MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum New Features & Updates "Ask The MonaLisa Twins" forum is now moderated

  • "Ask The MonaLisa Twins" forum is now moderated

    Posted by Rudolf Wagner on 19/12/2018 at 14:43

    That was much harder to realise than we thought it would be. Moderating a forum is surprisingly not part of the standard forum software for WordPress bbPress (which we use here). A plugin gives the option to moderate all forums or none – and this was all that was available. We are very glad that a friendly programmer at Digital Arm ( helped us to make this work by adding custom code.
    The “Ask The MonaLisa Twins” forum is from now on set up in a way that replies to questions are only possible after the Twins have answered them. That way we should get a cleaner look and easier read in the Q&A forum. Thanks for all the suggestions and we hope you’ll enjoy the new feature.

    Jeffrey Souza replied 5 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    19/12/2018 at 14:57

    Hi Rudi… Thankyou for update and am happy you found a solution with help from digital tech friends ✌️????????

  • Geir

    20/12/2018 at 12:42

    A very good decision, in my opinion!

  • Howard

    20/12/2018 at 14:15

    Thanks for all your efforts with the “Ask The MonaLisa Twins” Forum moderation, Rudi, Mona and Michaela. I’m sure it’s much appreciated by many club members.

    For members who like to share their knowledge and the knowledge of others in this club, can I suggest that you try Tim’s suggestion of creating a Topic in ‘General Discussion’ to address answers to ‘Ask the MonaLisa Twins’ questions. This way members can share knowledge with other members who are interested, while members who aren’t are free to ignore. This has worked well in the past.

    • Rudolf Wagner

      20/12/2018 at 17:55

      I think that is not really necessary because

      1. Anybody can comment (“reply” – in forum lingo) after the twins answered a question and
      2. Anybody can create topics in “General Discussion”

      So if you like to discuss a certain aspect of a question or anything else feel free to open a topic in “General Discussion”.

  • Stephen Krogh

    20/12/2018 at 19:27

    Rudy, thank you for making this change to the forum, even though it was not at all an easy one to make. It provides the structure needed to maintain the intent of the forum. Your insight as to what this wonderful website is all about is spot on as far as this fan is concerned. Thank you for everything, and I do mean everything!

  • Howard

    21/12/2018 at 03:27

    “So if you like to discuss a certain aspect of a question or anything else feel free to open a topic in “General Discussion”. Thanks for the clarification Rudolf. That’s what I was trying to say in my own clumsy way.

  • Rick Ross

    22/12/2018 at 03:22

    Thank you so much Rudi, I believe this new set up will be much better. Mona and Lisa’s answers won’t be buried in the contents and this will be much easier for everyone to see their responses.

    I really appreciate all of you taking the time and for the research and effort in making this a wonderful interactive sight.

    The CLUB is hugely popular with everyone. Its being talked about everywhere and is getting very favourable reviews. I get the feeling that soon it will be biggest topic on social media.

    Thanks again Team MLT

  • Michael Triba

    23/12/2018 at 19:12

    Thank you so much Rudi!

    For me, seeing you here and taking the lead is one of the biggest blessings of being here in the MLT CLUB!  I know that you do not do the social media thing like your groovy daughters, nor attend to matters of shipping and tracking merchandise and many other necessary things, that your lovely wife takes care of every day.

    You have shown the Wisdom of Solomon in tweaking the way that allows Mona and Lisa to answers questions directed to them first.  This will increase my joy in asking them questions and reading their answers by 500% or more, sir!  🙂  This is a “win-win-win” for me, for them, and for fellow fans that wish to participate.

    I think that finding your daughters on YouTube on 4/2/16 was not just a “happy accident.”  It was meant to be; and has increased my joy and happiness in an era when there is very little joy on the local, national, and international news.  I’m certain that many fans feel the same way, Mr. Wagner.  I hope and pray that I live long enough to follow the entire music careers of your daughters.

    May God bless you and your beautiful family in all your endeavors.  Please have a lovely holiday break together.  I’ll have many more questions to ask your daughters in the new year.  Thanks again!

    Mike in Omaha

  • Jeffrey Souza

    02/06/2019 at 16:40

    As a new member, I’m not a man of many words, but Michael Triba portrays the idea best.

    Your daughters return me to the time when music was happy and meant to uplift; where every lyric doesn’t have to be a social statement. They are both beautiful and talented and as Michael said” I hope and pray that I live long enough to follow the entire music careers of your daughters.” They deserve great success. Thanks again for this website and all the joy it brings. Give my best to Mona and Lisa.

    Jeff from Massachusetts


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