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  • Jung Roe

    31/12/2019 at 17:34

    Its an interesting video Howard about Liverpool and the beginnings of Merseybeat.  As this film was created in 1965, it was kind of funny when the commentator says about Beatlemania “..Maybe a passing phase…”.  Little did they know in 1965, this group would go on to be the greatest band of all time and change music forever.

    Last year was fortunate enough to experience another great product of Liverpool, the Queen Mary in Long Beach, now converted to a hotel.  Stayed overnight and walked all over the ship, even the haunted decks where guests have seen real ghosts.  The rooms all have the original furnishings from the turn of the century when the ship was active.

    Liverpool looks like a great place to visit for all it’s significance in music, but they do drive on the wrong side of the road over there!


  • Jacki Hopper

    31/12/2019 at 20:08

    The Haunted Queen Mary…. Not sure if I’d care to be on that… Paranormal and I don’t always get along…. Believe me I know…. But at same time, that is cool how they converted ship into hotel… ???

  • Howard

    23/01/2020 at 06:04

    I think this is a very interesting and informative documentary about Liverpool in 1963 and the beginnings of British beat groups that would eventually conquer the world.

    After the Beatles – Beat City – Merseybeat TV Show – Liverpool 1963

    Edward Hodson
    “There is no sound for the first 1 minute 27 seconds. That’s because there is only a song playing throughout this; There’s A Place by The Beatles. There are no background sounds and it only ends when the host starts speaking. I thought I had sorted this out with the copyright algorithm on YouTube but apparently its muted the entire track. Beat City – Liverpool 1963.”

  • Howard

    24/01/2020 at 06:29

    The Emerging Beat Scene in Liverpool

    His Name was Rory and Music was His Story

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