MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion A Hard Day’s Night, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and other film music

  • Jung Roe

    26/09/2021 at 21:01

    Hi Jurgen, thanks for posting such interesting and engaging topics and comments, really enjoyed it!

    What a hilarious video! Ringo Starr always sounded very country western to me, with Ringo sounding like a horse and Starr like the the sheriffs star badge, so this video is kind of fitting to Ringo Starr. He pulled it off pretty good until he choked on the Whiskey! LOL.

    This reminds me of another iconic movie soundtrack that can’t go unmentioned. Who hasn’t heard of this one! One of the best.

    • Jürgen

      27/09/2021 at 18:25

      Hi Jung, I am very happy about your feedback. I would have liked to continue the topic, there are still so many interesting aspects of movie and movie soundtrack. But I was not sure if the topic is still interesting anymore, or if I only had led a monologue here in the forum and all potential readers have already fallen asleep from boredom.

      I also find the video clip with Ringo Starr and Buck Owens very funny. I actually found it purely by chance when I was looking for the song “Act Naturaly”. Yes Ringo has always liked to play the laughing stock (if you ever watch “A hard day’s night” or “Help”, you will see that). Maybe he would even have had the talent for a real comedian, if only you had written the right roles for him.

      Oh yes, and we shouldn’t forget Clint Eastwood. Whenever I listen to the music of “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, I immediately think of the unshaven lonely cowboy riding his horse through the shimmering midday heat and chewing a cigarillo. With the Winchester in his hand, he looks grumpy into the distance. The dusty prairie is his past, his destiny and his future, while his whole life takes place on the back of his horse. The only friends he has left are the vultures that slowly circle above him, just waiting for him to eventually tip off his hoss to share the last meal with him.

  • David Herrick

    26/09/2021 at 22:55

    Wow, how have I never seen that Buck/Ringo video? It’s great! (I assume we all know that Buck Owens was the original artist on that song.)

    Juergen, you mentioned that you like time travel movies, so I have to plug an obscure favorite of mine. The premise is utterly ridiculous, but the writing, acting, and direction are all superb:

    • Jürgen

      27/09/2021 at 18:29

      Hi David, and again I learned something new: I was firmly convinced that the title “Act naturally” was written by the Beatles for the movie “Help”. Thank you. The preview of “Time after Time” is very entertaining and funny. I’m so almost sure I watched the movie on TV many years ago. But I can’t remember the plot anymore. I’ll definitely take another look at it. Do you actually know the movie “Timeline” by Michael Crichton? Also such a time travel story. The film hasn’t received any particularly good reviews, but I like it quite well. And one of the more recent time travel classics: Jack Finney’s novel „Time and Again“. Maybe you’ve read it. To my knowledge, it has not been filmed, but it is a wonderful book whose protoganist travels back in time to New York in the year 1882. The author has a very vivid and detailed way of writing so that as a reader you almost really feel transported to that time. An enchanting book. And finally: Joe Haldeman’s Science Fiction novel „The forever war“. One of my favorite books. A parable of how much conflicts and wars could have been avoided if people had simply gotten to know each other better (as well as shown in the music video “Pipes of peace” by Paul Mc Cartney) End. No more books (sorry…).

      But here again, summarized, two classic ways to travel in time: First, we have the cultured time traveler. Freshly showered, the hair neatly combed and a small sip of tea before it starts.

    • Jürgen

      27/09/2021 at 18:32

      …and here we have the adrenaline-junkie. Young, dynamic and unfortunately too much energy drinks and coffee before the journey started:

  • David Herrick

    27/09/2021 at 21:55

    Juergen, I haven’t seen/read any of the movies/books that you mentioned (other than the ones in the video clips), but I’ll keep those in mind. They sound intriguing.

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