• Awaiting Moderation

    Posted by Steve on 31/01/2019 at 02:53

    I posted a question to the twins about other interests they have besides music and it’s been in a “Waiting Moderating” status for over a week.  Has anyone had to wait that long for a question to approved?  I would think if they weren’t going to respond or for some reason found it inappropriate (which it isn’t) they would at least say something or just delete it.  I’m just surprised it’s taken so long.

    Howard replied 5 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    31/01/2019 at 03:43

    Hi… Patience… Good Things come to those who wait… Lol… I have stuff awaiting moderation … I know the gang are busy… And will get to replying/approving when they are able to… Or perhaps it is a technical glitch .. Not sure… Just wait and see… Lol????

  • Michael Rife

    31/01/2019 at 07:09


    I have been waiting moderation on two questions for two weeks and another one for a few days. I noticed last week they answered one question that was submitted some time in December.  So, the time period is getting longer, but I think the are a little busy recording and doing videos.  It may take some time but they will answer.  Mike

  • Jung Roe

    31/01/2019 at 07:50

    Thoughtful responses they always provide take time and Im perfectly fine waiting as long as it takes them.  Their music and video projects I think should take priority over anything else and they mentioned they’ve been busy working on some in the last newsletter.  My question submitted a few weeks ago is awaiting moderation too.

  • Howard

    01/02/2019 at 20:40

    Patience Steve. I have two questions waiting moderation, including one from mid December. I realise they are always very busy and one of my questions was a little technical and so perhaps difficult to answer. You know the Wagners. They are perfectionists and don’t like to do things half heartedly, so we need to be patient as their responses are always well thought through and genuine.

    As far as their other interests are concerned, they have already addressed this issue to an extent in other forums, including their many YouTube videos such as ‘Q&A’s 1 and 2, various video and radio interviews as well as in the Club Forum. You only need to watch their ‘Two of Us’ video cover to get an idea of their interests (besides music) while growing up to at least age 20 or so.

    As others have already stated here they would have been very busy with other priorities and December’s Advent Calendar would have consumed their time to a large extent. Now I guess they’d be focused back on their new album and various videos.

    I believe they will find it more difficult to respond in a timely fashion in future as their fan base grows and their general workload also increases. Some questions will always be easier for them to deal with quickly while others will be more time consuming.

    As already stated, I still have a question in moderation from mid December plus another one that is about two weeks outstanding and another one that took more than two weeks for a response. But I’m not too concerned.

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