MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion A couple thoughts on Why?

  • A couple thoughts on Why?

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 25/11/2022 at 16:07

    I have read most all of the follow ups on the Why Album, I feel Jung nailed it with his thougts. I have so many but wanted to share just a couple of my thoughts. First the production of this album is a gem to me, Rudi kuto’s to you my friend. Wow just fantastic work. And Mona? My goodness as a drummer myself and have been on recording over the years but your drumming is off the charts on this album, I see a progression from the first album to this one and your riffs and fill in’s are on target and perfect. I like you using the bell of your cymbal on Make Show, adds so much and when you go into the choris part of the song you lift that up with such great on time beats and fill ins. Lisa your guitar leads and riffs and rhythem playing is 100% perfect. I have said in the past and again I say Ronnie wood and Keith Richards and Eric Clapton to Sir Paul McCartney has to know your abilitys on the guitar, you can hang with the best of them Lisa. So on the album, I truely love all the songs, and Destination Sunrise is one that I have been checking out, great guitar work and I am guessing it is Mona on lead vocals? Again great song , great rhythem and lead guitar work. Summer Rain has me too and kind of takes me to the Beatles music. Also I love the cord progression on Questionable kind of a swing on the bridge before going back to the verse, very cleavor and great song writing. I have always thought writing a bridge of a song is more difficult to write and blend in the song. So that is all I have for now, I will add more at a later date, but I simply love this new album and can’t get enough of it.

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 9 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Daryl Jones

    26/11/2022 at 03:19

    Pretty nice notes Bill, they echo much of how I feel about the Girls’ musical abilities. The “Why” album is a perfect evolution in their journey. I’m certain the future holds much more progression for them, and consequently, us as listeners.

  • Bill Isenberg

    26/11/2022 at 15:03

    I agree Daryl, listen to the albums in order from When were together to Orange to Why and the talent and song writing is stunning to me and they have such a good hold on their craft it is very refreshing. One can only imagine what the future albums of original music holds for these two ladies. They are on the right path and doing things in their own way and time, and it is amazing how they balance their career and home life.

  • Jung Roe

    30/11/2022 at 05:51

    Hi Bill, Mona, Lisa, and Rudolf demonstrate their amazing song writing and musicianship talent in the album WHY?, eclipsing some of the finest legendary song writers and musicians of the 60s and 70s. They can create music with amazing complexity and depth that I feel in a Beethoven symphony. Add to it Mona and Lisa’s incomparable vocals and harmonies, and it is stuff of the legends, pure magic.

  • Michael Rife

    07/12/2022 at 17:09

    Hi all;

    Concerning the LP Why?………………… the lyrics carefully and you can see a statement on current society. To me it looks like a pretty sophisticated statement far beyond anything they have done in the past. And, I didn’t even have to play it backwards or wear a tin-foil hat to see it!!!!! Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    10/12/2022 at 06:16

    Hi Mike

    Good point, “WHY?” is indeed a statement on current society, expressed in the most moving and beautiful way.

    In the days of the composers, musicians and artists were subservient to the wealthy and influential nobility, clerics, and princes and kings. They were expected to create music to entertain, and know there place in the order of things.

    In contrast, for Beethoven, his music was more than mere entertainment but a statement and expression of the times he lived in. He believed in freedom and individuality with a passion. “Beethoven was a bit of a radical in his day. He was a supporter of enlightenment political and social philosophy and despised class divisions.” His music reflected his spirit and beliefs. After Beethoven, music and musicians were on par with the great artistic paintings and literature and the great artists of all times.

    The music of the 60s was all about making a statement and changing the world for better, and I love that Mona and Lisa carry on that spirit of a musician/artist of Beethoven, Beatles, CSNY, Dylan…and all the great legends that took a stand for what they believed in through their music. Their music has substance and meaning. WHY? carry on that great and noble tradition.

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