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  • All I Want Christmas To Be

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 05/11/2019 at 04:28

    The new Christmas song from MLT is more than just another Christmas song. In the Beatles vs. Stones thread the discussion included how the Beatles changed the direction of music in the 20th century. Despite that, music is taking a tumble and pushed by labels it’s become canned mediocrity.

    Jung eloquently said -and echoed by many of us-:

    Fortunately we have MLT, inspired with great music making talent of the Beatles and other greats from the 60s, to restore and change music forever again like the Beatles did.

    Easier said than done, but “proof is in the pudding” as they say, or in this case the Christmas pudding. “All I Want Christmas To Be” is written with the quality of those Beatles and Brian Wilson songs. With the little snippet they put in the teaser video, I knew it was going to be something else. This is the type of songwriting that McCartney has said he strives for.

    I have written the chords down (if I made mistakes please let me know!) and as I was analyzing it, and it really blew my mind. I thought I’d share it for any of the musicians here that want to play along. Once I get my mind to organize the words to describe my thoughts on it I’ll share more, and also put a review in the shop.

    Here’s the Lyrics & Chords in PDF format with their graphics to go along.


    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/11/2019 at 05:59

    Tomas, those lyrics are great, thanks for that.  I just wish I could play the guitar because I’d be playing those chords.

    “All I Want Christmas To Be” is powerful. It’s so true what you said Tomas that this song is written with the quality of a Beatles song.

    It’s melody captivates and brings with it a barrage of beautiful and longing Christmas moods exactly as visualized by the poetic lyrics. It’s emotional, and only Beatles songs have this kind of powerful hypnotic effect as it captivates you. The melody and feelings linger long after the song is over. A Christmas masterpiece!

  • Howard

    05/11/2019 at 08:18

    Well done Tomás. If only I was a musician. This is one of those great songs that will only get better with time!

    You’ve done well getting the chords and lyrics down so soon. I can’t help with the chords but regarding the lyrics, just a couple of corrections.

    “When fairies and reindeers would come out and play” should be:

    When fairies and reindeer would come out to play


    “And would laugh when our tongues got stuck to the ice” should be:

    And we laugh when our tongues would get stuck to the ice

    Anyway, I’m sure the MLT team will let us know if we are wrong. The Twins diction is incredibly good!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    06/11/2019 at 04:19

    Thank you Jung and Howard. I’ve made that correction on the lyrics.

    Any of the musicians want to lend me your ears and check those chords… did I hear right?

  • Howard

    06/11/2019 at 04:41

    Hate to be a nit-picker Tomás, but you still have this line wrong – “When fairies and reindeer would come out to play”.

    Reindeer is plural, no ‘s’ required. Also, there should be an ‘out’ before to and no ‘and’.



  • Jung Roe

    06/11/2019 at 04:48

    Also should mention, really love the piano pieces in the song too.  It is really intricate and beautiful.  I presume it is Rudolf playing, and we can all hear it here, he is quite the polished  pianist.  Some of the piano runs sound as good as the piano sounds on a George Winston or Christopher Peacock piece.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    06/11/2019 at 18:58

    Hi Jung,

    I thought MLT had said that Michaela was the genius behind the 88 keys on their records.  Please correct me if I’m mistaken here.  Either way, the piano work is simply brilliant!!!

    • Jung Roe

      07/11/2019 at 05:44

      Hi Paul.  Yes I believe as Howard said, Rudolf is the pianist/keyboardist here.  But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Michaela or one of the Twins doing the piano one day, as they are all so multi-talented musicians, they keep surprising us.

    • Howard

      07/11/2019 at 06:00

      Now Jung, don’t put that much pressure on them. Mona and Lisa already have their diaries full learning the trombone (in their Christmas stocking), the banjo, the dulcimer and the sitar, as well as perfecting their flute playing and various other instruments no doubt.

      They already have a consummate keyboardist in the team.

  • Howard

    06/11/2019 at 23:40

    Hi Paul. Rudolf is the MLT keyboardist. Michaela plays the saxophone and other like instruments. You can check out most of the instruments they play in their 1st Concert (2007) videos.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    07/11/2019 at 00:32

    Yeah, I remember that now.  Anyway, the song is brilliant and beautiful!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/11/2019 at 03:08

    It truly is hauntingly beautiful enchanting… The piano is exquisite and just gives it the robust vibe, A new all time Fave Xmas Classic to be enjoyed by all, ageless…. Kudos on this, I just love singing along to it?

  • Jung Roe

    07/11/2019 at 05:38

    The song brings back the wonder and magic of Christmas as we experienced it as children, and that is what is so special about it.  I can feel that childhood wonder of Christmas when I hear the song.  What great song writing.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/11/2019 at 21:54

    I agree  with all the sentiments being said in this particular thread…. It’s got that timeless magic… It reminds me of The old Irish Rovers Christmas Album from away back when (Album cover had their faces on Xmas tree ball decorations), of some of their more traditional ballad type songs from that album, although “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” still holds dear to my Irish Scot – Canadian heart of Fave Xmas Songs of mine. Getting back to why I love this newly cemented Xmas Song Fave of mine… It embodies that timeless magic,  positive for all ages to embrace, it soothes, calms, brings smiles and laughter to one’s face upon hearing and completely sing- a – long-able… (Whether one can sing good, half decent, shabby,… Lol) The simple fact is… It Uplifts and could listen to it all year round… I could see this song as a therapeutic tool to help elderly in nursing homes with dementia /alzheimers as a Calming effect, those in depression, etc.  It does wonders for Spirit/Soul, truly?

  • Howard

    08/11/2019 at 01:12

    “I could see this song as a therapeutic tool to help elderly in nursing homes with dementia /alzheimers as a Calming effect, those in depression, etc.”

    Well stated again Jacki! Thank you for thinking of me and the also half deaf, half blind dog (Lolly), whom I’m currently looking after, along with her mate (spud), a young rescue pup (Clyde) and Flossy (the cat). We’re all benefiting from the MLTs Xmas album charms!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    30/11/2019 at 04:54

    To the musicians here:

    In the verse, it seems to me, the cord progression is D – Am7 – Bm7 – G (second time around it’s Gm) with the bass ascending D -E – F# – G.

    I wrote it as D – C/E – D/F# – G  to simplify, since on the guitar you would play strings 1 thru 4 and not play the A & E strings, so it’s essentially the same chords.

    The melody dances around the A and B notes for those chords and not the C & D so that points that it’s more Am7/E and Bm7/F# rather than C/E & D/F#, however it’s easier to write that way.

    How would you guys write it?


    Also, do you hear something different, did I make a mistake with the chords?

    (and thanks Howard, for letting me know about the lyrics typos)

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/11/2019 at 05:14

    Hi Tomas, wish I had more Musician’s know how  to help you but I don’t… I like to sing and play my tambourine and other percussion like instruments and by ear…

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