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  • All Girl Beatles Band

    Posted by Steve on 19/10/2018 at 03:12

    How about this lineup for an all girls Beatles band.

    Mona – Rhythm guitar, mouth organ and vocals

    Lisa –  Lead Guitar and vocals

    Amy Slattery – Bass Guitar and vocals

    Sina Doering – Drums

    Amy did a couple of numbers with the Twins at the cavern (videos on YouTube) and Sina is just in Germany.  I would love to see those four perform some Beatles songs.  Wouldn’t that be great?

    Steve replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 05:24

    I am not familiar with Sina but Amy Slattery keeps improving all the time. I am not sure I’d ever like to take the microphone out of the hands of Mona and Lisa but I’d be pleased to hear those 4 together for sure. Of course, as much as I love the Beatles- I want to see the Twins keep doing what they’re doing with both Beatles and more and plenty of original stuff.

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 07:26

    Much of the MLT work requires three part harmonies, like in their ‘Please, Please Me’ studio cover, so any all girl MLT band would require one of them to take on the third harmony vocal. For me though, I really like the bass player/s and drummer they used at the Cavern Club and in their live videos. Excellent bass and drumming going on there and they don’t seem to miss a beat, just like the twins out front.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Rudolf found a way one day to clone both Mona and Lisa so we could have Mona on drums and rythm guitar and Lisa on bass and lead guitar. Now that would be awesome and would allow the multi-instrumentalist Mona the drummer to play the blues harp while rythm guitarist Mona was playing the flute. Just think, another two hair colours/styles to experiment with too. Now that would look FAB!

  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 13:10

    I’m all in! Rudolf– get to work.

  • Steve

    19/10/2018 at 13:21

    Tim, check out Sina-Drums on YouTube.  She is an amazing drummer and only 19 years old.

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