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  • A memorable live performance

    Posted by Jung Roe on 23/02/2021 at 00:09

    Hi Mona, Hi Lisa

    Groovy greetings!

    In your many live performances you’ve done over the years, is there any one or two  that stand out in your mind now as being particularly special, remarkable, interesting, or rewarding?  Can you share your experience about it.  Thanks.

    Much love from Canada! ????



    Jeffery Ohlwine replied 3 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/02/2021 at 00:09

    Hi Jung!

    There have been so many shows that really meant a lot to us for different reasons. Whether that would have been the first ever live concert we did with our family (that we made the CD from back in 2007), our biggest self organised show with our new band back in Austria in the neighboring village, the first time we got to play at the legendary Cavern Club that had our spines tingle throughout the whole set, the LAST show we played there, that we made our “Live at the Cavern Club” album from, our big Showcase in London or any of the big festival shows we got to play with Steve Harley in front in tens of thousands of people.

    We’re thankful for all the different experiences and the diversity in shows we got to play. Even the crappy, difficult gigs taught us an awful lot that made us better performers in the long run.

    It’s hard to pick a favourite show we ever did. It’s the fact that they are all a bit different that makes each of them so special. And the audience makes 80% of a show 😉 Having an amazing, energetic crowd enjoying the music you are putting your heart and soul into is the best feeling in the world. Whether that happens in a tiny pub or the world’s biggest stage. ♥

  • Jung Roe

    23/02/2021 at 02:47

    Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing some of those milestone shows that come to mind over the years, the 2007 first concert, first and last shows at the Cavern, Steve Harley, big show in Austria and others. Awesome to hear your description about them and how they made you feel. Yes, they must be an experience you would remember all your life. Really great to learn some insight into what it is like to do those live shows too. Sighhh, just one day I hope I can be one of those lucky energetic people in the crowd having an amazing time with you and Mona rocking to your music as you perform on stage! 🙂 ????

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    28/02/2021 at 02:27

    A desire I wholeheartedly share with you, Jung! I don’t keep a bucket list, but a live (or better yet, several) MLT concert would head it! Great question and response!

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