MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion A limitation of my writing

  • A limitation of my writing

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 23/10/2018 at 23:59

    I just finished posting a response to Howard in another thread and after rereading it, realized that I came across as a complete butthole. The problem is- that’s the way I write. I don’t know how to express myself in writing in another way. Much of the time I’m too direct, too analytical, too comparison based, and too serious. When I try and lighten up, it feels like I’m wasting everybody’s time, including my own.

    I know I have a tendency to offend people and I really hate that. You guys have all been so nice to me and I love it here and I love all of you, especially Howard! Well, actually quite a number of you! So when you come across a post of mine that is too blunt- feel free to point it out or even yell at me.  I feel like my writing perspective does serve a purpose here. I often have a point of view that’s aligned a little different than everybody else but unfortunately, I struggle with always thinking I’m right. It’s a condition of bipolar 2 disorder, something that I’ve dealt with my entire adult life. I never intend to be disrespectful and apologize in advance if I sometimes am.

    Timothy Connelly replied 5 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Richard McGlenn

    24/10/2018 at 05:34


    Don’t go beating yourself up about it. It’s a bulletin board and it takes all kinds to give their perspectives on how they feel about what’s happening in MLT land. At the Intergalactic Fan Club we’ve always got growing pains going on. I think since so many of the MLTs fans are older and have many years of memories and experiences in music, especially 60s music we’ve sometimes got opinions that can sound a bit out of sync within a diverse group.

    Remember the point here is to discuss what’s on our mind. Do it in a respectful and positive way. And keep remembering this is supposed to be FUN! Let the fun continue.

    Rich in Sunny Florida

  • Jung Roe

    24/10/2018 at 06:47


    Appreciate all your input here, the interesting topics and lively discussion you always initiate.   As Rich says, as long as we are all here “In it for (fun)”, appreciating each others point of views, and furthering our passion for the MonaLisa Twins and their music, it’s all good.

  • Howard

    24/10/2018 at 14:06

    Hi Tim. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I have already responded in the appropriate thread, but for those not part of that thread, following is part of my response:

    ”And as for that bipolar thing, you are certainly not alone and we get to appreciate the many diverse thoughts of yours that emanate from both sides of the polar spectrum!

    In some ways I feel you are very fortunate, as being just your common, garden variety depressive, I only get to experience the lows and not the many highs that you would. I can only dream of being bi-polar. Keep those thoughts coming and don’t be afraid to question any of my ideas that seem to be a little off target. You may find this hard to believe Tim, but I’m not perfect! LOL!!


  • Jacki Hopper

    24/10/2018 at 19:46

    Yes Tim…Think GROOVY POSITIVELY…here…perhaps this would help :


    ” A Smile Is a Lazy Burp ”

    If ever you ‘re in a Wurp

    But don’t want to frown

    Stop feeling down

    Do things that make you happy

    See and hear stuff

    That gets you out of feeling crappy

    Instead you feel snappy

    Yes I may be inspired at times

    By Dr. Seuss

    I can pick and choose

    Eat or go for a snooze

    Don’t do cigs or booze


    A Smile Is Just A Lazy Burp…


  • Timothy Connelly

    24/10/2018 at 21:18

    Jacki, thank you! I’m back to being my over-analytical self. Just look at my review of White Room and you’ll see I’m back on the beam.

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