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  • Tomás F. Calvo

    12/10/2019 at 23:40

    AC/DC is a great band, one of the greats for me. Though it’s true that they didn’t diversify much.

    There are several musicians out there that talk about Beethoven as the Heavy Metal of the classics, and I can see their point.
    You have Bach that was all harmonies, polyphonic voices, 100 years later Mozart has all these lyrical melodies and Beethoven follows with stuff like the 3rd and 5th Symphonies.

    Here’s a video of a talk about it, but there are a few out there.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    13/10/2019 at 00:00

    To be fair, some of the early stuff with Brian Johnson was pretty good (Back in Black, etc.), But they sort of fell into a rut of sorts.  The songs started to all sound the same!  You’re right though about him being monotonous.

    Part of the problem was (in my opinion) the drumming of Phil Rudd.  I never understood why he had anything more than a bass drum, snare and cymbals because he never used any of his mounted or floor toms… and every beat was basically the same!  Still, I do love the early stuff!!!

    • Jung Roe

      13/10/2019 at 00:23

      Yes perhaps I was a little too overly critical about Brian Johnson.  The band’s popularity skyrocketed while he was lead singer, and he was great in his wheel house of songs, but I think his vocal limitations limited the band to a narrower range musically.

  • Jung Roe

    13/10/2019 at 00:12

    Wow Tomas, that video was delightful, just loved it!  Thanks for sharing it.  Nicolas Ellis provides just some great detailed explanation of why Beethoven’s music is so great.

    There is a great movie about Beethoven called “Copying Beethoven” I highly recommend.  I mentioned it in one of the other threads here (and posted some links), “The AWE-some power of music”, that really show what music is, and how his music could move people.

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