• All Starr's

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 09/08/2019 at 04:29

    When I Moved to North Carolina a few years ago, I thought I was done with concerts. I was lucky to catch Paul several times, and one time playing with Ringo. Which was easily the best concert I’ve been to (Change Begins Within, at Radio Music Hall).

    In the last couple of months both Paul and Ringo have performed at practically my doorstep. Ringo came by on Tuesday, and played at a Theater with his “All Starr Band” which included Steve Lukather.


    I was so close that I could take this picture with a cheap point-and-shoot camera. I had one of those moments that you realize you’re so close to someone so big and you have to catch your breath.

    Has anyone had that experience?

    Howard replied 5 years ago 6 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Tomás F. Calvo

    09/08/2019 at 04:37

    Here’s another picture with Steve Lukather. He did the TOTO hits, and Gregg Rolie did some Santana hits. Colin Hay was great as well as Hamish Stuart. They all did their hits and we were there for over 2 hours. What really amazed me is not only how tight they were as a band, but how much fun they had, which translated over to the audience. They are all in their 60’s and 70’s and they play without holding back. It was such a breath of fresh air to see these top class musicians showing the purpose of music. No frills, just really good -fantastic- music.


  • Jung Roe

    09/08/2019 at 05:22

    Tomas, oh yes I know that experience!   I remember the first time I went to a Beach Boys concert, my first live concert ever.  I think I must have been 14 or 15, it just felt surreal to be in the same room (big room) with my absolute heroes: Brian Wilson, Carl Wilson, Dennis Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, and Bruce Johnson.  Dennis Wilson died a few years later, so it was one of the last concerts where all the original members were on stage together, even Brian, as often he did not do concerts in those times.  There is something special about being in the presence of a legend, one of the all time greats.  It takes the “right stuff” to be a hero, and they were mine!  That was one moment in my life I would never forget.

    • Tom Cangelosi

      27/08/2019 at 19:58

      We just saw them in Philadelphia. 5th row VIP seats, and it was a great show! IMG_1644

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      30/08/2019 at 03:36

      Wow Tom, great seats. Wasn’t it such a great show? So relaxed, they made it look so easy! Putting on a show for 2 hours, almost every night in a different city at 79 is astounding!

  • Howard

    09/08/2019 at 15:02

    Well, Tomas, it’s probably a while since I’ve had one of those moments, but tonight I had a close experience with a Lady Beatle. Accompanied by an accomplished backing band we were taken through a variety of Beatles songs, commencing with ‘Sgt. Peppers’, followed by ‘Come Together’ and including interpretations of the likes of ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds’ and Eleanor Rigby’. A wonderful Beatle night! This lady’s grandmother was born in Liverpool.

    Now she may not have been the MLT, but unfortunately, MLT are not touring Australia at the moment.


  • Jacki Hopper

    09/08/2019 at 23:30

    I’ve had a few… The original Irish Rovers, Glass Tiger… Tomas, you took some fab pix of Ringo and Gang… Wow, how awesome that must of been… I’d of been in awe of it all…

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    10/08/2019 at 03:45

    Thanks Jacki! Here’s another of Steve and Colin Hay


    They had fun all night.

    Jung, that’s a great concert I would have LOVED to attend. The closest was a few years ago I was hired to work on one of Mike Love’s version of the Beach Boys shows in LA. It was a private show and I was amazed in sound check at how they sounded just like the record, they were amazing even after all this time. I also had the chance to have a little chat with Bruce Johnston, he was kind enough to come to our “video village” and sit with me for a bit.

  • Howard

    10/08/2019 at 09:12

    Well Tomas, not being a musician I can only envy the opportunities your talent gives you. However, I would forgo the opportunity to see any of my rock favourites of the past just for one close encounter with the MonaLisa Twins!

  • Jung Roe

    10/08/2019 at 23:41

    Oh wow Tomas!  Thanks for sharing that about working on Mike Love’s show and actually chatting with Bruce Johnston!  I didn’t realize you were involved in the music industry like that.  That is very awesome!

  • Angelo

    03/09/2019 at 10:39

    Tomás said “Has anyone had that experience?”

    Yes I did.

    MM Mona


  • Angelo

    03/09/2019 at 10:49

    Jung Roe said “There is something special about being in the presence of a legend”

    and that’s true.

    Mike Massé Lisa

    Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures.

    • Jung Roe

      03/09/2019 at 20:08

      Hi Angelo.  Yes they are legends indeed and will be even bigger legends in the future!!! MLT now certainly eclipse all my previous music heroes, Beach Boys, and even Beethoven.   🙂

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      04/09/2019 at 05:58

      So it was you who traveled from France… That’s great. I’ve got hope that I’ll get to see the Twins perform some day! ?‍♀️??‍??

  • Howard

    03/09/2019 at 11:00

    Are you telling us you were there Angelo?

  • Angelo

    04/09/2019 at 08:08

    Yes indeed, when I saw that they were playing at Epstein Theater in Liverpool, I jumped on the first plane and that evening I was in the front row to admire our young idols. Naturally, having only the Channel to cross (1h 30 flight time) it’s much easier for me than for you. I’ve been dreaming of California and New Zealand for years and have not been there yet. To see the MLT in flesh and bone, it was the last call because apparently the MLT do not want to do concerts anymore. At least for a while and I am very sad about that.

  • Howard

    04/09/2019 at 08:16

    Well done Angelo. As for New Zealand, our Kiwi cousins are not the seventh state of Australia ……. yet! You may already be aware the Twins did a six-month school exchange in Adelaide, South Australia in 2009. As for not wanting to do concerts, I think it is more a too much to do and not enough time thing for them while they are in a creative writing and recording phase. They do enjoy performing.

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