• Songs about time

    Posted by Jung Roe on 06/08/2020 at 23:09

    Time has always fascinated me.  There is Einstein’s theory of general relativity that shows gravity is not a force but rather a distortion of time and space, and that gravity literally slows down time.   Time passes more quickly high up in the mountains compared to down at sea level.  Mind bending!

    During these uncertain times, this video really resonated with me about how Life is not short, we just waste a lot of time.



    Tom Fones replied 3 years, 7 months ago 12 Members · 115 Replies
  • 115 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    06/08/2020 at 23:10

    Artists certainly appreciate time given so many great songs written about it.  My favorite is Jim Groce’s “Time in A Bottle”.  Please share any of your favorite songs about time here.



  • Johnnypee Parker

    06/08/2020 at 23:53

    Jim Croce wrote some really timeless songs.  I love his song “Operator“

    My contribution to this topic is kind of obvious:  Time by Pink Floyd

    I love the line,”and you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it’s sinking, racing around to come up behind you again”


  • David Herrick

    07/08/2020 at 00:55

    Great Seneca video, Jung!  Color me stoic.

    I can think of a few songs with “time” in the title, but as far as songs dealing with time and the passage thereof as the primary subject matter, all I can come up with immediately is “In the Year 2525”, which is one of the most depressing songs I know.



  • Michael Thompson

    07/08/2020 at 16:18

    There’s Time has Come Today by the Chambers Bros. “I’ve been lost and put aside! I’ve been crushed by tumbling time!” I know my soul was psycadelicised!

  • John Behle

    07/08/2020 at 16:22

    “Time Won’t Let Me” – The Outsiders 1966 is the first one that jumped into my mind.  Not exactly about time travel, but a favorite oldie.https://youtu.be/gaj1wVNvSqk

    Glad I searched that one out, because the next song it jumped to was “Because” by the DC5.  Love that song.

  • Thomas Randall

    07/08/2020 at 16:55

    “Time is tight” By Booker T and the MG’s!


    • Jung Roe

      09/08/2020 at 00:42

      Never heard Booker T & The MG’s before.  Great guitar playing, thanks for sharing it Thomas.

  • Howard

    08/08/2020 at 11:01

    Nice pick there Thomas and a great video with the CCR boys looking on from the wings. I remember this song well from the early seventies. It was a popular selection from the local radio stations in my country.

  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2020 at 23:27

    [postquote quote=99712][/postquote]
    Sounds so cool JP.  Can never get enough of Pink Floyd.



  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2020 at 23:39

    Here is a good one by the Kinks.



  • Jung Roe

    08/08/2020 at 23:53

    [postquote quote=99715][/postquote]

    In the year 5555 your arms are hanging limp at your side, your legs got nothing to do, some machine’s doing that for you….

    This song is pretty bleak indeed David, but nevertheless a catchy 60’s iconic classic!  I wonder if the producers of the movie “The Matrix” with Keanu Reeves got the idea from this song?




  • Jung Roe

    09/08/2020 at 00:06

    [postquote quote=99754][/postquote]
    Michael, great song!  I’ve heard it a lot, but never knew who it was by until now!  Yes very psychedelic.




  • Jung Roe

    09/08/2020 at 00:12

    [postquote quote=99727][/postquote]
    Nice John!  This one is new to me.  Like that catchy beat to the song.




  • John Behle

    09/08/2020 at 00:22

    It’s really surprising to see how many artists were known just in their own country.  But in those days we were dependent on the radio stations and who they chose to play or were told to play.  The other thing that struck me was all those groups that I thought were from one country – but were not.  Lots of the groups and songs I liked I have now found out were from England that I thought were from USA.  So easy these days with the internet and so hard in those days.  I was never into magazines or researching groups,  so I’d only know on the rare times someone would mention it on the radio.   Lots of one hit wonders too, that never made it worldwide.

    • Jung Roe

      09/08/2020 at 00:40

      I know what you mean John.  Back when we heard everything on the good ole radio I never payed attention to where different bands were from.  I usually assumed the US or the UK.  It was only recently I learned about all the Canadian bands and artists I had no idea were Canadian until Jacki pointed some out some to me here  🙂

      At the end of the day, good music is good music, irregardless of country.  Music is universal and the one thing that can bond people globally.

  • Jung Roe

    09/08/2020 at 00:24

    This is one of the great songs about time, very inspired I think.  There is a time for everything.



  • Howard

    09/08/2020 at 02:22

    Hi Jung. This Topic was covered over a year ago under the heading – It’s About Time!

    I remember thinking hard on the number of “times“ this word and theme had been used in songs as I was using it as a possible motivation for Mona and Lisa while they were writing songs for their next album of originals. Members may be surprised with just how many songs have the name in their title or as the main them.

    I recommend Members refer to the Topic for further details.

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