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  • Jung Roe

    17/10/2021 at 03:30

    Hi Jacki. Yeah some amazing guitar in Glass Tiger. I’ve seen Jeff Healey live many years ago. We could add Joni Mitchell too. She is listed as some of the greatest female guitarists ever.

  • Jung Roe

    17/10/2021 at 21:24

    That’s a great one by Neil Young, thanks for sharing it Jurgen. Really beautiful and so rich in emotions, the kind of irresistible music I like. What a hurricane of emotions at the end! My fave of his would be Heart of Gold, but here is another one from Neil Young that sounds great.

    I’m not very familiar with Rush, but they are popular in Canada and have a big following. They have a nice Pink Floydish and Supertramp feel for me that I like. It’s interesting I never knew they were a Canadian band, but then again I never knew Joni Mitchell and Neil Young were Canadian until it was pointed out here recently. I guess I paid more attention to their music than the nationality, but great to know we produced some great musical talent from Canada! 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    17/10/2021 at 21:35

    What a simple but moving melody.

  • Jürgen

    17/10/2021 at 22:37

    Funny Jung, I had already picked out the same video and could not decide between “Like a Hurricane” and “A Heart of gold”. Actually I only know the two albums “Decade” and “Rust never sleeps” by Neil Young. I have a special relationship to the album „Decade“. My older sister and her circle of friends had the cool music. That included Neil Young and The Knack. I heard the album “Decade” for the first time when I was maybe 14 years old. A nice cup of tea, in a rocking chair and the eyes closed. And since then, this album has not let me go. A lot of nice and sentimental memories, just like the music of the Beatles. This has become a part of me. I can’t explain it: I love music, but there are just some bands that are not only music for me but a part of my identity. “Expecting to fly“, “Sugar Mountain“, “Old Man“, “A man needs a maid“. Just wonderful. With the album “Rust never sleeps”, which I bought later, I can not do so much. That Neil Young is a Canadian, I have not known for many years, as well as Glastiger (keyword for Jackie) and many others. I only recently came across Rush. You’re right, I don’t usually look at the identity of a singer or band either. I have to like the music, not the origin. I don’t really hear it out either. There are big audible differences between British accent and US English, of course, but North America is a whole continent and I often can’t tell from the language which corner someone comes from. A few years ago I sat in a mini-van for two hours and behind me on the backseat an American and an Australian were arguing the whole time about who had the biggest national parks, the most beautiful lakes and the most amazing landscapes. I sometimes had trouble hearing who was who, although I’m sure everyone spoke with their own special accent (and of course their voices were also very individual). I also don’t remember who won. After two hours of driving on a completely uncomfortable seat, I didn’t care either.

  • Jürgen

    17/10/2021 at 23:16

    I have also never associated with Canadian music, timelessly beautiful

  • Jung Roe

    18/10/2021 at 03:32

    Hi Jurgen, that is great those two Neil Young albums you discovered and really means a lot to you. Some of us are so lucky to have something special like that. Neil Young is a great song writer, and his music is deep and emotional. Old Man is another song of his I really like. I will have to check out those albums “Decade” and “Rust Never Sleeps”. Leonard Cohen is another big Canadian music name, that I’m not too familiar with but that one, Suzanne, in the video is very nice. Too bad what happened that he did not get any monetary benefit from it that he wrote. Seems that has happened far too much to musicians and song writers getting taken advantage by greedy producers and labels.

  • Jung Roe

    05/07/2022 at 16:31

    I posted the report of Randy Bachman locating his lost long Gretsch guitar in Japan late last year. I saw this on the news report a few days ago where it looks like Randy Bachman finally made it to Japan and got his beloved guitar back. He found another one just like it, made within a week of his original guitar, and traded it with the musician who found Randy’s original guitar he had lost 46 years ago. It’s touching and amazing the bond that can develop with a special instrument. A wonderful musician story of his special guitar.


    05/07/2022 at 18:42
    • Jung Roe

      06/07/2022 at 00:49

      That’s a good one Pascal! With the horror story these days of lost baggage on flights, I think Randy Bachman’s trip back to Canada with his guitar might be another adventure. If I were him, I’d take a cruise ship back. It’s likely the airlines might lose his guitar for another 46 years! ????

  • Johnnypee Parker

    05/07/2022 at 19:37

    Hi Jurgen,

    Rust Never Sleeps is a classic. Sugar Mountain holds a special part of me.

    You can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain though you’re thinking that you’re leaving there too soon You’re leaving there to soon This song paints a vivid picture of the county fair and growing up. And you’re underneath the stairs and you’re giving back some glares.

    Cortez the Killer is a classic piece of rock&roll The women all were beautiful, the men stood straight and tall


    • Jürgen

      05/07/2022 at 20:31

      Yes JP, sugar mountain is a very touching piece of music. A nice metaphor about growing up and also maybe the loss you always experience in life and yet also a little comfort:

      It’s so noisy at the fair

      But all your friends are there

      And the candy floss you had

      And your mother and your dad

      I still have the album “Decade” in my music collection. This music has accompanied me since my youth. I haven’t listened to it for a long time, but when I do it’s almost like time travel for me. Back to the time when I was maybe 14 or 15 years old. I didn’t know then what it would be like to leave the Sugar Mountain. But I already had an inkling.

  • Christopher

    06/07/2022 at 04:27

    Yes!!! Saw this on The National on CBC.

    Although they did not do this story, Adrienne Arsenault and Rosemary Barton are my two favorite newscasters…tough as nails, but with a nice touch.

  • Jung Roe

    07/07/2022 at 08:13

    Hi Christopher, yeah they have some pretty impressive female anchors on the CBC. I think lately at the CBC, the ladies are very dominant. Rosemary Barton has interviewed some pretty tough famous personalities and politicians and keeps them honest.

  • Christopher

    08/07/2022 at 06:41

    Rosemary is, indeed, a tough interviewer. She asks the hard questions and doesn’t accept soft answers. Rosemary can do this because she is well-read and knows her stuff!

    Adrienne has reported from many dangerous settings across the world such as war zones, areas where communicable sickness are rampant, and terrorist situations. Her bravery is unbelievable!

    Barton and Arsenault fearlessly take on the world!

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