• 2007 Concert

    Posted by Howard on 12/10/2018 at 21:15

    Is there a DVD of your first public concert available? If not, are there any plans to produce one?

    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/10/2018 at 04:46

    Bear with me, complicated answer ahead:

    We thought about that early on but it’s very complex and financially not feasible to release a DVD with cover songs, at least not at this point. The reason being that contrary to a cover CD release, where we simply pay royalties to the original songwriters through the standard Mechanical-Copyright Protection Societies it’s a much less straightforward process when you add the video element to the mix.

    We would have to individually contact the copyright owners of all 24 songs that we played during that concert and all would have to agree that we can use our images in context with their song and sell it. The fees we would have to pay would be the same as if we were using their songs as a film score which gets charged by the minute.

    So all in all we decided it’s not worth it, way too expensive and we’d rather put our energy and money on writing or covering new songs. We are fine to put them on YouTube since YouTube has their own deals with all the main music labels and publishers: the ad revenue money that gets generated through our cover songs gets passed on to the copyright holder so that’s why they don’t mind. 🙂

    Long answer to a short question but you might find it interesting to know.

  • Howard

    13/10/2018 at 13:34

    Thank you Mona for your very informative reply and please accept my apologies for my total ignorance when it comes to such matters. I will bear your reply in mind before making further requests. Not being involved in the music industry there is much I don’t know but I’m learning a lot through your new club which I think is just the best idea ever!

    As for your YouTube videos that got me completely hooked on MLT, I notice that some of the songs on the 2007 concert double CD are not included in the YouTube videos (I’m thinking of songs like ‘Der Kommissar’, ‘Stand by Me’ and ‘Smoke on the Water’). Is there a reason for this, or am I missing something? I can’t get over how courageous and professional both you and Lisa were in performing so brilliantly in front of a live audience at the age of just 13. Your performance was totally inspiring and Lisa’s rendition of ‘I wish I was a Punk Rocker’ convinced me she really meant it!

    I love all your covers as indicated in previous posts but one I haven’t mentioned is your live performance of Donovan’s ‘Catch the Wind’ on BBC radio Manchester. As Becky noted, ‘you’ve got such wonderful, sweet voices.’ Well done Mona, especially considering you seemed to have a cold at the time! This Donovan song has always been a favourite of mine. By the way, well done with what I think must have been your first flute solo in ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’ and thank you for sharing that gorgeous smile of yours with us at the end! I have some cover suggestions that I think would be just perfect for you (more about that later).

    I’m really looking forward to my latest ‘bundle’ arriving after October 28, especially the three ‘MLT Play Beatles and More’ CDs. Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my uninformed request and enlightening me. And thanks also for allowing me to join you and your ‘big’ sister on your ‘magical mystery tour’!

  • Michael Triba

    23/10/2018 at 05:25

    Hello Howard Bedwell!  In reading your comments I can easily see what a huge MonaLisa Twins fan you also are, sir!  When did you first “discover” MLT on YouTube?  For me it was April 2, 2016, a red letter day in my life.  I watched all their YT videos several times.  I think there were about 90 back then.  It got me almost completely away from TV at the time.

    “Live in Concert Franzensdorf 2007 – MONALISA and Band” is an awesome concert double CD, isn’t it?  IMHO it belongs in the collection of every true and loyal fan.  (I had all 4 of Team MLT autograph it!)  As far as your question about the missing videos on YT, I am 98.5% certain that all 24 songs were initially there, as I saw them all many times.  I suspect that the reasons some were removed are fairly personal.  I have come to know that all that Team MLT does is with precision, forethought, and careful planning.  They are truly AMAZING, aren’t they???!!!

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 12:37

    Hi Michael, nice meeting you. Yes, not difficult seeing what a huge fan I am. I love music but Like Mona and Lisa haven’t really been keen on what’s been available for a while now. I was also getting bored listening to my huge catalogue of mainly sixties and seventies music on Spotify so it was such a pleasant surprise to discover the MonaLisa Twins just over two months ago, just in time to join this awesome club. Can’t believe they’ve been around for just over ten years now and I was totally oblivious.

    I’ve now been able to listen to old favourites that have had new life put back into them through MLTs amazing covers. The big bonus has been the introduction to MLTs brilliant originals and their beautiful family. The first song I rember listening to, ‘Bus Stop’ had me wondering who these people were and I was up the whole night catching up on all their videos, right from that 2007 concert. There professionalism and passion had me hooked from the start.


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