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  • A Question on the Creative Process

    Posted by Michael Rife on 31/01/2019 at 20:13

    Hi Mona or Lisa;

    I really like your original songs…..the melodies and the lyrics are really unique.  I have noticed that in your lyrics at a chorus or a bridge that you change the words around so as not to repeat the bridge or chorus to be exactly the same as to what we have heard before in the song.  I also notice that you really do “word-play” a lot to give different meanings to the phrases each time we hear it.  Both of these techniques are really great.

    So, I was wondering when you have an original song, which generally comes first the melody or the lyrics or both at the same time.   The other possibility is that both the lyrics and the melodies are a “work in progress” until the song is complete, but, even in that case, a melody or the lyric can start the process.  So, I’d like to know, when you have time, which usually happens first.



    Jung Roe replied 5 years ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    31/01/2019 at 20:14

    Hi Mike,

    We wish we could give a simple answer, as that would mean we‘ve figured out a workable recipe to follow. But to be honest it really has been different with each song so far. Sometimes the catch phrase came first, sometimes the overall groove, sometimes the topic we want to sing about, sometimes the melody, sometimes an interesting chord progression, sometimes a guitar riff and sometimes the words. I honestly can’t say that one of those happened a lot more than others. MAYBE we used the melody in combination with a few words that fit the vocal line as a starting point the most but we certainly tried out every other way too.

    Refining and really finishing the words definitely is something that usually happens last.

    Every song has its own feel and personality in a way that usually evolves during the recording process. Hardly ever do we go into a recording session with all instrument parts already figured out. I’d say 50% of the arrangement happens while we record and try out different ideas. One of the many advantages of recording at home and having a dad with years of studio experience 😉

    • Michael Rife

      01/02/2019 at 13:07

      Hi Lisa;

      Thank you so much for the answer to this question.  I really appreciate the time took to answer this one.  I find it interesting in how the creative process works and have noticed with several artists that there is not one set way, but that one way is most likely to occur with a specific artist.  Your way where it starts from various sources shows an openness to the creativity and not following an formula.  I hope you are having a great winter!!!  Mike

  • Stephen Krogh

    01/02/2019 at 05:18

    Well, everything you’re doing is working so please just keep on doing it! Can’t wait to hear your next project. Love you gals!

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 15:12

    Having a dad with years of studio experience must really be a bonus. Let’s hear it for Papa Rudi!

    • Michael Triba

      01/02/2019 at 18:37

      He drives the entire “MLT Project Train” Howard.  They were born with huge advantages and a big assist from grandpa as well.  Without these two men, we would have never, ever heard of these girls.

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 19:24

    Their grandpa took all those beautiful family photos from their first concert, way back in 2007. They are obviously a very loving family and their father and Michaela would not have allowed them to leave school and pursue their chosen musical path if they weren’t convinced they had the passion and healthy work ethic required to be successful. They never cease to amaze me with their energy, discipline and pursuit of excellence in all their endeavours.

    Don’t worry, I know how much we owe Rudolf for the whole MLT experience, but I’m just as sure he realises how fortunate he is to have not just one, but two passionate, talented and adorable daughters to assist him to also achieve his musical dreams. We are very fortunate to have this club and all it offers.

  • Jung Roe

    03/09/2019 at 20:31

    It’s interesting how the creative process and inspiration sometimes happens.  With the song “Nowhere Man”, John Lennon said he struggled for hours writing that song, and it wasn’t until he gave up, fell on the couch, and suddenly the melody came to him.

    I think I can relate to that.  At work I recall a few times in my career I would struggle all day or days to come up with a design to solve a problem, and I’d end up by the end of the day giving up in disgust, thinking to myself “I’m a lousy engineer” and “I don’t deserve to be in this job”…, and then in the last 5 minutes of the day, it just comes to me, like the needle found the right groove.  And it’s not something I think I could repeat again if I lost what I wrote the next day.

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