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  • A Little Winter’s Tale

    Posted by Jürgen on 19/12/2021 at 11:01

    A Little Winter’s Tale

    Sleepily, the full moon looked down from its bed of clouds on the snowy winter landscape below. The formerly brown fields and green forests, were covered with the fine white fluff of winter and together with small dreamy villages they formed a vivid mosaic of shapes and colours, held together by the silver threads of frozen rivers and streams. A cold north wind drove fine snowflakes in front of it, which had begun to dance like small boats on a rough sea. The people who lived down there had made themselves comfortable in their houses and huts. Thick clouds of smoke poured out of the chimneys into the night sky and bright light fell through the fogged windows, pointing outwards like a warm finger, onto the white snow-covered landscape. Some hikers on the road at this late hour, looking for a place to stay for the night, would have liked to be a guest in one of these warm parlours, from which merry laughter and often cheerful music could be heard.

    Unimpressed, the moon continued its wandering across the firmament until more and more lights faded and only the magic of the wintry landscape remained. He passed a mighty and ancient forest. A few rabbits and some deers scampered between the snow-covered trees, and although it was dark, the snow glistened with a mysterious light. A gentle wind blew through the firs. Occasionally, a branch cracked, freed from its icy burden, so that a fine white veil poured down below. It had stopped snowing and a peaceful silence now spread. If you had continued to follow the tracks of the animals deep into the heart of the forest, you would have noticed an ancient log cabin. Cut off from the outside world and unnoticed by most people until now, it stood there in a wide glade surrounded by mighty beech and oak trees. The windows of this hut were covered with fine ice roses, through which day-bright light fell to the outside. A light that always shone, whether day or night, whether summer or winter. Sometimes the only door of this mysterious dwelling would open, creaking softly, and one of its inhabitants would step out. It was a being of slender stature, clad in elegant robes, with gentle and peaceful facial features. If one had followed this creature back into the hut, one would have first seen a bright fireplace blazing with blue and silver flames, spreading a cosy warmth. The largest part of the dwelling was taken up by a separate room that remotely resembled an alchemist’s kitchen. Scattered on many tables were various test tubes and many unusual glass flasks in which coloured liquids bubbled. Strangely intertwined pipes made of gold and other precious metals hung from the ceiling and flowed into large cauldrons and vats. The whole room was filled with a fine hissing and quiet bubbling. Glittering sparks flew around, making the strange apparatus shimmer in all imaginable colours. And in the midst of this fantastic setting was enthroned an enormous crystal prism, bedded on precious jade and ivory columns. It was the prism whose bright brilliance glowed through the windows. A light of extraordinary beauty and brightness shone from within. An energy that never went out. The mysterious inhabitants of the hut kept a respectful distance from this crystal, therefore it exerted an irresistible fascination on every observer. The wish and the desire to touch it, to look at it and to explore its mystery. Those who could not resist this urge were drawn into a fascinating new sphere, into a microcosm that existed parallel to the world we know. Bounded on the outside by the shell of the crystal prism, but of almost infinite extent on the inside. This place that one would have entered was amazingly similar to our reality. Deep blue oceans stretched to the horizon. High mountain ranges with snowy peaks framed by vast forests, wide steppes and grasslands crossed the path of the clouds. And yet, if you looked closely, you quickly realised that this place was special. In the vastness of the grassy steppes, unicorns grazed, roaming the land in large herds. The peaks of the mountains were inhabited by majestic dragon creatures and in the infinity of the oceans lay the legendary island kingdom of Atlantis. There, mighty cities could be seen, built of gold and glass. Connected by roads of light and energy. The people of this place, although from different cultures, lived together in harmony and peace. They were united by a love for literature, an awe for the arts and a belief in the healing and reconciling power of music.

    This and much more would have been seen if one had taken a look inside the shining crystal. The crystal was nothing more than a monument where people’s dreams were kept. A source of strength and hope for generations to come. Everything the human mind had ever imagined and conceived was preserved there and awakened to new life, guarded and protected by the mysterious figures. As long as there were people who believed in their dreams, who drew courage and confidence from their imagination, there would also be the wooden hut in that deep forest where the dream keepers lived. A place of peace, contemplation and tranquillity.

    I wish everyone here on the MLT forum a happy and wonderfully dreamy Christmas time!

    Jürgen replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Tom Fones

    19/12/2021 at 19:19

    That was beautiful Juergen.

  • Jung Roe

    19/12/2021 at 19:32

    Wow Jurgen, that was dreamy beautiful indeed, and fit in perfectly with that little slice of MLT heaven. Thanks for that. You should become a novelist or write a book of short stories. Your writing is over the top.

  • Jürgen

    23/12/2021 at 07:59

    Hi Tom, Hi Jung,

    I am very pleased that you liked my “little story”. Yes, I enjoy writing very much. But of course it’s much more fun when you find readers who like what you write. Therefore I would like to thank you very much!

    I wish you both a Merry Christmas and have a good time!

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