MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Beatles vs Beach Boys

  • Jung Roe

    11/09/2020 at 05:19

    David that Beach Boys on Letterman was a great video, enjoyed it, thanks.  It was great to see Carl Wilson in it.  After the 60’s he kind of took over as the leader of the band and in many ways was the glue that kept the band creative and productive.  Too bad he passed away in 98 of cancer.  I’ve never seen Al Jardine’s son before.  He can sing pretty good, especially those highs.

    LOL, that nasal twang voice really drives you up the wall doesn’t it Jacki. 🙂  It seems it was a common trait of a few of the legendary country/folks male singers.

    Joe, in the 70s around the time of the movie Smoky and the Bandit, remember that black Trans Am that pretended to be fast, I got into some of the trucker songs.  Got a cassette with trucker songs by Merle Haggard, CW McCall and a host of other country singers.  I remember this was a big top 10 hit song on the radio that I liked.


  • Howard

    11/09/2020 at 05:46

    Surely you remember this one. LOL!

    Laurie Lingo & The Dipsticks – ‘Convoy G.B.’ (1976)

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/09/2020 at 06:01

    The Convoy song….by CW McCall..Love it, since I first heard it in the 70s, one of my fave car/truck theme songs of all time…my oldest bro went through owning a CB radio, and I got his CB and talked to a few  truckers back in the day ….

  • Jung Roe

    12/09/2020 at 02:18

    Here is an interesting Wings of Pegasus analysis on the Beach Boys musicianship going into the nuances of their guitar work and vocals.  Gives a real appreciation of their great musicianship and artistry in the studio.


  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/09/2020 at 18:37

    Dear MLT Club members,

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  • Jacki Hopper

    12/09/2020 at 18:44

    Thankyou Team MLT for your statement… Positivity MLTBuzzLuvGroovy Power Onwards… !!!!

  • Jung Roe

    12/09/2020 at 19:57

    Thank you Team MLT!  Thanks also for creating such a wonderful place to experience the joy of your music & creativity, and to share the passion for music and all things MLT with others  here.  It’s so awesome to see so many new members at the Club and forum.  🙂

  • Bill Isenberg

    13/09/2020 at 16:06

    Both Groups have made their mark in Music History in my book, filled with great song writing and talent. I do believe that their Music will go on and on. One thing with the Beach Boys is their Christmas Music, not Christmas unless I hear a Beach Boy Tune and with MLT music? They are a part of my Christmas Music in my household. With the music being said of going on and on? I honestly feel a lot of talent today will not have that mark in music history. I do believe Mona and Lisa will be with us for quite a long time due to their love and spirit and good decision making with their careers! Thank god for these talented ladies!!

  • Jung Roe

    14/09/2020 at 22:34

    Hi Bill, yeah the Beach Boys have a Christmas album.   While I haven’t listened to the album itself, Christmas was never the same without hearing their Little Saint Nick on the radio every Christmas time.  Also Halloween wouldn’t be the same without Monster Mash!  Maybe an MLT Halloween tune might be a fun idea one day.

    In that Wings Of Pegasus video review, I especially appreciated the mention of the greater demand and complexity it takes to sing great vocal lines while playing intricate guitar with completely different guitar line from the vocals which the Beach Boys and Beatles do so well, and it is something MLT do so well too!  I’m always immensely impressed when Mona sings/harmonizes with Lisa, while doing guitar, and switching back and forth with the harmonica and keeping rhythm with her foot on the wazinator so brilliantly!  Or many of Lisa’s intricate lead guitar work while singing so brilliantly at the same time.    I am sure many seasoned musicians would be challenged to just do one line super good, instrument or vocal, never mind 2, 3 or more simultaneously like MLT can, and do each so superbly.

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