• Jung Roe

    08/06/2020 at 06:23

    Yoko Ono is a cute cat and did remind me of your Lord Luca Howard.  Yoko lying on that chair looked very comfortable visiting there.  I’ve never seen a real sloth so I suppose it never appeared in my mind as that filthy smelly creature you described it as.  That cute kitten in the video would be more fitting as Lisa then a sloth for sure, or maybe a jungle cat.    The owl and kitten are adorable indeed.

  • Howard

    24/07/2020 at 14:56

    Just how cute is this!

    Otter and Kitten



  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 05:21

    Those two are adorable Howard.  The tabby looks a lot like my Milo when he was a kitten.  How is Lord Luca these days?  Is he enjoying being out in the balcony?

  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 06:05


    Here is my puppy Max at about 2 months.  He loved playing with the door stop.

    I nicknamed him “the little croc” when he was little.  He chewed everything, sunglasses, slippers, shoes.  When he bit into the end of a rope, I could lift him off his feet as he continued grab the rope with his jaws.  Fortunately he was easy to train and became so gentle around  family, friends and kids as he grew.

  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 06:08


    And here is Max when he was about a year old.  Still loved that door stop.  He never lost his puppy nature throughout his life.  Always a ball or big stick in his mouth when we went for walks.

  • Howard

    25/08/2020 at 03:45

    Scientists Have Created The Perfect Music For Cats.

    From Science Alert, 9 MARCH 2018

    “Anyone who loves music knows how therapeutic it can be, and researchers have shown that a good melody may have the same affect on cats. But they think our human-tunes suck.

    Back in 2015, to work out whether cats could respond to music, scientists from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and the University of Maryland composed ‘cat-centric music’.”

    Cozmo’s Air – relaxing music to cats


    10 Hours of relaxing music to cats

  • David Herrick

    25/08/2020 at 04:00

    It would be interesting to learn how they figured out that cats enjoy this.  Was there anything involved beyond trial-and-error?  Can the sounds be related to any natural sounds that cats like?  Did they find patterns that they could use to create even “better” cat music?


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/08/2020 at 04:19

    How about a Dog version, !?..As you know, I’m a Dog Gal…wish I could have a dog, but can’t afford all that goes into it, I’m allergic to some dog breeds as I’m of with cats but I definitely  cannot be near any cats, the allergy is far worse with cats. Besides I’ve always had a strong affinity towards dogs over cats.

  • Kristi & Neill Moore-Thompson

    25/08/2020 at 04:24

    Did you know that the RCA Victor dog with the perked ears and quizzical look, “Little Nipper”, who appears with the gramophone and the tag line, “His master’s voice” is a Jack?  I have in mind to do a photoshoot with my Buddy and an iPad as an homage to this iconic image.  … his master’s video chat….


  • Johnnypee Parker

    17/10/2020 at 00:24

    Speaking of Nipper, if you are ever in the Albany, NY area,  there is a large statue on top of an old RCA building.


    I have not been by there in a while, but I think he has a wind speed sensor on its ear.  It’s not to far from my favorite venue, The Egg.  A kool 800 seat theater with a great lobby for meet & greets. (Ahem, hint, hint)

    I am not sure if they still light Nipper at night.  I saw it once on a foggy night.  It was ver ominous, kinda surreal.


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