MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Awesome things i have learned from the MLTC

  • Awesome things i have learned from the MLTC

    Posted by Tom Fones on 06/11/2021 at 19:53
    1. Many Rock-n-Roll artists honor and borrow from Beethoven.
    (Well maybe except Chuck Berry) Thanks to Jung Roe.

    2. Ottawa Canada is such a beautiful cosmopolitan city. Thanks to Jacki Hopper.

    3. Dixie Rock-n-Roll is alive and well as long as Blackberry Smoke is around.
    Thanks to Joseph Manzi.

    4. Lisa swings a mean axe. Thanks to Michael Thompson.

    5. I still can’t get over Celine Dion representing Switzerland in the European songfest.
    Thanks to Juergen Bereit.

    6. How varied the use of the bass guitar can be in pop music,
    and how their approach is about opposite to the modern trend of
    sustained notes and lots of treble. Thanks to Rudy.

    7. The Beatles sounded great in German, and Ramstein is still performing.
    Thanks to Juergen Bereit.

    8. Tim Hardin wasn’t very attached to his guitars because he would sell them
    to support his habit. So tragic. Thanks to John Sebastian.

    9. They know the Lizzie Borden story all the way to Australia.
    Thanks to Howard Bidwell.

    10. The Von Trapp great grandkids are still performing. Thanks to Mona.

    11. I learned that Al Yankovic can lay down the blues. I mean who knew.
    Thanks to David Herrick.

    12. I learned that Stevie Vaughn got clean and then died in a helicopter crash
    along with Eric Clapton’s entourage. Thanks to Mona & Lisa.

    13. I never knew Edith Piaf sang in English. Thanks to Juergen.

    14. No one is too young to be a Beatles fan or a MonaLisa Twins fan.
    Thanks to Maddie & Bill Isenberg.

    15. All of Van Gogh’s troubles appear in the life stories of the incarcerated.
    Thanks to Diana Geertsen, our working hero.

    16. Heat shields are necessary and parachutes work – even in the Mars atmosphere.
    Thanks to David Herrick.

    17. All about amplifiers – orange and otherwise. Thanks to JP Parker, Darryl Boyd, Walter Music, Jeffery Ohlwine.

    18. I feel like i have been to Liverpool. Thanks to John Hollister.

    19. The Twins have been very good girls again this year.
    (They wouldn’t lie to Santa)

    20. We lost Rusty Young. So sad. Thanks to Michael Rife.

    I know that i am leaving out a ton of cool stuff. A little help here please.

    Christopher replied 2 years, 4 months ago 11 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Jürgen

    06/11/2021 at 20:25

    And I have met a lot of great people here and you are definitely one of them Tom. Thanks a lot.

  • David Herrick

    06/11/2021 at 22:15

    I’ve just learned that Tom has an amazing memory!

    Honestly, I don’t go a single day without contemplating some of the things I’ve found out from other members in this club. I wonder if anyone, MLT included, had any idea that this place would become such a great resource for sharing all sorts of information. I’m a better conversationalist because of my experiences here.

  • Tom Fones

    06/11/2021 at 23:54

    Actually i spent quite a while refreshing my memory poking around the gen’l discussion threads. But i agree about what a repository this forum has become.


  • Jung Roe

    07/11/2021 at 03:48

    Wow Tom, you make a great point! I’ve learned so much here at the MLT Club too and been able to share so much with MLT and all the wonderful members here. It is indeed a treasure trove of wonderful experiences the MLT Club keeps on giving! I couldn’t imagine my world without it these days.

    The MLT Club keeps getting better: Another blast from the MLT Club past!

  • Jung Roe

    07/11/2021 at 04:44

    21..I learned wooden cutlery makes a great percussion instrument.

  • Jung Roe

    07/11/2021 at 04:48

    22. I learned the Ukelele is actually a very expressive and awesome musical instrument. In fact Lisa is Mozart.

    • Thomas Randall

      10/11/2021 at 00:39

      As I said in my original Youtube post on this video: I always loved this clip! Makes me smile every time I watch it!

    • Christopher

      09/05/2022 at 02:45

      “Oooh la” on Lisa’s Mr. Soft solo…priceless!

  • Jürgen

    07/11/2021 at 08:26

    23. I have learned that I should perhaps deal with Beethoven in more detail after all.

    I would like to join David and Jung at this point: The MLT forum is a wonderful place where you can talk about the music world and learn a lot of new things about music and sometimes also of things that one would not have expected in a music forum. I have not come across anything like this before.

    • Tom Fones

      07/11/2021 at 14:19


      you need to find a post by Jung in Gen’l Discussion presenting an hour of Beethoven’s influence on Rock-n-Roll produced by Deutsche-Welle. It’s right up your alley. It’s about a year old. Last December.

  • Walter Music

    07/11/2021 at 13:09

    It is so awesome that in these times we can all Come Together on just about any subject that we put out there, we learn from people from all over the world and it all started with a family all together making the best Music allowing us to be in the best forum on you tube. It all started with 2 young girls from Austria wanting to sing and play Music from over 50 years ago. I have become more relaxed and blown away by everyone in the MLT because of our Love of 2 wonderful ladies and their family realizing their dream and we get to watch that dream come true, we are a part of something really big!!! I have also learned that I can ask questions like this one, does anyone know what awaiting moderation means in ask Mona and Lisa and how I can resolve that, I don’t believe they can see it on their end.

    Thanks to everyone in the MLT family and I believe we are all apart of the MLT family!!!

    • David Herrick

      07/11/2021 at 14:25

      Walter, in my experience, “awaiting moderation” happens when you include more than one link to a photo or video in the same post, or copy and paste a large amount of text from a website. Sometimes MLT clears that out, and sometimes not.

  • Tom Fones

    07/11/2021 at 14:08

    Yep. The cure for the lockdown blues. Mostly.

    I forgot to mention Paul Krauss defends the Big Bang Theory very well.

    Thanks to David Herrick. More about that later.

  • Tom Fones

    07/11/2021 at 14:29

    Walter, multiple youtube videos will definitely put you in limbo for a while.

    I used to be the biggest culprit, but i’ve changed my ways.

    They have always ultimately responded. Weeks later. Cheers.

  • Walter Music

    08/11/2021 at 01:02

    Thanks guys

  • Diana Geertsen

    08/11/2021 at 03:44

    Tom, Thanks for the compliment!

    24. I learned from Alan Smith that Stealers Wheel ‘Stuck In The Middle With You’ inspired Sheryl Crow’s ‘All I Wanna Do’. I’ve also learned we have a lot of incredible people in the club. I’m honored to be a member.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    09/11/2021 at 01:49

    I have learned MLT fans are the best. What’s so crazy about peace, love and understanding?

    There is a wealth of information here about The MonaLisa Twins, as well as a wealth of information about everything else – just ask. Lisa and Mona have assembled a fine collection of fans who are more than willing to share stats and stories about our favorite past time, music. Did I ever tell you about the time I slept on the sidewalk in line for Pink Floyd tickets? I think it was during March 1994. It was pretty uneventful. I had a warm sleeping bag and actually got a few hours of sleep. I did get tenth row on the floor. It was a kool show in June 1994 at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, NY. Wow I thought that was gonna be a better story. Wait a minute, that was 27 years ago? Wow Time flies.


    Oh ya, the other day I got home from work to find a box by the front door. Marlo told me to put it in the spare room, and do not open it. It weighed about 30 pounds and I swear it smelled like an Orange. ????

  • Jung Roe

    09/11/2021 at 04:13

    JP, 10th row on the floor for a Pink Floyd concert sounds pretty great, and well worth the overnight camp out for the tickets. And not to mention the fond memory of it you will never forget.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    09/11/2021 at 13:23

    I’ve learned that Advent can be a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to seeing what MLT has planned for this year.

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