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  • Artists creativity and influences

    Posted by Jung Roe on 20/02/2023 at 19:48

    Human creativity does not exist in a vacuum, but comes from the artists experience of the world around them, all the influences from the past and present, and the environment they live in, and their individuality and unique perspective infused together to form their creative expression. With the Beatles, they grew up listening to Elvis, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly etc… so their music will naturally be an infusion of all of those influences of their environment along with their own unique experiences, perspective and individuality and yet is something completely unique and of their own. Bach drew from his influences of medieval music and Gregorian chant that predates him, but his music is uniquely all his own. Classical composer and musician extraordinaire Franz Liszt most well known piece, the monument in music, The Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 is influenced by his exposure to Hungarian gypsy music he grew up around, and yet is derivative of no one, but all his own..

    I feel the same way with MLT and all their originals. Their influences are the Beatles and the great music of the 60s they admire more than any music, but everything they create is completely unique, fresh, modern and all their own. I think it is so easy when we listen to a new piece of music we love to draw comparisons to something we know or are familiar with for context of how great it is. But I think sometimes comparisons can be a damper of joy for the artists and their work.

    In this interview with Paul McCartney about his song writing and classical music, he says he admires the music of Monteverdi, Bach, Beethoven etc… but goes on to make a point that anything he writes is original, and influences that people may hear is not intentional.

    Just some long weekend lazy afternoon thoughts on music and artists.

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 6 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    20/02/2023 at 23:41

    More on Paul McCartney’s influences:

    • Jürgen

      22/02/2023 at 07:45

      Hi Jung,

      „Human creativity does not exist in a vacuum, but comes from the artists experience of the world around them, all the influences from the past and present, and the environment they live in, and their individuality and unique perspective infused together to form their creative expression“ 

      I like that very much. I derive the following interesting thought game from this: if, for example, Ludwig van Beethoven and Paul McCartney had been born a few centuries earlier, would they have made music too? Beethoven without access to the classical instruments and large orchestras of his time and Paul McCartney without electric guitar, piano and drums? What would their music have sounded like then, or would their talent have lay dormant and they would never have become musicians? Personally, I believe that many of us have undiscovered abilities and talents that we take for granted and that we often don’t pay any special attention to. And it requires special circumstances, perhaps the right environment, perhaps also coincidence, for these talents to be awakened and able to develop.

      „But sometimes I think comparisons can be a damper of joy for the artists and their work“. 

      I fully agree and I hope that Mona and Lisa will concentrate on their own music in the future. They gave us a lot of great cover songs and that’s the path that almost all great musicians have taken. However, they have reached a point in their musical development where they should focus fully on their own style of music. Then at some point the comparisons will stop. I would be very pleased. I think with the album “Why” Mona and Lisa proved that they sound like MLT and not like anything else. Therefore my personal wish: Goodbye cover music, hello MLT music.

    • Jung Roe

      27/02/2023 at 00:38

      Hi Jurgen

      Thanks for that great write up.

      Like many of us here I discovered Mona and Lisa because of their amazing covers, and discovered they are the real deal, remarkable artists in their own right able to create inspired original work of their own that are incredibly moving, and stayed because of that. I think their covers and numerous compilation albums over the years grew their fan base and audience for their original work. I think with WHY? and future albums more and more new fans will discover them through their amazing originals.

      As for continuing to do covers, I think as long as MLT enjoy doing them and find fulfillment in creating them, it is good because they have and will continue to grow their audience through them if they want, but their original work is the future and what will keep and grow their fan base even more, and I am sure ultimately the most fulfilling for MLT. As the new album WHY? proves yet again, MLT are an amazing talented musical powerhouse creating the best new music today. Their new music has so much emotional depth and complexity, they are in the realm of the legendary song writers and composers. The more I listen to the WHY? album and all the songs in it, the more I am drawn back to it over and over in joy and amazement. Only great art like the works of the Beatles and Beethoven can do that captivating their fans for a lifetime, and MLT’s original work is just like that. Here I go drawing a comparison! HAHA 🙂

      I love their artistic philosophy of progression and never repeating themselves, which will ensure they will never be stuck creating the same music, and be pioneers of new music and the future of rock/pop.

  • David Herrick

    21/02/2023 at 00:20

    Love these Paul interviews and press conferences, Jung! They’re always insightful.

    I did a triple-take on that “long weekend” remark. At first I thought, “Oh, yeah, it’s Presidents Day.” Then, “Wait a minute… he’s Canadian.” So I looked it up and saw that this is Family Day, at least in a few provinces (including BC). In other provinces it’s other holidays (on the same day), and in a few it’s not a holiday at all. I’m so confused!

    • Jung Roe

      21/02/2023 at 01:01

      Hi David. A few years ago, not that long ago actually, a few Canadian Premieres of the provinces decided between New Years in January and Easter In March is too long without a break, so they introduced Family Day in in February. At first, the Premiere of BC wanted to be different from other provinces, and had Family Day a week earlier or later than the other Provinces so when BC residents travel, it will be quiet in the rest of Canada! LOL. This wreaked havoc in National companies as some employees got a long weekend in BC while the rest of the company in other provinces worked and then the following week, only BC residents had to show up for work while other provinces got a long weekend. Us smarter employees in BC took both long weekends! 😁 A few years ago, the brought BC in line with the rest of the country.

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/02/2023 at 19:53

    To me….it’s kind of a stuxpid holiday…no need to close most malls, etc, have garbage delays…..besides…not all have families so from my perspective, it’s kind of a stupid holiday… Xmas/New Years/Canada Day are understandable, but as for Family Day…ummm no… useless in my opinion…

    But.. St Paddy’s Day should be considered a holiday.. The Leprechauns/Leprechaunesses– need to be honored full fledged ( ahem, cough, cough 😉🙃💚☘️🍀🇨🇦🇮🇪 )….lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Daryl Jones

      21/02/2023 at 21:27

      You have me on board with that idea Jacki. I know it’s not a holiday in the States or here in Canada, but there are huge St Patrick’s Day parades and festivities in many American locations. I for one celebrate it every year in honor of me Grand Da Murphy and family from County Down. I wear the garb and hang the O’Murchadha Coat of Arms on display even though hardly anyone will see it anymore since I’m no longer in the office. I also don’t drink, but I will certainly salute any and all that care to with a hearty “Slainte!”.

      I actually don’t mind the idea of Family Day, but I fear not many families choose to do family based activities, just as the Sunday dinner has likely (sadly?) gone the way of the dinosaur. I wish more families had that mentality these days, just my personal belief on the degradation of the modern world.
      I think Paul’s talk has meaning, worthy of a listen for sure.

    • Jung Roe

      22/02/2023 at 00:28

      Hi Jacki

      I vote for St Patricks Day long weekends too. I can spend the day drawing three leaf clover leprechauns like this one. Would be fun. 👍😉

      In my previous companies I worked, Family Day wasn’t observed which is the case at most Canadian nationwide companies and some federal workers. The mail was being delivered yesterday. In my new company Family Day is observed, so I got the day off for the first time.

    • Jung Roe

      22/02/2023 at 00:37
    • Dave Johnston

      22/02/2023 at 02:51

      Well, I’m retired so they’re all days off 🙂 I use to love green beer…place in DC called the Dubliner which I went to frequently in my younger years. I vote in favor as well. Love your scribbles Jung…looks like a Lamy in the middle.

    • Jung Roe

      22/02/2023 at 05:05

      Hi Dave

      Thanks. Yeah that is my Lamy Safari, and a TWSBI ECO with 1.1mm stub nib on the right, and a Montblanc 149 Calligraphy flex pen on the left. Both give nice line variation. Now I wish I had better skill at drawing. What you see there is about the extent of my drawing at the moment.

    • Tom Fones

      22/02/2023 at 03:16

      I 2nd that emotion Jacki!

  • Jung Roe

    01/03/2023 at 05:17

    I found this fascinating video that raises some interesting points about why music is magical from a famous music producer. I saw him in that recent interview with Paul McCartney.

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