MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs “AFRICA” WITH MIKE MASSE


    Posted by Walter Music on 02/03/2022 at 17:08

    Hi ladies, I am always surfing You Tube to see what I can find. I came up to Africa, a cover of Toto by Mike Masse and you. Mike Masse is fantastic cover man with a beautiful voice but when you two came in on the harmonies, oh my God, it is so good. Anyway, one question Mona, is that 12 string the Breedlove and what model it is? I have a Taylor, but I heard that guitar quite clearly even with his Ovation, it really sounded fantastic!!!! One other thing. Did you get a chance to play the entire concert or was he playing with you? Where was it at? Stay Groovy!!!!

    Walter Music replied 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/03/2022 at 17:09

    Thanks Walter,
    we’re glad you enjoyed our take on the song and the sound of my 12-string!

    I am actually playing my Maton (model: EM425C/12), a guitar we’ve owned since 2009 when we picked it up during our Student Exchange in Australia. “Maton” is an excellent Australian brand that makes amazing instruments and I’ve always loved that 12-string.

    We only meant to buy a normal 6-string to play during our time in Adelaide but fell in love with it at the local music store and couldn’t leave it behind.

    It really wasn’t cheap, especially in “teenage money” back then, but now I am so glad we made that decision as we still use it a lot on recordings.

    And no, we didn’t play the entire concert with Mike Massé but joined him for about 4 or 5 songs, if I remember correctly. It was Mike’s gig at the Epstein Theatre in Liverpool, and he had invited us to join him for a guest appearance.

    He put on a great show!


  • Walter Music

    03/03/2022 at 01:05

    Thanks Mona, I have to look into that guitar. That song between the 3 of your vocals were just amazing, thanks again!! Stay groovy!!!

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