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  • Beatles vs Beach Boys

    Posted by Graham Smyth on 05/09/2020 at 22:40

    Hello everyone, I must admit that I am a fan of both of these incredible recording artists and I own all of their albums. My opinion is that John and Paul wrote superior songs and the the Beatles were by far the better musicians. However, vocally the Beach Boys were miles ahead.  I also think that Brian Wilson was ahead of his time, production wise.  I think his arrangements were tremendous also.  Also, the Beatles were a much better live performing act.  Ultimately, I feel that if Brian and brother Carl had been members of the Beatles perfection would have been achieved!

    Jung Roe replied 4 years ago 9 Members · 89 Replies
  • 89 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/09/2020 at 23:55

    Hi Graham, great post.  These are my two favourite bands growing up, Beach Boys especially.  Wow, you have all their albums!  Your album collection would be a collection of some of the finest music ever written!

    Up until the Beatles invasion, the Beach Boys were the biggest rock band in America, and by 1964 it became clear to the Beach Boys the Beatles were a force of nature.  I think Carl Wilson said it best for the whole band, “we were in awe”.  Bob Dylan who was the biggest American solo artist would say the same of Paul McCartney years later.  I think up until 1966 the Beach Boys and Beatles were a natural rival, and Brian realized he had to up his game as they couldn’t continue singing just about surfing and cars, and he did.

    You are probably familiar with the whole Rubber Soul – Pet Sounds – Sargent Pepper progression.  Brian Wilson being inspired by Beatles Rubber Soul, and he answers back with Pet Sounds and later Good Vibrations, and Beatles answering back with Sargent Peppers.  It is too bad drugs got in the way, cutting short so many brilliant musical minds including Brian Wilson’s.  If Brian hadn’t had his mental breakdown because of substance abuse, I think his creative trajectory would have carried the Beach Boys to ever greater heights.  I don’t think Brian Wilson could have ever eclipsed the creative genius powerhouse of McCartney/Lennon, but it would be interesting to see what could have been for the Beach Boys.

    If Brian and Carl teamed up with the Beatles to do a collaboration, that would have been incredible.  Imagine the harmonies!   They should do a fantasy movie like that “Yesterday”.  Brian and Carl join the Beatles and a new band is formed, Beatle Boys!   🙂

  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 00:08

    Hello Jung, Great response. I feel the major difference was that Brian was alone on his creative path, John had Paul and they both had George Martin to keep them focused. Most people cite Pet Sounds as the Beach boys best album but for me it is Today 1st, Summer Days 2nd! All summer long is also filled with fabulous music. My favourite Beatles album is A Hard Days Night.

  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 00:24

    Hello again, Salt Lake City and She’s not The Little Girl are incredible productions, beyond George Martin’s capability in my opinion!

  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 00:55

    Wow! I’ve just been listening to Let Him Run Wild, the Beatles just couldn’t have done that then! Brian is a something else.

  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2020 at 02:41

    Hey Graham, those are awesome Beach Boys albums and songs you mentioned.  For me it’s hard to choose between Beach Boys Today and Pet Sounds, but Pet Sounds might have the advantage because of Sloop John B and the fact I stood approx 20 feet away from Mike Love when they performed it once at a private conference in 2000 (Mike Love, Bruce Johnson and Dean Torrence).  Let Him Run Wild is awesome, those harmonies just carry you to places like no other songs could.  Brian’s genius.  In addition to the songs you listed I also like Kiss Me Baby and Then I Kissed Her.  Those hauntingly beautiful vocals, wow!  And then You’re So Good To Me, I Get Around, California Girls, Help Me Rhonda are all brilliant.  There is some Bach inspiration in I Get Around and California Girls.  Just so many great songs across those 3 albums you mentioned.

    With the Beatles I think their time in Hamburg before coming to America not only polished their musicianship greatly, but apparently gave them invaluable exposure and experience in a variety of other genres like  jazz, broadway, classical, folk etc that they had to learn and perform at the various venues there and would enable them later in their career to become the monumental song writers with such a rich diverse musical palette like no other.  Of course they were natural geniuses too, especially Paul with his endless inspired melodies, that both Brian Wilson and Bob Dylan were in awe of.

  • David Herrick

    06/09/2020 at 03:10

    I’m really digging this lovefest concerning my two favorite 60’s groups!

    I know I’m always throwing in these little footnotes, but Then I Kissed Her is a reworking of the Phil Spector song Then He Kissed Me, first released by the Crystals in 1963.


  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2020 at 04:55

    Hi David, the Beach Boys had a few remakes they did and this one is one of them I like the best.  The Crystals version is good, but for me Al Jardine’s vocals give it the breathtaking magic of the Beach Boys version that make it so special.

    Then I Kissed Her


  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2020 at 04:59

    Graham, I haven’t listened to this song in a while and I forgot how awesome it is!

    Let Him Run Wild



  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2020 at 05:17

    Kiss Me Baby.  Those hauntingly beautiful harmonies


  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 16:35

    Hello David,  I favourite Beach Boys cover is Hushaby. Also, Why do fools fall in love? Not forgetting of course that Sloop John B is a cover!

  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 16:36

    Hello David,  My favourite Beach Boys cover is Hushaby. Also, Why do fools fall in love? Not forgetting of course that Sloop John B is a cover!

  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 16:46

    Hello again Jung, I once shook Mike Loves hand at a Beach Boys gig in Manchester I’d say around 10-15 years ago, they performed 53 songs and were incredible! Bruce was in the band also.  I have seen Brian and his marvellous band three times doing Pet Sounds and Smile during that period also.  Brian’s shows were in Liverpool and Birmingham. All gigs were over here in England.

  • David Herrick

    06/09/2020 at 17:49

    Graham, I don’t think I had heard the first two covers you mentioned, so I checked them out.  I love both of the originals, but I’ve got to say the Beach Boys versions are superior, especially Hushabye!

    There aren’t a lot of artists I know who can not only write great new songs, but can also come up with fresh vocal arrangements of old songs that blow the originals out of the water.  All I can think of offhand are Brian Wilson, John Phillips, and of course Mona and Lisa.


  • Graham Smyth

    06/09/2020 at 18:20

    David, I believe the Beatles also were capable of the things you mention.  I think their covers of Twist and Shout, Please Mr Postman and Devil in Her Heart are fantastic!

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/09/2020 at 19:14

    I’m more partial to the Beatles over the Beach Boys…I like Beach Boyscto dance and sing along with but can resonate more lyrically, music wise to the Beatles…

    I’ve always considered BB to be more of a gimmick kind of band ( maybe my 2nd older bros Beatles influence took precedent over my ol…lol) oldest bro’s liking for Beach Boys stuff… while I do like both, Beatles wins me over….

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