• Alone request

    Posted by Tim Johnston on 02/01/2023 at 16:45

    If one hasn’t started already, I want to start a request, petition, plea, whatever you want to call it, for Mona and Lisa to record and release

    “Alone “

    I thought it was a beautiful and moving piece of music. It’s hard to imagine it was written by 12 year old young ladies on their first attempt at writing.

    Please respond with “Aye” if you agree and support this motion.

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 1 year, 8 months ago 11 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    02/01/2023 at 19:16

    There have already been numerous requests, pleas, supplications, urgings, etc. lol. Ultimately it’s their song and their musical journey, so I don’t want them to do anything they’re not comfortable with and 100% behind. They’ll do it if and when they’re ready. Now, that being said…

    PLLEEEEAAAASE!!! We all love that song so much! 😀

  • Jung Roe

    02/01/2023 at 21:00

    For Mona and Lisa to be able to write a song, Alone, with so much depth and emotion at such a young age just blows me away. It’s raw appeal and ability to touch deep inside you attests to what amazing inherent musical song writing talent Mona and Lisa possess. It is indeed a brilliant gem, that was so awesome to have a 2022 version performed at the Livestream.

    I think it is a song worthy of a wider audience beyond the confines of the MLT Club at some point, but I agree with Roger’s sentiment, only if it fits in within MLTs artistic plan and vision for their music. They are in the drivers seat of this incredible musical journey, and love all they do. ✨🎶🧡

  • Refugio Arellano

    02/01/2023 at 22:08

    It is true, that in the immediate plans of Mona and Lisa this is not considered “Alone”. But after the performance on the 23rd, it made many of us feel something very special inside of us.

    So if it’s not too much to ask, could you please include it in your immediate plans.

  • Bill Isenberg

    02/01/2023 at 23:25

    Please put me on board for Mona and Lisa to record Alone! Such a tender and beautful song

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    03/01/2023 at 00:01

    I love “Alone” and I think it’s a great idea. 💛❤ 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/01/2023 at 02:13

    Yeppers, Count On Me for thus request … 🤘😊

  • Johnnypee Parker

    05/01/2023 at 04:30

    Leave Alone alone? Should it remain as is? An original song written by two very old-soul twelve year olds. The performance on the Live Stream was mesmerizing. We have come to cherish those live Duo Sessions, but maybe it should remain as is, a delicate timepiece of the band’s beginnings.

    What am I saying? It screams for a proper Duo Session.


    I have to confess that sometimes when I hear the title I get that song by Heart stuck in my head.

  • Jeannette Wannamaker

    05/01/2023 at 14:45

    I agree with you Tim, that a Duo session recording of “Alone” would be lovely and I’m definitely in favour. I also agree with Roger, however, about not wanting to pressure Mona and Lisa into doing something they don’t feel is a valuable use of their time. The song probably evokes different feelings in them since it is their earliest work – I know how I feel when I look back on my early attempts at anything! It is hard to have the same objective perspective that we, as outsiders, have, because it is so personal. From the perspective of an outside, music-loving fan, I love the song and have replayed it on the livestream many, many times! It haunts me, even in my sleep.

    • Jung Roe

      06/01/2023 at 00:58

      Hi Jeannette

      As always, so eloquently stated! Thank you.

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      06/01/2023 at 13:21

      Thanks, Jung.

    • Daryl Jones

      06/01/2023 at 16:26

      I both agree and disagree on your response Jeanette. I totally get the pressure thing, but just the mere mention (and play) of it last month was enough to tell me they are (hopefully) interested in doing an updated version of it.

      I firmly believe it would be such a wonderful and soulful re-release and I am about two heartbeats away from flying to the UK and begging on my hands and knees at their doorstep for them to do it! OK, maybe not quite that rash (yet), but yeah, I would so love to see that come to fruition.

      So if my vote on the subject adds to the process, count me in favor big time. (hint…)

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      06/01/2023 at 17:16

      Good point! Hopefully it won’t come to a hands and knees request!

  • Bill Isenberg

    05/01/2023 at 19:46

    Jeannnete thank you so much for your post, I agree Mona and Lisa should not be pressured into this song. I feel selfish now that I think about it and feel bad. Forgetting how much Mona and Lisa do for us club members, and to bug them about a song that they should do should be up to them. God knows they have a ton on their plate.

    • Jeannette Wannamaker

      06/01/2023 at 13:26

      I don’t think we need to feel bad, Bill – how can we help but want more of the music we love! We just need to be sensitive to the wants and needs of Mona and Lisa at the same time. I’m sure they understand our desire and will be forgiving if we seem a little too pushy!

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    08/01/2023 at 06:17

    I think it’s a great song, and I add myself to the list to have the song re-recorded.

    I feel the Livestream version is already a Duo Session version and it’s so nice in its casual feel with the background info pre and post. Maybe they can edit the song from the stream with a bit of dialogue and post it on YouTube in November as a promo for the next Advent calendar.

    I think the song has plenty of quality for the full studio treatment.

    Just my 2 cents!

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