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  • Peter Green: Fleetwood Mac co-founder dies aged 73

    Posted by Howard on 27/07/2020 at 15:30

    BB King once said Green “has the sweetest tone I ever heard. He was the only one who gave me the cold sweats”.

    Peter Green – Albatross

    In an interview in 1987, Harrison said that the Beatles’ recording of “Sun King” was inspired by Fleetwood Mac’s “Albatross”. “At the time, ‘Albatross’ (by Fleetwood Mac) was out, with all the reverb on guitar. So we said, ‘Let’s be Fleetwood Mac doing Albatross, just to get going.’ It never really sounded like Fleetwood Mac… but that was the point of origin.”


    Howard replied 4 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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  • Howard

    27/07/2020 at 17:06

    I saw Mick Fleetwood’s current Fleetwood Mac lineup play at the Byron Bay Blue’s Festival a few years ago. He had a great lead singer/guitarist who seemed like a Pete Green Clone. Before they played “Black Magic Woman”, Mick announced to the audience something like, for those of you expecting the Santana version, we play the original Pete Green version, and they did, perfectly.

    When it came to the encore, I was extremely tempted to shout out “Albatross” and if I wasn’t such an introvert, I would have. Without announcing it, they played “Albatross”, a sublime finish.

    For those of you not familiar with the Peter Green story, you may find the article in this attachment interesting.

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