I’d make a special effort to be there.


  • Darryl Boyd

    05/07/2020 at 23:13

    That’s the pic, thanks Howard.

  • Jung Roe

    06/07/2020 at 20:06

    Those Rundle Mall pigs look awfully cute Darrel.  Reminds me of my very first album I got as a present when I was little, The 3 Little Pigs!  🙂  Rundle Mall looks like an interesting place and I bet a great place to take in some busking and do a little shopping.


  • Jacki Hopper

    07/07/2020 at 17:04

    Those wee piggies went to the market…. but became statues….?????

  • Ckay Kirby

    16/10/2020 at 23:48

    hiya all

    Adelaide, remember when….. Rundle St was full of pedestrians, cars and trolley buses?
    Gday to you Darryl,

    I remember the Rundle Mall pigs from a visit back to my hometown in the late 70’s

    how ever growing up in Adelaide I remember when it was a normal road/street


    we used to go into town to meet my dad from work some afternoons, he worked in the original Adelaide TV station,  he was musical director for  Channel 9 TV and featured regularly in the Country Show and also produced music for Local Personality Ernie Sigley, who had a No1 hit record , written, performed and produced by my dad

    here is a an article about him.

  • Ckay Kirby

    16/10/2020 at 23:56



    sorry forgot to include the photos

    rundle mall 1960-65rundle street adelaide 1960 ish

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