MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion 7/15/21 5:55am eastern standard time

  • 7/15/21 5:55am eastern standard time

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 15/07/2021 at 11:00

    Today at 5:55 am eastern standard time on my way to work Mona and Lisa was on the Beatle Channel on Serious XM Radio!! WO WOOOO I Rolled down my window and yelled YEA!!!! OMG and the song was I’ll be back, one of my favorite twins song. I was so excited to hear them on the radio, I was like a kid at Christmas….LOL..Has anyone else had this opportunity to hear the twins on the radio?? Keep it coming Mona and Lisa !!! love it

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge fans from Pittsburgh Pa Usa

    Roger Penn replied 3 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Bill Isenberg

    15/07/2021 at 11:47

    Correction 4:55 am eastern standard time

  • Tom Fones

    15/07/2021 at 15:35

    Great news!

    Damn you get up early!

  • Bill Isenberg

    15/07/2021 at 16:29

    Thomas, LOL…Yea I am up at 3:30 and start at 5am and I like to hit the highway early so no traffic. But man did that excite my day hearing the twins on XM Radio!!! Love it great way to start my day

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    15/07/2021 at 19:39

    That’s awesome, Bill! I’ve heard others mention hearing our beloved twins on SiriusXM Beatles channel, but I’ve never been that lucky, even though that channel is on 99% of my in-car time. Also…tell Maddie I think her handmade bracelets were hands-down the best birthday gifts the twins received!

  • Bill Isenberg

    15/07/2021 at 20:18

    Thank you Jeffrey, I will pass that along. Maddie is very independent and did the bracelets her self and packed it up for me to take to the post office, wow only 8 but I feel at times she is 15!! LOL….

  • Jung Roe

    16/07/2021 at 16:22

    That’s great to hear MLT is being played on Sirius XM Radio. Don’t have that in my car, just do the bluetooth to listen to what I have on my phone these days. Looks like I will soon need to get that, as it’s awfully special when MLT is being played on the airwaves. I have a feeling MLT originals will be coming on the airwaves soon too.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/07/2021 at 16:56

    Cool,but what exactly is Sirius , is it a paid subscription thing or public online !? I hardly listen to any radio but only for morning to wake up to, and goes off after and an hour and a half. I do have Spotify, the free version installed on my phone/tablet, listen to Graham Howard’s Radio Broadgreen show (UK)whenever I can…

    • Jung Roe

      17/07/2021 at 00:23

      Me too Jacki, I wake up to CBC every morning. Now wouldn’t it be awesome one morning to find MLT playing on the CBC to wake up to! ????????

  • Bill Isenberg

    16/07/2021 at 18:06

    Hi Jacki, Yes it is a paid subscription radio and the cool thing is no commercials and songs you normally never hear on the current stations, more variety. For example, The Monkees did a song called Going Down and you never hear it on the radio stations but you can hear songs like that with XM Radio

  • Tom Fones

    16/07/2021 at 18:14

    I’ve only heard XM in a rent-a-car a few times.

    About 100 million stations with their own theme.

    I remember a comedy channel. Andy Griffith talking about Romeo & Juliet.

    Bob Newhart talking about a dental practice. Very old stuff which was fresh to me.

    I discovered John Pennett after he had passed.

    Please forgive me but …

    Do Jimmy Buffett and the Grateful Dead still have their own channel?

  • Roger Penn

    17/07/2021 at 06:34

    That’s awesome! Next thing I know I’ll be hearing them in the supermarket while I’m getting groceries!

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