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  • ”A World Without Love”

    Posted by Howard on 06/08/2020 at 23:20

    I notice your beautiful cover and video of this lovely Paul McCartney song wasn’t recorded with your usual MonaLisa Twins band featuring Rudolf on bass, but rather your Austrian live band with Mozeth and Wolf. Did they travel to Liverpool for the recording, or was it recorded in Vienna?

    Vocals & Guitars: Mona & Lisa Wagner  Bass: Michael Mozeth Drums: Philipp Wolf Production & Editing: Mona, Lisa & Rudolf Wagner.

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    06/08/2020 at 23:20

    Hi Howard!

    It makes perfect sense why you ask that question because we actually tried something really unusual for this recording. We haven’t used this method since but it actually worked really well and saved a lot of time.

    We had played “A World Without Love” during our set at the Saloon in Vienna many years ago, back in 2012 (the same night that the “Drive My Car” video is from) and recorded the whole set.

    When we decided to do a full studio production of the song many years later we went back to the recording of that show and found that the multitrack live recording was a good basis to start with so instead of re-recording the drum and bass parts in our British studio we just used the live tracks and built the rest of the song around that. That’s why our Austrian live musicians are credited despite us finishing the song in England.

    So the song is actually somewhat of a hybrid but it actually worked really well and saved us a lot of time in the studio!

    We hope that solves the mystery! 🙂


  • Jung Roe

    07/08/2020 at 22:39

    I always remember this video very well because it was just posted brand new the very same day I ventured into your Youtube channel for the first time.  So it was one of my first MLT experiences along with the 3 California videos and The Wide Wide Land.  I knew right then and there I’ve discovered something absolutely wonderful!

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