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  • an artist you may like

    Posted by John Leonard on 30/05/2020 at 21:25

    have you ever heard of a artist named emmit rhodes. he had a few albums released in the late 60’s or early 70’s. i ask because he was somewhat like m.l.t. he played and recorded his own songs in his home. unlike you he was signed to a record label and that was his undoing. he was a perfectionist and took a long time to record his own songs. the recording process being much harder back then. his self titled album meet with some success and the record company pushed for more and quicker releases. needles to say they had a falling out and the music suffered.

    i loved his music and his style. in many ways your music reminds me of him. you should give him a listen. his music is available on you tube. he still has a loyal following who show up at his occasional performances. just search for emmit rhodes. lullabye  and face on the floor are some the more popular ones.


    john l

    John Leonard replied 4 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    30/05/2020 at 21:25

    Hi John,

    It’s great that you bring up Emmit Rhodes. He has been brought to our attention with pretty much the same words you chose about 10 years ago. It’s a shame that he’s not better known considering how many people who are into melodic, 60’s pop music would appreciate his songwriting.

    He has such a strong “McCartney-ish” sound in his arrangements, melodies, bass and vocals – sometimes he sounds more like Paul than Paul did in the 70’s 😉

    We can relate to the DIY approach of his own music, too – that was quite the feat with the equipment available back then!

    Anyway, thanks for reminding us of him again! Several people have mentioned him as an “insider’s tip” over the years so maybe it’s not quite as “insider” anymore – that would be great, he’d deserve it! 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    31/05/2020 at 02:17

    I was not aware of this man, now you have me intrigued and fascinated…guess  I’ll be checking out his stuff, Thankyou both to John Leonard, and Lisa,  for this is my new thing learned  for today ?

  • John Leonard

    31/05/2020 at 17:09


    very impressive. i thought emmit rhodes was my secret. your right about sounding like paul mccartney. being older i bought his album when it was originally released and that was what they said on the radio back then that they thought it was actually mccartney using a different name. well i am glad you appreciate him as much as i do and i will try to find another way to stump you. so far i am 0 for 2.

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