MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Back in the U.S. of A. (edited)

  • Back in the U.S. of A. (edited)

    Posted by Diana Geertsen on 10/05/2021 at 16:26

    Please disregard my first version.

    You don’t know how lucky you girls are
    Back in the U.S.
    Back in the U.S.
    Back in the U.S. of A.

    I know you love the U.S. and we love you back.

    What places intrigue you and are on the top of your list to visit?

    I’m talking about vacation.

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    10/05/2021 at 16:27

    Hi Diana!

    We are so overdue for a proper summer vacation that my first instinct would be to say somewhere hot and on the coast like Florida, Texas, California or Hawaii!

    But once that need for sun and light is satisfied (trust me, the UK weather gets to you after a few years!) I would love to explore some of the beautiful National Parks and bigger cities like Austin, New York, New Orleans, Nashville, … The ones with lots of musical history!

    Lisa and I have also been daydreaming about hiking (parts of) the PTC (Pacific Crest Trail) one day that goes from the Mexican border to the Canadian one but we doubt we’ll ever actually do it. But it would be fun to explore the country in that way one day!

    That’s all if we’re strictly talking vacation-ing though. My favorite way to explore your country would be by playing many different places and shooting videos along the way! A US tour would be great but we can’t see it happening anytime soon, especially with the current developments.

    • Brad Taggart

      10/05/2021 at 17:16

      Hi Mona and Lisa,
      Your last sentence unfortunately says it all. I don’t want to start a political commentary but the Liberals and their specialized groups (Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc.) and their cancel culture, and all that other crap, have our country on fire and burning to the ground right now. I would love nothing more than to have you come visit, and hopefully be able to see you playing live somewhere while you were here. I live in Montana, so I would have to travel some distance regardless of where you played, but it would be well worth it! I love your music, as you know, I have all of your CD’s, but there’s just nothing like a live concert. Of course, getting to meet you two, and your dad and stepmom would be awesome too. 😉

  • Jung Roe

    11/05/2021 at 01:44

    Hi Mona

    Traveling has always been top on my list to do whenever I can, but since the pandemic, I can taste it in my mouth with passion. One of my dreams would be a road trip to all 4 corners of Canada and USA from Alaska to the Florida Keys and NewFoundland-Boston to San Diego and most things in between. Most of the cities and places you pointed out Mona would be included. I would highly recommend the Hawaiin islands. I’ve been to Hawaii (Oahu) which is spectacular but I have friends who’ve been to the other islands and they say the natural beauty is even better.

    The Pacific Crest Trail hike sounds like a magical hiking adventure. I think you and Lisa should definitely do it when you get the opportunity, it sounds like something that will stay with you for a lifetime as a great achievement you can be proud of.

    I saw an interesting 2014 movie a couple years ago starring Reese Witherspoon called the “Wild” about a lone woman who did the Pacific Crest Trail to find some perspective on her life based on a true story. If anything, the movie shows some pretty spectacular scenery of the Pacific Crest Trail.

    • Diana Geertsen

      11/05/2021 at 12:29

      Excellent feedback Jung!! As always

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/05/2021 at 04:32

    While on topic, a trip across Canada , would be great for you , lots to see, do… perhaps in the next century, once Covid disappears… ????????

  • Thomas Randall

    14/05/2021 at 01:33

    I’ve always wanted to go to England, especially Liverpool. Doubt I’ll ever get there due to health issues but I can still dream! I could go to Liverpool, N.Y. but it’s not quite the same thing!

    Seeing the twins in the U.S. would be so nice. But as The Rolling Stones once sang, “You can’t always get what you want”.

  • Bill Isenberg

    18/05/2021 at 16:51

    Lisa you mentioned Florida and I have to say, My son lived in Fort Lauderdale for 5 years and we visited him 3 to 4 times a year and it is a wonderful place to stop and visit if you ever get the chance. The beach and sights are a pleasure and want to go back ASAP but I feel you and Mona would love it.

  • Michael Rife

    29/05/2021 at 14:11

    Please come to Boston!!

  • Jung Roe

    30/05/2021 at 00:39

    Hi Mike. I would certainly recommend Boston to MLT to visit on their way to Vancouver! LOL 🙂
    Back in Sept/Oct 2019 (feels like another time) the cruise I did from Montreal to Atlantic Canada and down the east coast through Bar Harbour Maine finished in Boston, and I got to spend a whole day there. I walked around the entire city, and literally wore the sole off my cheap runners (it fell apart) and ended up walking around sole-less! We did the Freedom Trail and criss-crossed around the city all day and night. Saw Paul Revere’s house, enjoyed wandering around the Italian district etc. So rich in history there. My only regret is we did not book a few more days there, just one night. Had a wonderful time in your city, will definitely have to visit again. 🙂

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