• Beatley stories

    Posted by Jung Roe on 26/01/2021 at 05:27

    Who hasn’t been touched by the Beatles in one way or the other growing up.

    For me, three memories stand out.

    First, I was in elementary school, and they had a school play and one of the older kids, a girl and her guitar came up an played Let It Be.  I remember it sounded like church music and the girl sang like a nun.  It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard.  Years later when I grew a little older and knew more about the world, I learned the song was by a funny sounding group called the Beatles.  Always been one of my most fave Beatles songs.

    Second, I told this story here many times, but Yellow Submarine.   I just can’t get the joyful feeling out of my head when I hear this song of me and a school bus full of kids singing Beatles songs as loud as we could for a whole week.  Yellow Submarine was the most memorable of the songs, being a song Paul McCartney intended for a children’s album initially, certainly had a child’s appeal for the 25 or so grade 10 kids in the bus.

    Third, later in highschool when I started working part time I met a cool kid who was really into the Beatles.  I was a big Beach Boys fan by then so we exchanged a lot of stories.  One of the most memorable times was when he invited me over to his place, and we spent all day listening to the Beatles and talking about girls we liked.  He loved Michelle and Girl, and it was the few times I think I sang my heart out, except for Yellow Submarine and the bus.  I thought that deep inhaling part in Girl was kind of funny and cool.  I think that album must have been Rubber Soul!


    Do you have any Beatley stories you can share?   🙂





    Howard replied 3 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Tom Fones

    26/01/2021 at 06:27

    Well Jung,

    Yellow Submarine may have originally been for children,

    but i have heard that the Blue Meenies were definitely for Big Kids.

    You know Lennon.  He regularly had his face in the candy jar by then.

    Thanks for sharing.



  • David Herrick

    26/01/2021 at 16:00

    I wish I had some Beatley stories from my childhood, but somehow I managed to grow up Beatle-free.  They broke up when I was four years old, and my parents were already thirtyish and set in their musical ways when they first hit America.  Plus I had no older siblings or cousins or neighborhood friends, and I never talked music with my peers, so… no Beatles.

    I did unknowingly get some exposure through covers of their songs.  Sesame Street did Muppet versions of Yellow Submarine and Octopus’ Garden, and I heard a number of Beatle instrumentals on easy-listening radio.  But I knew nothing about the group other than the name, and that was due only to a passing mention on a Schoolhouse Rock cartoon.  I didn’t even know who John Lennon was when he was killed.

    Needless to say, I’ve caught up since then.  It started when I saw the film A Hard Day’s Night when I was in college, and the floodgates opened.



  • Tom Fones

    26/01/2021 at 16:29

    You came to the right place.

    The Twins put a fresh coat of paint on a lot of great stuff.

    Jung and everyone else are always coming up with something new.


  • Jacki Hopper

    27/01/2021 at 01:25

    How I discovered/was introduced properly to Beatles… I’ve stated on here somewheres before the story,  but here under this thread started by Jung, seems more appropriate/fitting…

    I’m forever indebted  to and happily blame both my 2nd oldest  bro and his Grade 5 Beatles  fan teacher… Between them both, I was in awe and discivered and enjoyed from the get go, properly, the 5 Ws of Beatles…lol.. thiugh I did hear them on radio but when you start listening to their albums on your own/with 2nd oldest bro, you see tgem in a whole  new light. Sure, some songs got my attention moreso than others because of the sound/instrumentation/lyrics alone  or a combo of all and some I didn’t  care for because of same reasons…. but it was when my bro’s Grade 5 teacher had  them up on gymnasium  stage doing the  array of Beatles gems, I think that’s  when the Beatles Bug bit me first and foremist, making way to tgen gearing tge albums via my bro… he and I share similar  music tastes while our older brother prefers mostly country….lol

    I’d like to say and take pride in the fact that I have a good ear for what I like in music , if it moves me, it’s a surefire thing…. Music, good  and properly done does indeed matter,  and for sure does make a difference, makes a statement, creates an impact and everlasting effect …☮????

  • Tom Fones

    27/01/2021 at 01:34

    Hi Jacki,

    i’m sorry.  The 5 W’s of the Beatles ?

    I don’t understand.

  • Howard

    27/01/2021 at 06:13

    Wondering if Jacki is referring to the infant school class of 5W, Thomas?

  • Tom Fones

    27/01/2021 at 16:43

    I’m being dense i guess. I still don’t get it.

  • Tom Fones

    27/01/2021 at 17:47

    David H. et al,

    I was 10 in 1964 when they hit it big.

    All those screaming teenage girls was a bit too much.

    Some of us in the 4th grade class we had our own lyrics.

    “I want to wring your neck”  &

    “well she was just 78, she really didn’t look that great,

      they way she looked – her face was beyond repair…

      I’d rather dance with my mother – wooooh – when i saw her standing there”

    Like i told the principal – i really wasn’t the instigator.

    Well i wasn’t the main instigator.

    Well OK maybe i was the main instigator but Carl Stang put me up to it.

    He was always getting me in trouble.



    • Howard

      28/01/2021 at 11:19

      Now you definitely weren’t alone here Thomas. I was two years ahead of you in my last year of infant school, in 1963, when I remember having my first reaction to the Beatles, sitting on the steps in the playground, singing:

      “She was just 17, you know what I mean, and the way she looked, was way beyond repair, and how could I dance with her mother, when I saw her fall through the floor”.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/01/2021 at 00:34

    My apologies, I thought people knew what the 5 W ‘s meant, … Who/What/ When/Where/Why… maybe it’s either a Canadian thing or a North American… Don’t feel bad for not knowing, I just had thought everyone was familiar  with the  ” 5 Was ” thing, alas, I was wrong ????

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/01/2021 at 00:37

    [postquote quote=121312][/postquote]
    Now Howard, I have no idea or clue what you meant by this…lol… Your turn to teach me what it means, so then I’ll know…lol

  • Tom Fones

    28/01/2021 at 00:48

    Jacki, Howard won’t respond until overnight from down under.

    Don’t feel bad about something not understood. We all are giving each other an education.

    Lockdown sucks!  Everybody stay strong.

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