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  • A drone over your town

    Posted by Jung Roe on 27/12/2022 at 23:36

    I love all the drone shots that MLT, Kudos to Papa Rudi, utilized in some of their beautiful music videos, that adds another visual dimension to the music, like these from Lanzarote.

    I came across a youtube video of my little corner of the world from a drone, I thought I’d share. Maybe it would be fun if we all shared a drone footage of their city, town or neighbourhood. I love the Member Map feature that show where we all are across the globe, and in a similar vein, short video footage from a drone of each of your worlds might be quite interesting.

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 8 months ago 12 Members · 68 Replies
  • 68 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    27/12/2022 at 23:39

    Another beautiful MLT video with drone footage:

    • Michael

      28/12/2022 at 06:30

      Thanks, Jung all their videos are of great workmanship and MLT’s Starman video is extra interesting. To me, its location is ideal for a drone camera, dramatizing the available near and wide Field Of View (FOV) and Depth of Field (DOF) optics.

      I remember seeing a behind the scenes MLT video where the drone went down, I think it was the shooting for the Songbird tune. It reminded me of the Insight

      What I’m thinking is with the sci-fi flavor of the recent “Why?” release, it sci-fi possibilities. I’m stoked to see what they come up with next. It’s great being a MLT fan and your fellow Club member.


    • Jung Roe

      28/12/2022 at 06:48

      Hi Michael

      Some cool photos there, and they did use a drone on Mars too didn’t they. It seems drones are a big part of our future world, and MLT have already adopted it in their video going way back to When We’re Together. They certainly are technology savvy and make good use of it in their craft.

      Perhaps another MLT trip to Lanzarote is warranted for a Lunar or Martian kind of topology footage to simulate the WHY? album cover world for a video. HAHAHA, I am sure they would love that.

  • Jung Roe

    27/12/2022 at 23:40

    Here is a sunrise view from a drone of my little suburb city of Coquitlam Canada, near Vancouver.

  • David Herrick

    28/12/2022 at 00:20

    Cool idea, Jung! Here’s my town:

    High Point, NC – Drone Footage – YouTube

    • Jung Roe

      28/12/2022 at 00:47

      Hi David, thanks for sharing the drone view of your city. 👍🙂 It looks like a really clean beautiful city. A great place to live.

    • David Herrick

      28/12/2022 at 01:25

      Yeah, well, you can hide some sins from a couple hundred meters up. But thanks for the endorsement! Your town looks really nice too, especially with the cool topography in the background.

    • Jung Roe

      28/12/2022 at 06:11

      David, yeah from high up you don’t see the other side. The same is true of Coquitlam, beautiful but it has it’s problems too. Interesting thing is because I grew up around mountains and big hills everywhere, seeing a place like High Point that is so flat is actually quite intriguing for me. Love to drive through there one day.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    28/12/2022 at 04:08

    Great idea, Jung. The houses are laid out in some interesting patterns. I like the hillside setting. I’m not sure if there are any drone videos for around here. David, is New Classic a furniture store? The outside deck looks pretty kool.


    • David Herrick

      28/12/2022 at 05:20

      You’re right about New Classic, JP. High Point considers itself to be the furniture capital of the world, and most of the big downtown buildings are associated with that industry.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    28/12/2022 at 05:31

    A drone over Cairo. It is quite lovely in the Fall. This is what it’s like where we live.

    Now we actually live in the town of Leeds, NY. The closest bigger town is Cairo, NY. And then the next biggest is Catskill, NY. I grew up a couple hours north of here where we had shopping malls, big schools. I moved down here twenty years ago when I met Marlo. She was born and raised here.

    We are a couple hours north of NYC on the Hudson River. This next one is shot from the town park. That white steeple is the church where Marlo & I renewed our vows. I have come to love the absence of noise around here.

    And here is one of Catskill, NY

    It didn’t take long for me to learn how to pronounce Cairo, NY. I was constantly corrected. We pronounce it Care-oh. I have come to believe, never confirmed, that it’s like a secret password. We can always tell who the outsiders are. Cairo pronounced kie-roe is in Egypt. When we hear a tourist ask for directions to “kie-roe” we all have a good laugh. When we get mentioned on the news, it’s almost always “kie-roe”

    • Jung Roe

      28/12/2022 at 06:09

      Hi JP,

      Thanks for sharing these videos. The fall foilage in that first video of Care-oh is amazing, and the countryside with the rolling hills is really beautiful. Love the footage of Catskill, looks to be a beautiful quaint town with trestle bridge, steeple roof church, open football field…. Feels like a wonderful place to visit and explore. One of my passions is doing road trips exploring small towns like this along the way, taking in all the uniqueness of the place and the people.

      Really enjoyed seeing yours and David’s world.

    • David Herrick

      28/12/2022 at 15:00

      Those areas look charming, JP!

      My mom grew up about an hour from Cairo, Illinois, where they also pronounce it “care-oh”.

      I suspect every state in the U.S. has at least one town where the locals can snicker at how visitors pronounce the name. I grew up one county over from Versailles, KY, which is pronounced “ver-sales”. And driving through various places with the radio tuned to local stations, I’ve learned that Berlin, NH rhymes with “Merlin”, and that Gallipolis, OH is “gal-ih-police”.

      My grandfather once worked at a gas station about half an hour from Tamaroa, IL, pronounced “tam-uh-row-uh”. He was very confused one day when a customer asked him how to get to tomorrow.

  • Fred van der Wees

    28/12/2022 at 11:48

    Some pictures from my home town Sassenheim the Netherlands (we do not have that much space which I see in some of the other video’s)

    Sassenheim is situated in the “Bollenstreek”, the area is famous for its flowers

    Each year we have a flowerparade

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 03:51

      Thanks Fred, Sassenheim is a wide open beautiful place, and some of the buildings have a lot of style and character. I have some friend with heritage from the Netherlands, so it was especially nice to see you corner of the world from the Netherlands. Those tulip fields look spectacular, and Sassenheim looks like is adorned with a lot of beautiful flowers everywhere.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Jung Roe.
    • Fred van der Wees

      29/12/2022 at 11:06

      This was a good idea Jung, I already used the street view option on the members map to look around in the world, nice to see some places which I probably will never visit.

    • Len Upton

      31/12/2022 at 03:18

      That was fun Fred. Clearly the Dutch do Flower Power better than anyone!

  • Jürgen

    28/12/2022 at 15:18

    A beautiful idea Jung. So I started searching the endless expanses of the internet and was visibly surprised that I found what I was looking for. When I look out my bedroom window I see a green slag heap in the background. One of the few elevations that exist here (incredible 103 meters high /340 ft.), because the land is flat like a slice of cheese. This hill was created when the overburden from the surrounding mines was piled up there (similar to my personal, world’s best winter slede run from my childhood, you may remember…). At the top of this slagheap stands a 30 meter (98 ft.) high sculpture that is supposed to represent an oversized miner’s lamp. This is illuminated at night and can be climbed via a spiral staircase. From up there you have a wonderful view over the surrounding landscape, the so-called Lower Rhine („Niederrhein“) with its small towns and fields. In the background you can see the Rhine and a large motorway bridge that leads to Duisburg in the Ruhr area („Ruhrpott“). A small lake can also be seen. Originally this was a large pit from which Rhine sand was taken. Today it is green recreational areas, through which beautiful bike and hiking trails lead, which I like to use.

  • Jürgen

    28/12/2022 at 15:19

    The second drone flight also starts near the slag heap in my hometown, at the motorway bridge and follows it east into the Ruhr area. There are shots of industrial ruins to see, which still characterize our landscape today. Among them is a disused steel mill in the north of Duisburg, which today invites visitors to climb, dive and hike. And back again to the Lower Rhine with its small castles and monasteries.

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 05:01

      Hi Jurgen

      It’s so great to be able to see the area you live. So that is the famous Rhine, and what a landscape rich with industry, and history from the modern and old factories/mines to those old castles. The view from that slag heap hill is great, looks like you can see for miles all around. It must be really nice having that forested area/park nearby with the lake and bike trails. Germany and Austria are two places I want to visit when I make my big trek across the little pond. Thanks for sharing these!

    • Jürgen

      29/12/2022 at 07:05

      Hi Jung,

      thanks, here in our region, the Rhine is quite wide. It flows a little further through the Netherlands, branches out there and then flows into the North Sea. The sections popular with tourists (e.g. Canadians who would like to see Austria and Germany 🙂 ) can be found in the so-called Middle Rhine region. Where the vineyards nestle close to the course of the river and numerous old castles and fortifications guard the course of the river (Bingen/Rüdesheim/Lorely). There are very beautiful, small towns that exude a medieval charm with their half-timbered houses and narrow streets. And the birthplace of Beethoven, Bonn, is of course also located on the Rhine. There you can visit the so-called Beethoven House: a Memorial and Museum (The photos below show Beethoven’s birth house, his birth room and Beethoven’s last grand piano „Hammerflügel“).

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 15:20


      Thanks for those photos. I think I can spend days in the Rhine valley checking things out and visiting all those old castles and monasteries. I would have to dedicate a whole day for the Beethoven museum. I hope they would allow me to sit in front of Beethoven’s piano. Just to touch the piano keys Beethoven actually played on would be a wonderful surreal experience to savour.

    • Jürgen

      29/12/2022 at 16:03

      Yeah, sitting at Beethoven’s grand piano and touching the keys: Certainly a moving experience. On weekends, short concerts on historical instruments take place in the Beethoven House and the respective pianist tells a little story about the music performed. Perhaps the opportunity to get in touch with Beethoven’s piano. In Vienna there is also a small Beethoven Museum and you have the opportunity to see the musician’s apartments of Johann Strauss, Franz Schubert and Joseph Haydn as well. And of course the life and work of Mozart.

    • Jürgen

      31/12/2022 at 10:55

      Jung, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your Rhine Valley Trip will work out someday. Here are some highlights and impressions that you can expect. If you want it to be very authentic: In one of the castles shown there is a youth hostel and you can also stay overnight there. And if you are very lucky, you can hear the castle ghost haunting at night… 🙂

  • Daryl Jones

    28/12/2022 at 16:45

    Super cool shots, keep them coming. I have a drone that I have yet to fly, not licensed yet. Funny thing is, I flew commercially for quite a few years (small twin engine charters and freight runs) and owned my own single engine Cessna 172. But I can’t “legally fly my drone haha.

    I think I gave some stills of our town and the river valley, I’ll see if I can find them.

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 05:08

      Hi Daryl

      That is funny you can fly commercial planes, and yet not licensed to fly a drone! Ah my other life dream when I was in high school was to be a pilot one day and fly passenger jets. You need a few lifetimes to live out all your dreams when you are a kid. All these drone videos are really giving me a desire to get a drone too! It’s amazing what you can see around you with them, and how much you can add to a video production as demonstrated in the many MLT music videos.

    • Jürgen

      29/12/2022 at 07:27

      Hi Daryl,

      have you already done a test flight with your drone? Is the control very complicated and does it take a lot of practice before you can fly with it? Which model do you have? Just like Jung, I would also like to get a drone because I like taking photos and filming. Unfortunately, the use of such drones as a private individual is very limited. As long as you don’t exceed a certain altitude, you don’t need a special license. A liability insurance is mandatory and you have to be registered as a drone owner. The use of drones over residential areas and nature reserves is prohibited. And air control zones are of course not allowed to be flown into. Unfortunately, this significantly reduces the area of application for flying drones. How is that arranged for you?

      PS: My previous „drone“ was a Hughes 300 🙂 . My girlfriend is a helicopter pilot (only private, not commercial). If the air traffic controllers have a good day, you can also fly through various air traffic control zones, such as major airports, urban areas, etc. This can be very exciting.

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 15:17

      Hi Jurgen

      In regards to the drone controls, I really like the idea of those virtual reality drone piloting goggles you can get. I think you get a birds eye view from the camera in the drone like you are actually sitting in the drone. I think that would be cool. Doing low level flybys would be a lot of fun. I remember somewhere in one of the Q and A videos Mona and Lisa mentioned in the filming of I Don’t Know Birds That Well, Rudolf and Michaela used a goggle to pilot the drone for the shots. I’ve seen Rudolf with the goggle in some photos too.

    • Daryl Jones

      29/12/2022 at 18:17

      Very similar to here and yes, I could be “private” and restrict myself to the latitudes and usage. But I’m not built that way so ZI need the proper certification and insurance so I can do all I want with it. I haven’t even activated that darn thing yet, but it has all the bells and whistles I could ever need without going into the professional UAV realm. Auto-hover, auto-return, GPS active programable, just about everything I could ever need. I didn’t even plan on it, I received it as a complimentary gift from an Off Road Vehicle manufacturer that I used to deal with in my career as a dealer and hitting a very lofty unit sales target. Over here it sells for about $2k, made by DJI I think.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Daryl Jones.
    • Daryl Jones

      30/12/2022 at 15:36

      Here’s a shot of the valley coming down from the east side of town, across the river from the boat launch, and one from the south. I thought I had more including one of the main town center but somehow they have disappeared. Our little burg is small, under 3000 souls, but it’s home. I live on an acreage in a summer village 25 km (16 miles) west, on a small lake. I much prefer the quiet of more natural surroundings. It’s funny, you don’t think of urban noise in a small town, but if you live in the country and then spend a night in town, it’s amazing the difference. I only live a km (1/2 mile) off the highway and I can hear large trucks (or the snow plow in the winter) go by, but it’s is short lived and quite sparse. We do hear the waterfowl in the spring and summer, but that is soothing and somehow comforting. But we do get visits from the local fauna: deer, moose, foxes, the occasional skunk, and once in a while black bears. Have had a couple of Yogi’s on my front deck and on the lawn, that gets a bit unnerving at times, but they usually scare off quite easily…”usually”.

    • Jung Roe

      31/12/2022 at 05:44

      Hi Daryl,

      Thanks for posting the photos. Beautiful country you live in, looks like a place most people would want to escape to for vacation to get away from it all. It looks like natural paradise. I drove from Edmonton along Hwy 16 on my way to Jasper in 2008, stayed over night in Hinton. You get pretty long daylight hours in the summer up there don’t you. I remember when we stayed in Hinton in the middle of summer, it was past 10PM and it was still fairly light outside. I get a lot of wildlife too where I am, I guess because our neighbourhood in Coquitlam is right up against the forest line and a river where a lot of wildlife travel along. I saw a report somewhere that had my town listed as one of the top towns in BC for black bear sightings.

    • Daryl Jones

      31/12/2022 at 18:03

      Daylight in the summer seems to last forever. Not wanting to start any heated discussion on the pros or cons, but I love DST. Day breaks around 4am and doesn’t hit dusk until around 11pm from mid May until late August. And the birds start their symphony well prior to sun up all summer long. Drives some people crazy but I like it. Hard to sleep sometimes when it never really gets dark all night long but you get used to it.

      This is my back yard right now, lots of fresh snow and hoar frost on the trees. Was foggy all day yesterday but today the sun is shining so the frost will get burned off.

  • Tim Arnold

    29/12/2022 at 03:32

    I believe this is a realtor video but it depicts the area around my small hometown of Sparta Wisconsin. Forest territory cleared and farmed by German and English pioneers even to this day.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Tim Arnold.
    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 05:10

      Hi Tim

      Glad to see you here. I don’t seem to see a link to a video here. Did you try to post a hyperlink?

    • Tim Arnold

      29/12/2022 at 05:28

      Hi Jung. for some reason I can’t get the Link to load. Probably just me, I’ll keep trying just got stuck down an MLT rabbit hole. Glad to say hi though.

    • Tim Arnold

      29/12/2022 at 05:32

      Hey, it may have worked.

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 15:11

      Awesome, thanks for posting it!

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 15:11

      Hi Tim

      Wow the landscape around Sparta is just gorgeous, and green never looked so wonderful. I love landscape like this and getting lost in it and exploring. I see there is some areas of lush vegetation between the farmlands. Looks so beautiful and a peaceful place to live. There is an area where I am called Langley east of Vancouver with farmland similar to this with long rural 2 lane highways crisscrossing through it and little rural communities from the past scattered throughout that I always enjoy going through and checking out. In my early childhood I lived in a semi-arid rural area in central Washington State, Bridgeport WA, with a beautiful landscape like Sparta that really resonates with me. In fact Microsoft in the 90s took a photo from around Central Washington of the rolling farmland under a spectacular blue sky with cumulous clouds in the spring that they used as one of their desktops and screen savers in Windows 95/98. I’ll see if I can dig up a drone footage around Bridge Port WA where some of my very earliest rich memories as a child comes from.

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 15:48

      Youtube is a wonderful thing! Found a drone footage of Bridgeport WA. I’ve been back there a few times over the years reminiscing. My dad worked in the hydro electric dam as an engineer and we lived there for a year or two. Felt like a life time when you are 6 years old. I started kindergaten there, and my parents grew a corn patch that I use to play in and get lost in. One day on a small highway a truck lost its load of peaches that went all over the road and passersby stopped to pickup these juicy ripe peaches. Peaches never tasted so good. This area is also known for it’s apple orchards, and I remember the most delicious giant green apples from there. Central and eastern Washington State is gorgeous place to visit with it’s semi-arid landscape.

      Anyone here from there?

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/12/2022 at 13:52

    Here’s one of Downtown Ottawa Core…

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2022 at 15:33

      Hi Jacki

      What a wonderful video of Ottawa, really enjoyed it, thank you for posting it. You live in a really elegant city. Ottawa is one place in Canada I shamefully have not visited yet. Was in Montreal in 2019 to do the Montreal – Boston cruise and actually planned a day to do the 2 hours or so drive from Montreal to Ottawa but just ran out of time. I will have to make a point to visit Ottawa, and see the Parliament Building, it all looks intriguing. In the west coast of Canada there are hardly any buildings more than a 120 years old, but there is so much history and heritage in the east in places like Ottawa, Old Montreal, Quebec City etc that go back some 200+ years.

    • Jacki Hopper

      29/12/2022 at 22:40

      Jung….if you ever come back this way….we could try a meet-up

    • Jung Roe

      31/12/2022 at 05:47

      Hi Jacki

      Absolutely, will be awesome to hook up with you! 👍🙂 I’m thinking of doing that cruise again, and this time will not miss visiting Ottawa.

  • Jürgen

    29/12/2022 at 14:43

    Very nice Jacki. Which building do you see at the beginning of the video clip? Is this the Parliament Hill? It looks like a mix of town hall and church. A beautiful building.

    • Jacki Hopper

      29/12/2022 at 22:39

      Yes is Parliament Hill , the only thing that Renaissance intact from the original Parliament Hill previous to this set of buildings that survived The Great Fire , is tge Round Building of the Parliament Library …. I live outside downtown core, about 45 mins away

  • Tim Arnold

    29/12/2022 at 18:40

    This is a very cool idea Jung. Here is another drone video of the farmland around Sparta WI. The woodlands around the farms provide habitat for much wildlife. Whitetail deer hunting is very popular here. Mathews Inc. where they make world class archery equipment is located two blocks from my home. In the same building they produce McPherson guitars which are high end guitars used by many top performers. Other than that Sparta is known as the Bicycle Capitol of America. It was the first town to convert 32 miles of railroad bed into a maintained bike trail which includes 3 tunnels. Today there are hundreds of miles of trails in Wisconsin.

    I think the western US and Canada are very beautiful too. I’ve only been as far as Colorado Springs and Wyoming. I do follow an off-grid family on YouTube that homestead near Prince George BC and a bushcrafter that is also in the mountains of BC. Looks like very beautiful country.

    • Tim Arnold

      29/12/2022 at 19:21

      4 pictures from Sparta WI. first is the Tunnel #1 entrance on the Sparta-Elroy bicycle trail. Second is the Krindlmart which in the summer houses the Farmers Market and during the holidays becomes the Christmas village known as Kriskindlmart. The 3rd and 4th picture are a small chapel and ocean liner built in the 1930s by German immigrants Paul and Matilda Wegner. (Hmm). They are made of cement and stained glass chards. Known locally as the Glass Church it can seat 7 people.

    • Jung Roe

      31/12/2022 at 11:51

      Hi Tim,

      That looks like such a beautiful drive in the country around Sparta. I never knew it is the bicycle capital of the USA. Those bike routes look and tunnels look intriguing, will definitely need to bring bicycle along when going through Sparta Wisconsin. Yeah Washington State is a real gem. If you ever get an opportunity to drive out that way eastern and central Washington has a lot of beauty to offer, and of course the Rockies in Alberta and BC around Banff AB. Thanks for sharing all those photos and videos, really enjoyed seeing them. You live in a real beautiful place.

      On youtube there is a guy who reviews fountain pens, and he also does videos of driving around in the wide open flat areas and farmlands and Badlands in North Dakota that I often watch. It’s not unlike the terrain in Wisconsin you show in your videos. I love the wide open farmlands.

  • Brian Hoerger

    30/12/2022 at 00:56

    A little late to the game, but here is some aerial footage of my little harbor town, Port Jefferson on Long Island. It’s still a working harbor with a ferry boat that goes from here to Bridgeport, CT and a gravel plant on the west side of the harbor. Taking the ferry is a much nicer way to head north than to drive through the city! It’s an old shipbuilding town, and my family on my mom’s side dates back to the 1600’s on the island. My grandmother ran the ferry office for 30 years, so the docks were my playground growing up. I used to ride the old ferry boats all day and Captain Joe used to let me steer the ship. Some of my family members were shipbuilders, some worked for a sand mining operation (that created a cove at the NE corner of the harbor), and it is rumored that a few were involved with rum running during prohibition. I have moved around a lot, but wound up back here 8 years ago.

    • Jung Roe

      31/12/2022 at 03:56

      Hi Brian

      Port Jefferson looks so peaceful and beautiful, a wonderful place to live I’m sure. I can see why you returned to that place. It looks like you have deep roots going back centuries on your mom’s side there. That ferry ride must be a real gem, and a great way to travel through there. It sounds like you have many fond memories there going back to the old ferry boats and captain Joe letting you steer one. Wow. In Vancouver, we have a lot of ferries connecting to Vancouver Island about 60 miles off shore and many island going up the coast as well, always enjoy the ferry rides since I was little, so I think I can appreciate your love of them. We even have over night ferries that go to some of the more northerly islands on the coast. Thanks very much for sharing the video, enjoyed it.

  • Allan Morton

    30/12/2022 at 17:21

    Hi Jung,

    Although not strictly a drone shot over my town it is only 15 miles west along the coast and far more interesting. I travel over the rail bridge when visiting Edinburgh. The other two bridges are the old road bridge (1960s) which is not strong enough for cars now so is buses only and the new shiny one from 2017 for cars and trucks. People on foot can still walk over the old road bridge and get the train back again! Lots of charity running events do this.

    Drone views of all three bridges:

    Flying Scotsman stream train crossing (these run a few times a year):

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Allan Morton.

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