• Art

    Posted by Roger Penn on 02/03/2022 at 18:40

    You’ve shared enough of your artwork with us for us to know that you’re so talented you could fill galleries. The piece for Summer Rain just blows me away. Can you talk a bit about its creation? Who did it, or did you both collaborate? I can’t tell as it has elements of both of you.

    I like this one as much or more than Silhouettes of Life, my other favorite. Skip suggested doing an illustrated song book, which would still be the best thing ever, but is there ever a chance you might offer prints of some of these for sale?

    Rudolf Wagner replied 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/03/2022 at 18:41

    Hi Roger,

    Oh thanks, I am so glad you noticed and liked the artwork. It was a quick watercolour painting I did as we needed a fitting backdrop for the lyrics page.

    I wanted it to feel like you’re looking out the window after a bit of summer rain 🙂 I used some liquid masking tape to block out the raindrops, painted the background, peeled off the masking tape and filled in the drops. It was a really quick but fun project. I remember sitting at the kitchen table, Mona was drawing something else (we both can’t remember what) and Michaela also joined us for a bit. We were all drinking tea.

    Your question brought back a fond memory, thanks for that 😉


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