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  • Another “small” oops…

    Posted by Daryl Jones on 13/10/2023 at 17:32

    As I have mentioned previously, I race motorcycles with the Edmonton Motorcycle Racing Association. No, not professionally haha, but I do love to get the speed on occasionally and dance a bit with my track family. Of course, no activity that involves machines and speed is without risk to one’s self or possibly others, but it’s a calculated and voluntary assessment of the danger. Goes with the territory so to speak.
    This August I suffered a “minor” spill during morning practice sessions while prepping for a race round. I missed a specific turn-in point on a corner and washed out the front wheel resulting in a low-side crash. Thankfully it wasn’t a super high speed incident, nor was there any great injury to myself or my bike and posed no danger to any of my fellow racers. Once checked over with the track EMT’s and my bike was patched up and cleared with the tech crew I managed to compete in the next day’s event for real. A bit stiff and sore (I don’t absorb those impacts like I did when I was younger) I did manage to complete the race even if I did finish last in my group. As the old saying goes, you get back on that darn horse when she bucks you.
    It’s always been a goal of mine to be able to drag an elbow through a turn like the experts do, and I did that. Only downside is my arse followed a split second later! 🤣
    But next year I’ll be wearing an air vest under my suit for sure.

    Daryl Jones replied 11 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • James Crowe

    15/10/2023 at 23:50

    Happy to hear you were able to get back on the bike the next day and get on with it! I’ve had a few bicycle mishaps (road and mountain) myself. You’re right, it takes longer and longer to bounce back as the years go by.

    • Daryl Jones

      16/10/2023 at 00:13

      I don’t have too many more years of racing left in me, so I’m making the best of it while I am still able; I turn 66 in two weeks. Our race team is out in BC this weekend in the finals of the Western Canadian Championships, which I was unable to attend. I’ll catch up on the results through emails and club posts, and our windup banquet is this coming Saturday evening so I’ll get to see the whole gang there anyway.
      Not that I really mind being as I got to be part of the Livestream today. That was beyond anything I could ever have expected.

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